>literal cavemen when whitey arrived
>technology brought by European conquest improved quality of life and skyrocketed population growth
>bitch nonstop that da ebil white man destroyed everything they had while they chug listerine they bought with their welfare
Who else absolutely despises injuns aka tree niggers?
>stole the word hispanic and made it brown
op that's an italian
Natives were actually incredibly intelligent and cultured. I'm not saying "DURRR US EVIL WHITEYS" but ignoring this fact is retarded.
Nigga people have always had irrational hate boners for Native Americans. My grandfather was pure blood and basically told me that he started saying he was other ethnicities because peoples hatred for native Americans was so strong.
>literal cavemen when whitey arrived
Cavemen build structures that would put ancient Egyptians to shame did they? Cause Native Americans did.
>technology brought by European conquest improved quality of life and skyrocketed population growth
Yeah for white people. Euroshits brought diseases they were immune to with them that utterly annihilated native populations. If not for that, western colonization wouldn't have happened quite so quickly and easily.
>bitch nonstop that da ebil white man destroyed everything they had while they chug listerine they bought with their welfare
Can't explain this. Shit sucks for preservation natives. Crime and suicide is high as fuck. Would like to find some studies on why.
>Natives were actually incredibly intelligent and cultured.
Prove it.
>Cavemen build structures that would put ancient Egyptians to shame did they? Cause Native Americans did.
Leather tents put Egyptians to shame now?
algonquin tribes smelted copper
trade routes up the mississippi
mounds in Louisiana older than the pyramids
I live around a lot of them and there are a few reservations in my state.
Yes I fucking hate them.
>algonquin tribes smelted copper
So did the Egyptians.
>trade routes up the mississippi
>mounds in Louisiana older than the pyramids
How exactly do those put Egyptians to shame? There are mounds in France far older than the pyramids but there's nothing about them that put the pyramids to shame.
Most of them weren't cavemen. Insisting that they were at such a low development level is astoundingly ignorant of basic history.
Why don't you do some fucking research on Native Mayan and Mississippi civilizations before sweeping them under the rug as dumb cave people.
>leather tents
What are Moriscos?
Some were alright, most were disgusting savages though. You have to remember there were a lot of different tribes, they aren't all one people. Not back then at least.
Oh yes, the civilization that learned to stack stones by the time the Roman Empire had already fallen. So advanced.
They seem pretty cool to me.
Maybe you're a faggot.
Whites were evil though.
You can't find a Mohawk in NY anymore.
i was responding to your "prove it" remark, not the egyptian remark
posting more examples of my favorite leather tent designs
The Mississippian mound building culture.
They did better then niggers so I give them credit.
>Nearly killed all of them
b-but they are just a bunch of whiny babies
Neck yourself if you can't remove yourself from other's transgressions.
>They seem pretty cool to me.
Of fucking course someone who's never lived on this continent would say such a thing.
If they were so smart why didn't they get vaccinated for small pox?
more leather tents
Ooga booga we follow animals around for food as actual hunter gatherers
Beavers have been making dams before humans existed. Who the fuck cares about human who make piles of dirt?
From the day I was born till the day I die, I will thirst for red skin blood
>literal cavemen when whitey arrived
literally the words form a person that has no soul.
Fuck off because nature and clean water and society is more important than your misinformation and brain washed status.
some more leather tents
The listerine guzzling savages should have been fully wiped out when we had the chance. All they do now is get drunk as fuck all day, and turn everything they touch into absolute shit. Ever driven through a reservation? It looks like you just stepped foot in CHAD.
Fucking redskin savages just WANTUM HEAP BIG GOVERNMENT CHECK and shit themselves in the gutter.
Had Scandinavia been disconnected from the rest of the European world, they'd be in the exact same position as Native Americans.
Metallurgy, reading, writing, horse-riding, etc.
I mean, without all the conveniences of location in the pre-agricultural age, Europeans wouldn't have metal crowns; they'd have wooden ones or ones made of bones; they'd have no boats, they'd swim; without a writing system they'd be illiterate and have nothing written down, and they'd live in huts of cow shit and sticks (literally).
Theyre a reminder of what happens when you let too much of another race into your country.
>be indian
>whites come in.
>they promise to be peaceful.
>100+ years later
>trail of tears
>you are now a minority in your own country.
>guns and horses become part of their culture from day 1 because it makes killing each other easier
>can't figure out property ownership, agriculture or monogamy
yep. typical hunter gatherer method of getting food.
We were fucking each other up long before the palefaces ever got here. My tribe had to constantly deal with cannibals from the fucking North.
more examples of cavement
My tribe didn't even develop writing until the French came and gave it to them. This astounds me every time I think about it.
Sent from my voice to text Android device
I dislike a lot of natives but I understand that most of them come from fuck up homes. 90% of natives are scum but the other 10% are great people. Most reserves are shit holes that are money pits ran by corrupt chiefs.
Natives are better than niggers but only by a bit.
I don't think I've ever met one. I also grew up in the Boy Scouts with a lot of native 'lore' at play. So I'm undecided.
All things the Sumerians figured out thousands of years prior. You think this is impressive?
You want pics of plains Indians or nah you are fine being a strait up retard?
>Not even 1/4 of Rome's population
>White man had already built a larger city on the sea called Venice
Where they even trying ?
The Res is basically as bad as the projects for nigras.
I moved from the Res but still live close to my ancestral lands. I am one of the few dudes in my tribe who actually spends any time out in the swamp and wilderness that we used to haunt.
>European clothes
>European architecture
>mfw indjuns
Yeah I'm sure they forgot to go to the meeting where they told all civilizations about what the sumerians had already done
Jesus fuck man you're trying way too hard
>Larger than London at the time
>On a lake
>After only 200 years
They went from wandering nomads to the largest empire in the Americas. How can anyone else compete?
>Venice bigger than Tenochtitlan
Uh... what?
>mounds in Louisiana older than the pyramids
>mounds in Louisiana
>Have same amount of time as other races to build shit but even more resources
>Took forever to learn to stack rocks
>Same amount of time
Stop fueling the "American education" meme, faggot.
its the jews that caused the problem. first jewish arny arrived with those smallpox blankets. coincidence?
You're on a roll
unlike the indians
because the entire continent never managed to figure out the wheel
Oh yes of course, the stargates they built to reach the new world caused time dilation resulting in them arriving mere days before the Europeans with no resources, meaning they had to scrounge local materials to build new spaceships.
>smallpox blankets
Smallpox blankets are a myth.
>arrive in america, find out it is already populated
>genocide previous occupants
>scream shoah when white devils show up in big wooden ships
Not particularly. Just saying that they weren't nearly as low-level as people say.
I never said all Indians lived like that.
>Medieval Venice was larger than Tenochtitlan
wew lad
Venice had a population of about 150,000 around a century after Tenochtitlan collapsed.
At its peak, Tenochtitlan was five times larger than London at the time of Henry VIII.
I've pretty much knocked up every Cheyenne in Wyoming.
Breeding those prairie niggers out of existence.
There were wheels in Mesoamerica. They just didn't use them for transportation because they didn't have horses or cattle at the time.
I made a tree nigger of my country very angry. Also it was a sunday.
>we call this painting "Thank you white man"
>because they didn't have horses
Do you know WHY they didn't have horses, Sparky?
Native Americans were some of the few to actually settle down and begin their civilizations. Its already been pointed out multiple times in this thread, but look at the Aztecs as an example.
>conception of "0" centuries before Europeans
>advanced knowledge in mathematics and astronomy
>first civilization to make education mandatory
>made it possible for you to move up on the social pyramid
>constantly conquered neighboring tribes
>22 million people in just 2 centuries, after being complete nomads
Going around naked with only feathers covering their tiny dicks and sleeping in teepees is barely any better than being a caveman.
>advanced knowledge in mathematics and astronomy
What mathematics did they have that Europeans didn't at the time?
I guess we can add animal husbandry to the skills they were lacking
Never invented the wheel. They were stupid.
Horses aren't native to Mexico.
Anyone with an interest in prehistory knows why. The horses that existed in the New World had never seen humans before the arrival of the Natives. This differed from the situation of Eurasian horses, who had dealt with humans as a threat for millennia. When the first humans crossed into the Americas, the horses didn't know what to make of them, and the humans promptly ate most of the horses. Climate changes killed off the rest.
>some of the last few*
Once again, the conception of "0" centuries before Europeans, and accurate calendars even by today's standards.
>Discover wheel
>Build cart
>No large animal to pull it
What's the fucking point? They knew about the wheel, but had no real use for it. They built a fucking city on a lake bigger than Londan, it's clear they weren't dumbasses and still advanced properly.
I already mentioned how they didn't live like that.
Thats the Aztecs capital right?
>>No large animal to pull it
Not only can you use wheels for carts, you can also use it for smaller things like wheelbarrows and similar.
And I'm pretty sure large land animals existed that could have been domesticated with a bit of effort.
you killed us... That did not improve our living standards, you killed almost all of us off. Quit bitching about refugees "invading" your homeland. That same thing happened to us way before you guys.
Some linear algebra used in temple calculations.
I don't want to get involved in the superiority debate, I'm more interested in history of mathematics.
It's usually overstated though and we're really unsure of a lot of things because of how much was lost when the Europeans swept through. There's some intriguing ideas about what quipu were used for and how they worked but they're a little too speculative right now.
It's more fair to point out that they (here I'm referring to mesoamericans) were at about parity with most of the world for most of their history, with the major exception being what happened in Europe starting around the beginning of the 1600s.
Those retards couldn't even invent the horse?
The Aztecs weren't really a singular civilization and didn't really have a capital, it was one of the three cities that essentially served that role though.
but we gave you guys alchohol so we're all good right :^)
They definitely had domesticated animals. They had dogs, turkeys, guinea pigs, Llamas, Alpacas, ducks, and possibly stingless bees and cochineals.
I prefer almond joy myself.
The closest thing they had to a capital.
I was close....
I believe the correct term is Corn Nigger
>you killed us...
1. Not our fault the bacteria came with us.
2. Not our fault you were too weak and stupid to put up a proper fight.
Extending credit fucked up the tribes more than the fire water did.
Also, brb drink.
I tell people on Sup Forums this all the time but Natives were the true redpilled.
>No telejew indoctrinating children
>No interjew to feminize men
>No private property jew to create corporatism and the permanent serf class system
>Nature was held sacred and preserved for all Native children to see the beauty given to us by God
>A words man meant something, and honesty wasn't bastardized by the conatract jew nd loopholes
>White barbarians come over, and bring niggers
>They fill the air with pollution and treat their fellow countrymen like shit
Fast-forward a few hundred years
>Natives are few and far between.
>Their culture, land, and even blood have been taken from them
Natives were the true traditionalists, and were therefore the truly redpilled.
>large animals that could have been domesticated
Not in the Aztec's region, and not anywhere near their timeline.
Sure they existed, but they weren't Mexico. When the first Europeans arrived in Mexico with their horses, the natives confused them with deer.
Llamas were domesticated down in South America by the natives, so its not like they weren't capable of doing so.
Also, the largest pyramid in the world is in Mexico, and countless other pyramids. They did just fine without the wheel on a large scale, especially when you take into account the time they accomplished these things in.
I live around Washington and I can tell you the Indians around here are fucking lazy, greedy fucks.
Each one from the local tribe gets 2000 dollars a month just for fucking existing. They get free healthcare for life as well. They're encouraged not to work and just produce babies and they are assholes to anyone who isn't part of the tribe.
Pay reparations Pale Face.
Or else curse with many bad magic.
All fancy ways of saying they lacked the intellectual capacity to compete with superior civilizations.
No. Many of our extended families were and are still being hit hard by alcohol. Hell, out in the villages here in Alaska, the stuff is banned because it encourages the breakdown of what society we have.
>Cavemen build structures that would put ancient Egyptians to shame did they? Cause Native Americans did.
So it took them 3000 years longer to make the same shit the Egyptians did?
Kek'd and Check'd
Fuck you buffalo nigger. We won, you lost. We were and are better and you are not. You can leave the fucking country along with the shitty new immigrants if you're going to continue to complain.
"Us" says the idiot with 1/32 Indian ancestry.
Lol, shut up man. Any shamanism is limited to simply dreaming, and how it affects our temperament. We're not the damn schizoid mexicans, we know what's real and what is not.
The vast majority of the conquering process in central and south america took the form of inter-tribal warfare that the Spanish were able to piggyback onto, not Spanish vs natives.
It takes a special sort of ignorance to try to claim that the Europeans weren't more technologically developed than the Amerindians, but it's also disingenuous to ignore tremendously high casualty rates due to disease and the extent to which the Spanish were subsumed into pre-existing local politics.
Militarily the Spanish were by no means dominant. Much of their doctrine and equipment was quickly swapped out with what the natives had because it was superior for the conditions under which they were operating.
There is a reason why the settlement of the Americas looks nothing like what happened in Africa, India, or Asia.
Anything that generalizes over "Natives" is probably going to be either wrong or useless.