Japan just got POOED

Japan just got POOED

Miss Japan won by half indian Priyanka Yoshikawa. Last year the winner was half-black Ariana Miyamoto.

Who is behind this Sup Forums?
Why is Japan the only non-white country that is currently being forced to embrace multiculturalism and racemixing?

(((they're))) testing the waters -- if Japan resists they will fall back


Japan doesn't care too much about halfies, they consider them Japanese.

Besides, Japan will die if they don't change something, their birth rate is so bad and declining that there's going to be some massive issues in a few decades if nothing changes.

leave your barbwire compound white boy that's what half your population looks like I honestly don't know how you can stand the heat down there bro

>being a tripfag attentionwhore

>falling for the birth rate meme

If no invaders are coming in, a declining birth rate isn't such a bad thing

This was completely an attempt to be politically correct.

Japan is trying to show the world that they are hip and kool and down with diversity (but really they aren't). Last year's Miss Japan was a halfbreed nigger. You guys seeing a possible pattern yet?

Hafus and foreigners make up like 1-2% of the population (and they are all in Tokyo). How then, does one get to be "the most beautiful" model in Japan? It's a political move to ease relations with other nations.

It would be more interesting if Miss Japan was a Korean hafu honestly. Koreans and Japanese need to have a make up session.

She is a cutie though. :3

You stupid faggots keep saying this. An economic recession is bound to happen at some point due to the birthrate falling. This country is so overpopulated that it's stupid. People aren't having kids because they are intelligent enough to not want to deal with the extra hassle. Nobody wants to lug a stroller on a packed as fuck train for a daily commute. Nobody wants to pay the extra money that the a child forces you to dish out. Not to mention that you get nickel and dimed for everything here already.

The best thing that could happen to Japan is if half of it's population died overnight. The economy will recover, but Japan's pop at this point is going to barely increase, or it's going to begin a wave cycle of increasing and decreasing to balance itself.

You can't grow forever. It's like you stupid assholes don't understand that the earth is a finite area that can only support so many people. I hope you die in a 6x6 room due to not being able to afford anything better in some overpopulated shithole.

I've got 6 different kids to 4 different women here. Shit is TAKAI yo!

lmao you're the nigger of Japan

yeah, they don't wanna be fukushima'd again

Do you pay alimoney?

>Miss Japan won by half indian Priyanka Yoshikawa. Last year the winner was half-black Ariana Miyamoto.


She looks like a Filipina.

you are now aware that japan is becoming more culturally diverse everyday

Gorgeous woman. I can't understand hate on interethnic relationships, ethnically or racially mixed people even from my personal experience. My mother is Hungarian, dad is Russian (paternal grandfather is Finnish). I am married to half-Irish half-Japanese girl from US, cousin married to quarter Lebanese, quarter Greek, half English chick from down under, sister is married to a Belgium born black guy - with a bit of white to him(he's grandfather was a Waloon). All our partners, even though don't match us ethnically, possess good incomes, education, health and decent personalities. Go out more and appreciate unique culture we have in the world and in the West. I think some people are wired to mix, most people don't. Let them and let's see what happens. Cultural Marxism, mass migration and lack of universal eugenics is cancer.

Japan is one of the most populated countries in the world.

It is utterly faggoted bullshit propaganda about their sudden death one minute to midnight panic birthrate.
For fuck's sake stop posting about it you blind ignorant faggotbreath cocksucking retard.

Iceland has 1/250th of the population and you aren't pissing blood over that. Fucking eat shit.

Japan does not need a massive I section of niggers to bolster population figures, nor does Europe.

Africa needs a neutron bomb or three hundred to clear away it's population problem.

Because they are a western country. Not in terms of Geography, but in terms of culture.
Sure, one could argue that their culture vastly differs from our own, but does it really?
Not the same way that organized religions forces inhabitants of their nations to.
Japan and Korea are becoming increasingly secular, which is good.

It has to do with not enough young people making enough money to support the pensions of half the population who live to be 90, not "OH NO THEY WILL SOME DAY RUN OUT OF PEOPLE CUZ THEY ARE DECLINING"

Beat me to it weeaboo.

Glad someone else hates these fucking "underpopulation" faggots.

I want to murder them with my bare hands.

In the 60s and 70s, the bright people were terrified of the incoming overpopulation - and now it arrives this stupid stupid fuckers are trying to spread panic about falling birthrates.

Someone euthanize them quickly.

That looks like my sister.

I'm the white mandingo of nippon

Yeah each one cost me 30,000 yen a month ($300)

That's like using water to patch a leaking boat you fuckwit.

Who gives a fuck if the old shits die.
Japan is building old people helper robots, something no one else is doing.

Use your brain for fuck's sake.

Your sister is a paki and should be in india making curry and pooing in your mouth, spicy poo.

>Because they are a western country. Not in terms of Geography, but in terms of culture.

Just because they are following capitalism (or some abomination of it) doesn't make them a western culture.

Yeah, I've never understood this obsession with birthrate. Euros spent decades worrying about overpopulation, but now are suddenly terrified of people not having kids (despite continuing to encourage women to be independent and have mass abortions).

Japan will have more kids when more space opens up and it isn't so cramped. The only reason they need to many extra people is because you necessarily have to have more people working than the current retiring in order to welfare them.

Except that even that will likely change once we get more robotics to assist with jobs. Technology is making us more and more efficient, until soon enough we really won't need very much to support the old. This overpopulation of countries (and importing of rapefugees) is just making people want to have kids even less, because it's not a good environment for it.

>le birth rate/population maymay
>implying Japan won't automatize and outsource industries when it needs to
This shit again, and as typical, from an American. The Nip and Cortes beat me to it, but Jesus Christ, it's just frustrating seeing this stupid shit get spouted every time a Japan thread pops up.

It's funny how Americans want to keep immigrants out of their country, but want to force other countries to take in even worse types of immigrants in turn.

When your GDP is highly dependent on consumption, fewer consumers = less GDP.
You lose a third of your population by the end of the century, and you'll be China's bitch.
Japan either needs to get fucking, or allow SEA immigrants in to stem the bleeding.

>Yeah, I've never understood this obsession with birthrate.

It's a globalist approach or at the very least the typical views of the socialist who just has to have a czar in charge of everything. How do they know for certain our standard of living would decline when there are less people around? Because less population would mean the ponzi scheme called welfare is out of the question but welfare isn't making us rich. We've also got this bigger number of employment in comparison to the old days only because women are working full time. It used to be that you could keep a family with a single income but who remembers those days anymore?

This whole calculation of people and the climate change fanaticism just mixes to some vile fascism. People are getting calculations about how big their carbon footprint is. In the end it's all about deciding who'll be allowed live and with how many people. At least when you think it through carefully. It's also shocking how easy people agree with population control. Just let the governments decide how many of us should there be! What could be wrong with that, right? Sounds totally safe...


>you can't grow forever
tell that to niggers and poo in loos, they're out of control

Trump is behind it. After all, he owns the Miss America pageant.

Why you don't get a knife in your throat is beyond me.