Make Me Great Again!
Make Me Great Again!
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even if this thread is fake, why do people think Trump wears a wig? you can't possibly fake that disaster of a cover up job he has on his head. if it was a wig, it wouldn't look nearly as ridiculous.
looks exactly like Socrates, now I like him even more
He looks like fucking Czar. Based
gonna be trump 8 years from now no joke. his lifeforce will fuel the very fabric of the united states
He looks like an emperor to me.
I kind of hope he shaves his head at some point during his presidency. It would be a huge deal and show incredible confidence. I developed a thin spot on my crown and just said fuck it. I shave it down to the skin twice a week. I never felt so confident and fresh. I get compliments and deference all the time. Trump would go from a 9/10 on the alpha scale to a 10/10.
That's what I imagine a Roman Emperor looks like.
looks like its a shoop taken from Green Acres
He looks like an ancient roman or greek.
>burned down rome
He looks suspiciously like Bernie Sanders. Maybe the rumors of him being an insert by the Democrats are true.
>hahahahahahaha trump is bald
thats still all they have
looks like fucking bernie
>Trump is what Julius Caesar would have been if he survived the stabbing
Come this November, he's the only president this nation has, regardless of who "wins" the vote.
Looks like pic related
now post a picture of your imaginary gf without makeup
Wtf, I'm a trump fan now
Looks even more badass
>he looks funny
Is that the best you can do? You failed to correct the record this time
you can see the photoshop job around his cheeks lmao
Looks regal as fuck.
how many times does he have to prove its real, christ
>attacking people for their appearance
wow, such tolerance
Most of us here would view him the same, but the average joe is easily influenced by appearances and the cool factor. Just look at the stupid shit Obama did on TV, its worked to charm the masses into the believing he was a great president. Idiots.
Fucking royalty. #trumptrain
Someone should shoop him with a Roman toga and a laurel wreath. Make Rome Areat Again.