Being left is redpilled
Being left is redpilled
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Israel is our greatest ally.
Not the globalist jew faggots, but nationalist Israelis.
some faggots aren't able to make this distinction
What you don't want the Jews all in one place?
>Implying Isreal is the problem and not the ultra Elite trying to get you to hate a group of people.
Remember this, Soro's dislikes Israel as well, think about it.
yet people will still tip their right wing fedoras at eachother for their jew hatred...sad
But Israel is good, it's Jews living in non-Jewish countries that are the problem.
>a Jew hating Jew
It's the perfect cover, goyim
The Jews are only a problem because they don't have a nation. Israel and letting the Jews develop a national culture is the only other solution to the Jewish question besides anudda shoah
Being pro Israel is the ultimate redpill, all jews over there are conservative and mostly based.
The liberal atheist jewish diaspora needs to be pogromed and shot in every country.
no zionist are just as much a problem as globalist. zionist faggots pushed for every one to take refugees just so the jews in those countries would have to return to israel
the globalist went along with it because they want open boarders because they dont understand how economies actually work and that every country in the west will be financially ruined by the locust as they continue to flood in. doesnt matter if your talking beaner locust or kebab locust its all the same
rely med me fink
There's a huge difference between a Jewish state that kills muslims, and the global elite Jews everyone dislikes
>the globalists don't understand
>still falling for the satire
that's a meme and everybody on that picture is a meme, kikes deserve to die
Actually, they are exactly the same. The Jews use Israel as a safe staging grounds to manipulate the world from. It's their globalist fortress.
right slows degeneracy left quickens it yep still like those on the right
>what is the haavara agreement
there is literally nothing wrong with israel
>Bernie Sanders is Jewish
pick one.
If the United States ended dual citizenship, how many people would stay in Israel?
>Globalist fortress
>Yet the Globalists dont reside there.
The Rothchilds are the ones who helped found Israel, yet dont live there.
Soro's dosent live there.
None of the elite globalists live there user.
Its all a ploy.
>anti Israel
Sup Forums loves also enemies of Israel like Assad, and hates Israel-lovers like Hillary and Sarkozy
Nice cherrypicking tho
Love me some jews.
Yeah goyz lets just let them have a whole country they don't deserve, that will show them!
a lot of those do exist
Except jewish globalists don't live in Israel and actively attempt to undermine the Israeli state by funding anti-Israeli movements and even terror/armed groups.
Globalists live in the USA for the most part, and in west-European capitals to a lesser extent.
Many leftists and progressives do the same thing with the United States but that doesn't make our whole country evil
>hate Israel
>still suck communist Kike cock
wow ur soo le redpilled
Israel isn't actually that Jewish.
>hate Israel
>vote for a literal Jew
oh im laffin
> actively attempt to undermine the Israeli state
If powerful jews really wanted Israel to cease to exist, it would happen overnight
the whole "akthually we are also all nationalism including israeli one" is just a very silly attempt at hiding their hypocrisy
Zinoists oppose all nationalists except themselves.We should be supporting Arab nationalists in the fight against globalism
what has israel actually done for the us? i know that people say that they are a bastion of western civilisation in the middle east, fair enough, but doesn't the us pour massive amounts of money directly into israel? shouldn't they get something directly back?
Agreed, we need to unite with the Islamic World.
Its why I support Syrian refugees in my local community.
I don't support giving anyone foreign aid, but if the Jews can survive on their own there why don't they deserve it?
> Nigel "No more poles, we want Pakis!" Faraga
> White Supremacist
You are delusional
US "aid" to Israel is actually a big sham and part of the globalist kike military industrial complex.
The aid itself is only 1% of Israel's GDP and 11% of their defense budget, but it's all spent on US defense contractors and sent back into the American economy. It's a cycle meant to help the military industrial complex.
You're lucky user, Sweden's gov is redpilled anti-Kike. Pic related
Why'd he make that Iran deal?
I dunno, Bernie Sander's daughter didn't convert to Judaism and then raise her children to be Jewish.
Made that easier for you, nigger.
>nationalist Israelis
the only group on earth more brainwashed and arrogant than average americans
>Assuming strong currency inherently = good
High school student detected
Israel must continue to exist, not because we love jews, but because Israels existence is the best argument for a homogeneous white christian homeland.
>The jews get to have a purely jewish society, so why cant gentiles?
It will happen one day, and israel will play a massive role in it.
> assuming I don't like all three
> Israel is created in 1948
> White homelands start to erode in 1965
More like the other way around, the presence of Israel has coincided with peak jewish power and multiculturalism in the West
>falling for the left vs right meme
end your life
Arabs are too stupid to be relevant in any fight. Have you seen any of the Arab League summits, how they treat each other? It's below kindergarten level. Gaddafi warned the other dictators that they would be next after Saddam, in a rather incoherent speech. They all laughed at him. Behind the scenes they were all trying to undermine each other and weaken their neighbours for no real reason other than petty rivalry between dictators with the mental development of a 3 year old with down syndrome.
Anti-Israel = pro Jewish diaspora in western nations
Pro-Israel = anti Jewish diaspora in western nations
Left vs Right is not a meme, it simply means "political alignment"
In 1800s it was monarchists vs anti-monarchists
In 1900s it was republicans vs anti-republicans
In the Cold War it was communists vs anti-communism
And in the 2000s it means nationalists vs anti-nationalists
What a childish way of viewing politics
Unfortunately they stole some palestinian lands, acting like terrorists., Greet.
please go bluepilled kike lovers.
obama is not anti-israel
Why it is childish?
Such aligment is found through the conflicts and civil wars that played during the last 2 centuries
the fact that you wanna be "le ebin smart moderate" does not deny the fact that you can't win a war without a side supporting you
As Lenin said in 1920 "You are either for us or against us"
when hussein was found, the media claimed that he had u.s. money. i guess that's propaganda?
I agree even though most of Sup Forums won't.
Stfu fag everyone but me must learn
jon stewart does not oppose israel
>ever being redpilled
Niggas are more blue than a cop's uniform.
I'm not a supporter of Israel, however I do acknowledge that Islam is the immediate threat, pretend to be on Israel's side, wipe out the muds and then stab Israel in the back in an ironic twist of fate.
Gtfo blue pilled anti semite
>Except jewish globalists don't live in Israel and actively attempt to undermine the Israeli state by funding anti-Israeli movements and even terror/armed groups.
except they don't. do you have any idea how much power zionist jews wield in the usa? israel would not even exist if it weren't for globalists living in other countries.
Dutch are stupid
You know nothing of history and the fact that you lack any sort of nuance and simplify things to such an extent so your fibble little mind can understand it only makes me regret even replying to your shit comment.
I am scoffing as I type this. You are a rube.
Please have cancer conspiracy nut
> most of pol
they actually did conquer a lot of territory using military means and still are (after ww2)
that's a fact , not Sup Forums
>Sup Forums claims to hate jews who are greedy and siphon all the money and control everything, 40 years ago they got 60% of the wealth, now they get 99% of it
>but to be contrary to the left, thinks they should get even more tax cuts and the real problem is immigrants and bootlicks the rich because someday too, they will be rich as well, we all will be
the jews have done such a great job that even Sup Forums who hates them most is tricked by them
You agree that Israel is your greatest ally?
Not France, that defeated you the British Navy to allow your independence in 1783
Not England, the country that you shared your historicity with, and have remained allies for 2 centuries now
But the country that sunk one of your ships in an open act of betrayal just a few decades ago, the country that helped the russkies get a hold of your nuclear secret... that is your greatest ally
You totally arent mentally ill
shiggy diggy
All of Sup Forums agelrees only you disagree
> I don't understand how humans work through associations of related interests and objectives forming big-tent coalitions for which the labels "left and right" is usually applied, so I will just say you are dumb and ignore all any actual historical analysis xDD
Exactly, not all things Jew is bad. But, yes. Groups of people look out and help each other more than others.
What happened to Sup Forums?
newfag trumpcucks that missed all the redpills on israel that most of us went through.
Are you surprised nepotism is loosing to religion ?.
>greatest ally
>endless stream of USD sent to the Jews
Anyone on our pay roll is an ally.
it is called "election time"
Sup Forums will return to its normal anti-zionist self once Trump wins or loses
>implying dilma was good in anyway
If only you knew, i hope you enjoy shillary, they are EXACTLY THE SAME
The jews have won, but Sup Forums refuses to acknowledge it.
> 1.5 billion snack bars want them dead
> meanwhile they are promoting the demographic collapse of the only fools that care about them
I would not call that winning
Otherwise jews would not be fleeing Europe for fear of being ahmed'd
wtf I love Palestine now
Fascinating! It can form coherent thoughts!
Tell me fuckeroo, why don't you fuck off with your pseudo analyst bullshit.
You know nothing. You can only respond with memes because you lack the intellectual capacity.
>1.5 billion snack bars want them dead
>they still control every nation that isn't muslim or Buddhist
That's winning.
Jews over slimes any day. You can reason with Jews and make deals with 'em, sure they're cheap as fuck but good luck doing that shit with muslims. Also this
>reee israel
Israel is better than Palestine and its important to have a good relationship with them as they are the only civilized nation in the middle east now
But we need to get rid of AIPAC and other such organizations that would abuse this relationship by not only putting Israels needs before Americas, but doing it in such a way that it would actually harm the US. Throwing this all away out of some paranoid virginal rage conspiracy and stormcukery is ludicrous
anyone that disagrees with me is just some stupid faggot LARPer
As with black people the same applies to Israel, just because you hate it does not mean you are a good person
go on, lick the boot of your master.
Jews over muslims any days. Jews are sneaky little fucks with silver tongues who will fuck you over when it's convenient but help you for a time, muslims won't do either.
t. burger of arab blood
Jesus Christ what a bullshit image
>Obama picked Janet Yellen, a dual citizen American-Israeli kike for Fed Chair
>Obama had Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of staff, another Israeli-American. Rahm served in the IDF
>There is a video on youtube of Bernie Sanders defending Israel and attacking Hamas during his campaign
>Mandela, see pic related
>citations needed elsewhere
On the "right"
>Geert, a career politician who will kiss Israeli ass for support
>Same with Farage
>Le Pen's father hated the jews, Le Pen had to change her party's stance for the same reason
>the rest are political alliances based on old Cold War axises
Feck off you uneducated twat
The globalists fear the based Shlomo because he is immune to their tricks. Tikkun olam, friends.
The ones on the left don't like whitey either. which is the important part