Haha! Drumpf BTFO'd!

Haha! Drumpf BTFO'd!

We're definitely going to miss her, she's a great comic and a funny feminist.

Amy Schumer: 'I will leave the country if Donald Trump is elected President'

That's it, I'm moving to Canada too.

please stop moving to canada you fucking leftists REEEEEEE

please leave

i'll miss (((her)))
>Schumer's father is Jewish and her mother, who was born Protestant, converted to Judaism.[12][4][13] Schumer was raised Jewish and experienced antisemitism as a child.[14][15][16]

How come live-action Miss Piggy doesn't want to move to Mexico?

Why the fuck do these celebrity shitbags think that announcing their intention to leave the country matters to the average person?

>im rich im famous and im gonna leave the country if my candidate loses!!

Okay, then fucking leave.

I will start drinking that piss water that is bud light at sports events again if amy schumer leaves the country

literally who?

isn't it difficult to immigrate into another country, unless you have worthwhile skills?

Israel would surely welcome her but pork isn't kosher.

She should move to mexico. They love pinche gueras that are also gordas. Jajajajjajajajajajajajajajaja

Why do annoying people think we'll miss them?

Can't wait for my fucking leaf flag

ur country is already cucked, its part of the plan. All the leftists go to canada(east canada) west based canada joins american union. Later on we annex east bc no army to stop us. Then we just commit genocide against the sjw


You're just land to them.

If they respected national cultures they'd vote Trump.

lol Canada is the world's refuge for commie-tier SJW leftists

>implying Canada isn't just another US state
for Gods sake man stop that meme

So when she doesn't agree with something she has a temper tantrum? Typical.

Don't come to Brazil, please.

Reminded me I need to make THAT thread

Thats what happens when you leafs provoke the almighty kek and use meme magic for bantz...

>Amy Schumer will leave the country if Trump wins
As if I needed another reason to vote for him

I don't think they'll like her there, last I heard Muslims don't like pigs

What's the downside here?

I wasn't even going to vote, but if it means getting rid of this slag you bet your ass I'll vote.

american leftists fleeing trump are kindly advised to go somewhere other than canada. we don't want you.

if you do finally end up in canada, stick to southern ontario so no true canadians are affected.

I was on the fence about Trump. He had decent things going for him. I defintly prefered him over Hillary. But now I really want trump to win. Fuck Amy Schumer. I can't stand that cunt. I hope she fucking leaves.

How is this a threat? Seems like this would drive votes to Trump.

What's Trump going to do after he drives all the rich job creators out of the country?

sounds like a win win situation

Good take your gun grabbing relatives with you

please take every schmuck in hollywood.

That's reason alone to vote for him.

That was a little too fast. The curse is real.

People don't like her in europe. She plans to go to spain, an even whiter country than the US. Typical leftist.

Why doesn't she go to mexico, to south america to africa to middle east and live? What's the problem Amy you love people from those places, oh i forgot, you're not the one that gets to live right next to loads of them.

Why do Americans assume we would let them in? We look down on Americans. Get on with the times, get free healthcare and our perception might change.

shes going to make it a joke, and just go on vacation and come back

>We look down on americans, get free healthcare
>Doesn't mind achmed and company.

The fuck is Amy Schumer?

One more reason to vote for Donald.

Pls no. I live right on the border of southern Ontario. That place is already pozzed and its spilling over.

Fwiw southern Ontario was awesome 25 years ago. Feels bad man.

Don't worry leaf, there's not enough room in Canada for her wide ass

As if anyone else wants yet another unfunny media jew.

These people are like forced memes IRL.


Didn't her book just bomb?

She better move to middle class Mexico neighborhood

Good. Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya, you dirty kike pig-whore

why do liberals run away from their problems

It wrote a book? Was it called "No matter how much I talk about my cesspool that is a vagina, nobody likes me?"

>she's a funny feminist

Now I REALLY wan't Trump to win

Why do the fucking lefties all want to leave to Canada? Move to fucking Mexico if it's so fantastic.


She's a celebrity, and bad ass feminist. Weed man will welcome her with open arms.

Because the majority (if not all) liberals are lazy, spoiled pussies that can't do shit by themselves, so they want the government to cuddle them.

so she's supporting trump

Omg trump needs to win!!

I heard she's planning for Spain



Stop that.

trump hired amy schumer for his campaign

Spam her twitter with this photo.

Call her a dirty piggy too.

Don't worry user. They will all just got Toronto and Vancouver like the rest. Nothing to worry about


Oh man, I'm definitely voting Trump.

>implying they can even get in by the time Trump's first term is over
lel, unless their refugees, good luck getting in under 4 years. Even rich europeans and chinese have to wait 3 years on average

Bye, Amy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

she can go to Israel.

Suddenly even mexican-americans are voting trump.

>Fuckin' SAVED!

>I'll be fappin my ass of to that, tonight!

>Thanks, user!

How can you escape the SJW shit in Canada? Even Montreal is starting to get overrun by these faggots. Is there any refuge left?

Looks like my ex

Try leaving the city for once idiot. Take a trip up to a cottage town or somewhere up north.

dont let the door hit you on the way out BECAUSE WE DONT WANT ASS MARKS ON OUR BIG BEAUTIFUL DOOR

post pics

I really hope Trump doesn't win, the amount of cucky Americans who have said they are moving to the UK is huge. We already have a massive population of cucks to deal with without all the extra ones pouring in.


Later, Pigjew!

Don't worry, we'll ship your BBC dildo collection to you... no need to stop and grab them!

She is ugly inside and out. Sad.

Prosperous white land*

They think they don't care about it but they do.

You can't complain when we got Piers Morgan from you fucks.

great we can finally feed all the homeless ppl with the extra food

He just won the election


>We're definitely going to miss her

said no one

the cancer cleans itself

take your stolen jokes with you, you fat cunt

Pretty much thisHaliburton Highlands, and Algonquin Highlands. Pure white man country. Many small and medium towns. No social services there, so no white trash, shitskins nogs.

Are capital cities are like every other countries capital cities. Ultra liberal, Dumping ground for immigrants, full of crime and violence

Take Uncle Chuckie with you

Why do rich liberals always threaten to move to WHITE countries if they don't get their way?

Do they think there's something wrong with countries run by NIGGERS or BEANERS or MUSLIMS?




fuck off we're full

[–]Taylor814 [+10]MAGA[M] [score hidden] 2 hours ago* stickied comment

Friendly reminder that Amy (((Schumer))) is one of the spokespeople for Bud Light's election-themed ad campaign this year.

The campaign is designed not to ostracize any segment of the population, so it is apolitical by design.

If you think, as I do, that Bud Light deserves a better spokesperson who doesn't inject politics into their work, feel free to contact Anheuser Busch directly here.

I won't tell you to spread this around so other centipedes see it. That would be wrong to encourage you to do such a thing.

I wonder if they enjoy getting customer feedback on their customer service line? 1-800-DIAL BUD (342-5283). Not encouraging you to blow up their phones, that would be wrong...

wtf I'm voting trump now


>she's a great comic and a funny feminist

THAT may just be the funniest thing I've heard this week!

you dont have a choice. your taking our liberals and our black people and our beaners. they are your problem after november. you dont get to tell americans no.

we are kobe bryant and you are just some slut who works at the hotel

>her mother, who was born Protestant
kek nice try shiksa

>she even steals the moving to canada joke

Is she supporting Trump, or really just that stupid. Saying something like "I will make 10 more movies this year if Trump wins." is more of an actual threat.

I love how all these leftists who masturbate to their own "anti-racism" would flee to canada, but not mexico.

US is going to get rid of some of it's most irritating cunts in one swoop.

All the more reason to get out the vote for Trump.

anyway, I'm sure they'll be back in five minutes when they realize their showbiz careers will flounder in 5 minutes outside of LA/NYC

Canada should close its borders and force these sjw's to move to mexico once Trump wins