(((Amy Schumer's))) Book Only Sells 36,000 Copies In First Week


So (((Schumer's))) new book, in which the publisher Simon & Schuster paid over $9 million to her to pen it, only managed to sell a meager 36,000 copies in its first week. The book is also getting slammed with negative reviews all over Amazon, calling it "An unfunny mess that lacks any real thought or feelings behind it."

But then wait there's more. Apparently Simon & Schuster is now saying that 170,000 copies were sold and that the book was "a huge success." So it sounds like the publisher is desperately trying to spin the numbers so it looks like the book did well.

Good fuck her

>paying someone to write a book

isn't this backwards?

This is just like with Ghostbusters. I hope this bitch goes bankrupt.

>you'll never have rough sex with pre-Hollywood famous Amy

Thank God.


So sad, /pol is lying again to advance it's pathetic white cis male agenda.

To wit: she sold 36k in hardcover AND 170k "across formats", meaning ebooks, etc.

Also, the negative reviews are in contrast with professional reviews. OP's link states "While critics liked the book, Internet trolls flooded Amazon with one-star reviews".

So no, the book was not poorly reviewed (trolls don't count) nor did the publisher lie about the sales figures.

OP is a faggot


Icelander here

Is she really considered attractive by Americans?

It's already at 40% off on book shelves here. You mean they just started selling it? lol