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Can we put cotton plantations in the backyards of those segregated housing units?
Very progressive! I think they should have their own water fountains too.
Nuke us
And stores
>not having to live with niggers
Oh nice.
I wonder if they realize what they are doing exactly before it's implemented.
Know what
Black students are too good for white school
Let's give them their own schools too
Exactly, they can raise money doing what they're naturally good at.
It's a good feel when Jim Crow's coming back as a result of liberal faggotry instead of "oppression" which it never was anyway.
this is great news, we should encourage it
It's fucking hilarious how niggers have come full circle.
So, segregation? Didn't they just finish fighting to end that a couple decades ago?
>...and if a football player is your childs roll model (aka role model) ..
uh lol wtf?
what did he mean by this??
my school actually has a residence hall for faggots, spics, nignogs, etc. but it's optional and only really weird people live there.
as long as you make it a sport
Why don't black kids just go to black universities if they want to be surrounded by black people? I don't understand this.
Holy fuck. It's coming full circle. We are going to have separated bathrooms now. There will be signs on restaurant windows that read "no whites allowed".
Hell, it's even an offence to use "he/she" pronouns, now.
This is the death of straight, white men.
How the fuck do we stop this.
Niggers are the beasts of the earth, and those who love them should be put to death.
systematic, institutionalized white racism strikes again
All we need now are some gas chambers and we're all set!
Segregated communities were made for safe spaces.
It's fucking hilarious. You can't make this shit up.
now we know why ITT Tech is gone. BAKA.....niggers
cotton is not difficult to grow, though probably very difficult in canada. buy some seeds, throw them around.
They'll stop themselves once all the whites leave.
They come here from Africa, we move to Africa, watch their tears as North America is razed to the ground by themselves. Then they'll blame us whites for leaving even though they told us to leave. There is no logic with these people, only stupidity.
all white schools when?
This. We should encourage them
Nice Brad Pepe
How can be possible this level of retard?
>liberals bringing back segregation
actually pretty funny.
Hooray! After their ancestors fought dogs, clubs and fire hoses to get rid of it, segregation is back!
What the fucks a microaggression?
>What the fucks a microaggression?
ooga booga white people are mean
Found the pro sports cuck. Enjoy paying for the privilege to watch huge BBC in tight pants faggot.
They created it in the first place lol
pretty much everything you do is offensive to someone and you must apologize and stop doing it immediately.
An example that makes laugh is when a Japanese person praises a foreigner's ability to use chopsticks well.
For the mentally ill, it bears the implication that as a non-Japanese, they wouldn't/couldn't be good at it.
tl;dr - anything that justifies the constant rage some people have to live with.
Guys, we're not going far enough. They need their own side of town.
>Manchild who is good at playing ball games
>A model of morality, intelligence, maturity, moderation, or literally anything except throwing a ball
That'll be hilarious. Go to bathroom. Go into the one that says whites only. Obviously it was cheaply built with very little water but it's really clean. Look into the black bathroom just out of curiousity. Marble floors that have been shattered. Once nice toilets broken and not flushing right. Two black guys are having sex with each other on the floor. "Hey whitey stop watching us you faggot and get out!"
It's actually best Steve Jobs Pepe
A microagression is an invisible insult, one that you don't realize is demeaning to others. In fact, usually nobody but the person offended can notice a microagression. The microagression is like the Freudian unconscious or God: you can never prove or disprove its existence, so you have to take it on faith that someone else actually found what you did or said offensive. You can never stop yourself from microagressions, because your invisible privilege, which you also cannot observe or prove, causes you to make microaggressions.
Microagressions thus combine political correctness with the best of anti-empiricist cult practices.
like this?
Make sure clinton or johnson dont win
5 star post user.
no I just meant the way he worded it, the redundancy was hilarious
why did he say
>roll model (aka role model)
and not just
>role model
I don't get it, is it because I don't watch sports?
>it's not racism when we do it voluntarily!
>idolize MLK and what he did
>demand segregation
He's mocking someone's incorrect spelling.
MLK would curse the blacks, praise the oens who arent niggers, then go to canada
Identity politics is NECESSARY.
>"Ugh, another white girl asked to touch my afro today. I'm so fucking sick of these microaggressions."
>"Oh my god, I saw another white kid with dreadlocks today. Unbelievable. He was even wearing a shirt with a rastafarian flag."
>"This white boy asked me if I listen to Kendrick Lamar today, typical racist."
It's basically what people that have never experienced real oppression complain about when they fill the empty void that is their personality with perpetual victim-hood.
Finally moving in the right direction. Can we get them separate restaurants and drinking fountains, too? I hear whitey's racism spreads like germs
how about we give them a state where they can all move to!
>Do your best to treat someone well
>Nigger chimps out anyway, ignoring your efforts
It's supposed to have just ended at their loss, but we've changed for the worse.
Is this a sign that society has finally go insane?
>Progressivism has gone so far left it has come out on the far right
I hate you guys so much. Storm fags and SJW's will ruin this country by tearing it apart when they're literally just a reflection of each other. Fucking christ, why can't people just behave?
>Ancestors fought against segregation and literally died for it for nothing
God damnit man.
Well done lel
Maybe the should have their own sections on public transportation, only to shield them against the microaggressive whites.
thank you user. the moar u know
>mfw the black side goes to shit and no white people to blame.
>>Progressivism has gone so far left it has come out on the far right
congrats, you just independently developed Horseshoe Theory
>: Is this it? This is what I got all those ass-whoopings for? I had a dream once. It was a dream that little black boys and little black girls would drink from the river of prosperity, freed from the thirst of oppression. But lo and behold, some four decades later, what have I found but a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good-for-nothing niggers? And I know some of you don't want to hear me say that word. It's the ugliest word in the English language, but that's what I see now: niggers. And you don't want to be a nigger, 'cause niggers are living contradictions! Niggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions! Niggers wax and wane, niggers love to complain! Niggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain! Niggers love being another man's judge and jury! Niggers procrastinate until it's time to worry! Niggers love to be late, niggers hate to hurry! Black Entertainment Television is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life! Usher, "Michael Jackson" is *not* a genre of music! And now I'd like to talk about "Soul Plane". I've seen what's around the corner, I've seen what's over the horizon, and I promise you, you niggers won't have nothing to celebrate. And no, I won't get there with you. I'm going to Canada.
>P-please shield us from these "microaggresions" :'-(
Why not just give them their own country? Preferably Liberia.
Funny enough, niggers can mean all the lazy shits off our country. It's a poetic speech
That was actually Thomas Jefferson's plan in his Notes on Virginia: immediately free all slaves born after the passage of the new law, educate them at state expense in useful arts, arm and equip them, and send them forth into the continent to found their own nation somewhere else in North America. Jefferson believed that slavery was wrong but that integration was never possible: whites could mix peacefully with Indians, but blacks and whites were simply incompatible.
All black countries do just fine.
And Lincoln wanted to kick the niggers back to Africa after ending slavery. So many opportunities wasted.
They will find a way to blame ol whitey. They always do
Hi rest of world, believe it or not, here's the deal. Most colleges here have admissions requirements - I went to a pretty shit school, but you had to be in the top 10% of your high school class to get accepted. So if you imagine a nice high school in the burbs vs. the standard inner city shithole, you are going to have quite the discrepancy in the quality of those top 10%. But in they go, because muh diversity.
We could probably start a thread just on hilarious experiences people have had watching these kids try to keep up with a normal 200 level class, but I don't know if it's hilarious or sad desu.
Essentially they are nowhere near the level of kids from nicer areas, they can't keep up for shit academically, and they pretty much want a place they can stop pretending to be smart and be around other inner city morons.
Probably a better solution would be to stop pretending that some kid from southside chicago has anywhere near the preparation to keep up with kids from $40k/year prep/lab schools.
My life as a black person would be so different if that had happened
Japan why are you always the coolest poster on this board. Perfect explanation
also checked
I really don't care. Your kind are like fleas.
Fuck you, you fucking leaf, but Im also aware of the shit some of my people do
Gave me a nice chuckle, but seriously this
Nigger, it's most. Aren't something like 92% of black babies born to single mothers?
Why are canadian either carl the cuck tier sjws or full blown stormfags. Do moderate canadians even exist?
>some of my people do
it's more than some; 13% of the population commits over 55% of the violent crime
No thats mixed babies. The other 8% are born from wm/bf
Ah, didn't see that.
It's fucking's like why everyone gives women shit because they can't make Ranger school. Why are they in fucking Ranger school in the first place?
They have no chance of succeeding unless you lower the standards, and really I think we can all agree that lowering standards to protect feelings is really probably best for everyone in the long haul.
Ah. My mistake. The real number is closer to 70% right? Still horrible, but a marked improvement.
I've heard so many bullshit complaints since I moved here, that one always sticks out. Nice to see those people burn out and strap on 30kg before going home when they realize no one cares.
Try again.
Niggers are fucking idiots, holy shit man
Considering how much they love guns, they sure get....triggered a lot.
I'll be here all night faggots.
Yeah its 72%
Meh. We can take advantage of their idiocy to reinstate segregation.
fucking niggers
That's already happening when people complain about gentrification.
What about nano-agression ? Huh ?
Rly mks u think.
about a thousand to a micro aggression