Why do white supremacists always seem to end up looking like this?
Why do white supremacists always seem to end up looking like this?
Why do BLM jungle bunnies always look like this OP
because to openly advertise you're a white "supremacist" you have to have very low IQ and nothing to lose
It's what happens when someone really, really wants to be white.
Why do you always make this thread?
poverty and nigger culture
Because they're peaceful. They only harm their own body with all their protesting. Whereas a nigger will gleefully smash the shit out of anyone/anything at the drop of a hat.
KKK is friendlier, healthier and more suitable for society than any fucking nigger group
Thats not even a white supremacist. My bet is that he went to jail and most likely -had- to get a swastika tattooed on his body. In some states/counties you either join the aryan brotherhood in jail or get beaten up or maybe killed.
This. Most 'white supremacists' are normal people who don't openly state their beliefs.
Its just media cherrypicking. Pic related, what I literally look like, and basically what most of my militia look like.
So we know who to target on Night of the Long Knives 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Not always, they're just the most vocal. The tatoos serve as a personal reminder of their favorite things and the causes they're a part of, and they also serve to show other dim witted retards too. See, pictures are easier to comprehend than words for stupid people.
It's also human nature to inflate negatives to be larger than life, so this retard you've posted will always be the poster child for white supremacy if you've been brought up with the notion that such a thing is bad.
Most of these fuck faces are meth heads anyway. The kind of fodder you point and set loose because they're too stupid to give a fuck about jail. If there was a WLM movement, this is the turd that would be sliding through the bowels.
Dude is at least 6ft and has a solid frame under that fat. Knock your ass the fuck out
Black people BTFO
congratulations you;re the person everyone looks at in public and goes "wow that person looks like a fucking asshole" and they;re always right
the stereotype is a bald/shaved, skinny as fuck meth addled aryan brotherhood convicted felon
not whatever is in OPs picture
>confuses neo-nazis with the KKK
>thinks neo-nazis in the US aren't huge meth pushers and destroying poor rural white communities
>is this fucking retarded
kill yourself you fucking teadrinking faggot
Same here brother
Me and my boys have some tats but nothing as bad as
Pic related
>literally the look of 80 IQ
No offense but you look like you take it in the ass. It's the goat earrings and hat trifecta.
As OP I meant
Pull your fucking pants up you degenerates.
that is not a white supremacist
that is not even a white
Why so upset anons? What does this have to do with my question?
>muh cherrypicking
>dude weed
I think this chap is having an identity crisis, but besides that, I thought liberals were against judgement of skin? :^)
Funny, I was about to ask you that about black supremacists.
Damn son routine if dats you?
Nice giant teddy bear in the background.
Why do soldiers end up looking like this?
And I don't mean the pansies that never saw combat either.
Right. Just like BLM thugs and gangsters pushing massive amounts of drugs aren't destroying their poor communities?
>This is fucking retarded!
Because you can take the melanin out of a nigger but you can't class it up. Poor trash is poor trash, son.
is that kid rock?
You guys are my favorite kind of people to give a dead stare and ask "are you even white?" when I go to backyard bbqs with my white supremacist cousins.
Please OP do not confuse these degenerate scumbags with a white supremacist if anything they are color coordinated insecurity. The true white race simply should/can not relate or even entertain this strange movement. Born out of the need to counter act black gangs in California the skins quickly took to the habits of the very scourge they set out to battle selling drugs, intimidating realtors and assaulting anyone owning/living on property they deemed for their fellow pale face. Never will I engage in activities designed by and enacted by niggers. These folks happily sold their purity and gathered like all the other untermesch (Crips and Bloods) and just like anyone other group of codependent grown men they lick each others wounds and assure one another they are the best ever and have even begun to target the pure white race that stands above them. I mean for fucks sake they picked Taylor Swift as the Aryan goddess -_-
Looks like a deadbeat and look at all those tattoo's . He maybe white but nothing supreme looking unless he has some kind of white ability or talent.
because when someone is a race realist the standard practice is to call them a white supremacist and bring out a picture like that to discredit them
I know its probably a foreign concept to many of you dorks, but most actual men have these crazy things called "girlfriends".
What a bunch of dough bags in this thread? What the fuck do you think Jamal will say when you debunk police brutality with facts and sources? He will say "fuck you, cracka" because he is Jamal. Neo-nazis need to exist to show working class whites still have some teeth. Not some betas day dreaming about the day of the rope but people who are willing to get violent TODAY.
There's not enough of them.
Looks like homemade porno of 11 cucks bukkaking some fat transgendered jew.
White supremacists like him are just white niggers
That guy looks like The Untermensch
Doesn't explain the earrings or saggy pants, your dressed like a nigger for crying out loud!
Hey, Dude! Is life good? Have you put your GED to good use?
White people know the difference so it is reasonable to assume that black Americans are aware of the anti-social and aggressive behavior of their peers and yet they choose to accept and defend their variant of the common thug. I think I just became racist Sup Forums...
What movie
Real Aryans care about aesthetics and just use guns to lay waste to the enemy. Roids are for fucking degenerates.
I have those same sheets, so fucking comfortable.
This. Also a haircut like pic related is much better than skinhead
>implying he even has a GED
Pull your pants up, faglord.
Cucks mad triggered
White supremacist? that´s is Talleres de Cordoba crowd XD. That is in Argentina. Are we white after all?
That used to be someone's baby.
That tends to be my problem as well, the websites they advertize are shitty and have shitty attempts at humor, and always centered solely around blaming DA JOOOOOS for everything. I tend to see them all acting like niggers, blaming someone for their own failures and it turns me off. Too bad people aren't more open with their beliefs.
He's a secret weeb, he watched Macross.
what movie is that?
That's a Lowrider. Mexican.
They don't.