Trump BTFO again.
Goldman Sachs BANS employees from donating to Trump
Telling people what not to do is only going to make them want to do it more
no chance thats legal
Murica land of the free...
Can your employer take action against you on the basis of your political affiliation? I thought not.
Their Sachs are going to be sore once Trump is done with them
yes they can, it's not a protected category such as race or sex
that being said, you don't have to tell your employer who you donate to or support
but implying any of the kikes that work at goldman sachs aren't already scheming to put hillary in the white house
>((Goldman Sachs))
>The firm says the rules were meant to remove any implication of so-called “pay to play.”
>At the same time, the rules do not restrict donations to Clinton-Kaine
Have we finally made the full transition to bizzaro world?
This would become a lawsuit in most cases, but because GS has more wealth than God, no employee will dare to sue.
Thanks. It looks like New York has some protections, but nothing Goldman cannot squirrel around, I expect.
They're scumbags, I agree.
Bump the shit out of this and spread if real, even the dumbest person knows who this is and hates them.
If they are going this far, he is def. doing something right.
>Goldman Sachs
>donates tons to Clinton
>will fire/reprimand anyone donating to Trump
Truly causes one to ponder
But...won't this backfire and make Trump look better to like 75% of the country?
98% of the pop (2% jews). the fact that the goldman-sachs headquarters isn't a smouldering ruin is proof that US has lost its way.
Things like this make me feel like they're giving the election to Trump. Hillary is disgustingly unlikable, and Jews love their reverse psychology.
Donations are public record
tl;dr illegal Jewery is unconstitutional.
Lawyer fag here; user, that's what us woke Volk in the legal world call an "unlawful prior restraint" which burdens a fundemental right, e.g., the right to conduct ones own commerce. (((They))) cannot enforce the policy without loads of exposure.
Totally unconstitutional; muh government couldn't do it, let alone a shit-tier corporation. Totally BTFO
who is going to sue?
nobody has enough money to sue Goldman Sachs except the government and we know that this administration is not going to sue GS over bans on donating to Trump.
The individual employes would have standing to sue if they donated and were penalized or subject to reprisals and could either allege harassment or if removed file for wrongful termination.
Lost salaries, suffering, etc., plenty of enterprising lawyers. Case would settle out of court, probably with an NDA.
#loserdrumpf is at it again. Can he do anything right? Can he even get a SINGLE top globalist to support his campaign? My god this is pathetic.
Its already happening.
Its #2 trend on Facememe right now and people are starting to go "Well Trump sucks but if Goldman Sachs wont let their employees donate to him I guess he's not as corrupt as Hillary" and this will only make the poll comeback even sweeter.