Im here for the refugee status

>Im here for the refugee status

Other urls found in this thread:

Beautiful fake eyes doesn't mean the rest of your face is beautiful.
Take that veil off. Let me see

It wasn't Gabriel in that cave.

I can see your hair, you slut!

>"Sorry, we are no longer accepting refugees without a sponsor."
>"B-but, I don't know anyone here, I don't have a sponsor, I'm just trying to escape war torn Syria!"
>"Well m'am if you come with me we can try to find you a sponsor."
take her into the detainment area
>"You know, one of the quickest ways to become an American citizen is marriage."
wink wink
>mfw beatiful syrian bride that wont leave b/c islam
>mfw slowly redpill her out of islam into christianity
>mfw redpilled, beautiful wife.
a robot can dream

Bye bitch.

Please get in line, mam. Those 2000000 young gentlemen came before you.

Come on in

take that shit off your face you gook


>syrian wins millions after sexual harassment settlement.

Beat me to it

would bang her arab style

I'm here for reality check

Those fucking eyes....

It was the Pope's lackey.

yazidi eyes

dumpsters out back my man

God damn that woman is beautiful. I'm not a fan of immigration.

take off that stupid mask, become a Christian and you and I can talk.

Strange genetic mashup.

>become a Christian



Why does she wear that mask?

obviously a man

here is my id, but i will not take off my veil for you



Yeah, dreams.

FUUUCK, i want to fuck a qt arab so bad.

Kraut, my age old ally, send some QT3.14 up north. All we get is "17yo" men, it's not fucking fair.

Do you think she's grown that hair on her forehead because of the burka?

She just got old. Neither is hot though.

what is the point of wearing a garbage bag if your still going to "dirty german street whore" with make up?

I'm aware. Not convinced this wasn't fabricated and that is in fact the same person.

>you are arrested on the spot by FBI, NSA and various customs agencies

As a tolerant libfag, respective of all different cultures... I want to ensure I ddo not insult her rich and colorful Islamic heritage, and as such... will do my best to make her feel at home in our interaction!

>[Me:] Why are you speaking to me woman?!?! Where is your husband, borther or father?!?!
>[Her:] I... I am here for refugee sta...
>*Throw Hydrochloric-Acid in her face*
>[sizzle intensifies]
>[rape ensues]


>Kraut, my age old ally, send some QT3.14 up north. All we get is "17yo" men, it's not fucking fair.

You think we're stashing them in our basements? It's the Italians who keep them all orbiting around their spaghetti and whatnot.

they have to have huge hook noses to hang their veil thingy from, disgusting

Christians only.

Most women want to be eye-catching because they are attention whores.

Most men don't want women to be eye-catching because they understand that in the long run attention-seeking degeneracy crashes society with no survivors.
Hence you have men forcing women to wear the burqa and women looking for any loophole by which they can continue to be eye-catching without taking a beating.

>mfw she couldn't be saved

This is what Islam does gentleman. Breaks down qts and for this alone I am eternally against it

>It's the Italians who keep them all orbiting around their spaghetti and whatnot.
Fucking spaghetti niggers, REEEEEEEEEEE

Arab pussy is the toll Europe should demand for taking the women in. The men can fuck off, race war fucking when?

>Breaking News :11 Canadians found dead at a party for celebrating a a young Syrian woman winning a law suit against the White Patriarchy. Sources say they saw a Muslim man colloquially known as Sayeemm Hayede fleeing the scene."

I definitely believe it

the number one factor that determines how well a woman ages is money

all those rejuvenating creams, a stress free life, not having to work, having a healthy routine, that's what makes women age well

in brazil lower class women are completely busted by the time they are 25 years old

>Arab pussy is the toll Europe should demand for taking the women in. The men can fuck off, race war fucking when?

Since the great replacement in Germany is already going on we thought about proposing to our governments a new exchange rate of one Syrian for two Germans. We'll make Syria great again.


I thought that was a young boy

>1 post by this ID

I'm here for political discussion not slide threads.


>can farm pretty much all year
>all those sweet natural resources kebabs are tuu dumb to utilize
>qt arab grills with wet puss puss for blonde european men
I can definitely get behind that. We can breed them white.

I get that. And I don't rule it out as impossible, but something about the disparity in facial features bothers me. Why would the bridge of her nose actually be wider when she's like 12, vrs 30? I could be wrong.

>don't have to pay reparations anymore
>don't have to be part of stupid military alliances

I'm sure we'll have that country turned around in no time while all the socialist rest can enjoy their multiculturalism.

Sometimes I wonder if Trump's wall is meant to prevent people from voting with their feet in the future.

Please have a seat right there.

And while you're at it...

Go away, cunt.

So when are we going?