She's 103 Sup Forums


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poor senile dear.. bless her little heart

I bet ruline thinks Clinton is a giant cunt

Whoa she's old, that means she matters!

That worked wonders for us and I'm sure it'll be awesome to you too!

You wouldn't vote for Trump and disappoint a 103 year old woman, would you Sup Forums?

Fuck that old cunt. She'll die after she tries to fuck us

Really heart warming stuff

At least this woman will die knowing she helped Hillary win and accomplish such a marvelous necessity

Then trump will win 2 weeks later



Remember that time a black woman ran for president in 1972 and the Democratic Party did everything they could to sabotage her?

Shirley Chisholm is probably pretty pissed hearing about how hilldawg is the first woman candidate.

That lady looks a lot heather then Hillary.

I wonder how much she hates the jews.

>inb4 she dies a week before election day

I hope ruline dies before November

so she is voting jill stein?

Hopefully she dies before November

This is why women weren't allowed to vote.


>along with hillary

>Ruline (((Steininger)))

How is it every single fucking time, Sup Forums?

And she still manages to cast her vote.


that's fucking crazy dude, this woman has been around since the days of fucking woodrow wilson

>born in 1913
>women couldn't vote
>neither could newborns

So pretty soon we'll have dems fighting to lower the voting age, won't we?
>Keith was born in 2006
>back then, he couldn't vote at 13
>now he can, and he's voting democrat this november 2020 election!

>yfw she outlives hill

that's if trump is president.
to prevent this from happening, vote conservative tho

Only Sup Forums would wish death upon a 103 year old woman.

What would happen if Trump identified as female?

When i was born I couldn't vote either. What's her point?

>We want the centenarian vote.

inb4 she dies before november

Did men have the universal right to vote in 1913?

wait a minute is president trump getting a sex change?

We must meme her a heart attack.

Dems avoid obvious logic and truths.

They would call you sarcastic and try to get you fired from your workplace.

>always gotta be careful

>Did men have the universal right to vote in 1913?

Blacks weren't able to vote till 1965.

The American Indians didn't even become citizens till 1924.

>b-but shitting out an infant on our side of the border is all it takes for a Mexican to vote, goy!

Being a warm body is all that it takes to vote in most of the heavily mexican areas of the country, so yeah, anchor babies do basically give them a vote.

>Blacks weren't able to vote till 1965.
1870 actually

lets meme this bitch into the ground

I see that even after 103 years women are still politically retarded.

its not 1913

I don't understand how someone could be born before and live after the Soviet union and still vote for leftists.


The old bitch was exempt from fighting in war. Pussy pass has drawbacks and benefits.


You've completely convinced me, friend

I'm now a #Clintoris


Ruline you're fired.

She looks healthier than hillary

>using woman as an adjective

so a some spoiled soft cunt that probably hasn't really done anything has an opinion on something?

>An Assembly of Women


Things were better then

she's a woman she probably doesnt even know what the soviet union is

Polio and all that. good times.

kek wills it

Her days are numbered. She will die before the election


>Phyllis Schlafly dies before she could vote for Trump, but this dumbass woman gets to vote for Clinton

Holy shit, she's fucking gross

wait, which one?


kek will decide in his wisdom

Ruline never knew what is was like to not vote because she turned 21 in 1931, some years after the 19th Amendment was ratified. No baby or child has ever gotten to vote.

You have to be 21 to vote down there? What's wrong with your country lmao 21 to drink and vote yet a 17 year old can go carry a rifle in Baghdad.

The voting age right now is 18 but might have been 21 back then.

anyone got the pic of the WWII vet that voted Brexit?


come on meme magic, this seems like a piece of cake. Summon kek on this.

Oh ok.. here it's dangerous to go alone.


dead before november

If repeating numbers this old hag wont make it to the election

Pretty sure Susan B Anthony didn't fight for women's suffrage just so they could throw heir votes away on some bitch like Shillary

It's okay, sweetie, dead people can vote in Chicago


>poor senile dear

Who, Hillary?

> sieg

Another one bites the dust!

Who will die first?

Do women really vote for big gov? Or just whatever is popular?

praise kek
dank be his memes

they'II both die on the same day, the day its announced that Trump actuaIIy won the eIection not HiIIary

Praise Kek!

>Shirley Chisholm

"Unbought & unbossed"

This black lady would have probably voted Trump over Clinton.

Praise kek indeed my friend