Choose wisely, Sup Forums

Kill one, marry one, and the remaining two replace two world leaders of your choice..

kill Kapner
marry Evanlion(cause I'm not gay)
Have the remaining 2 replace Merkel and Trudeau

I choose the Buddhist "one man crusade" warrior monk.

It's not fair to force Brother Nathanael to marry me

No idea who any of these faggots are.

I'll make the Jewish Guy head of Isreal if he promises to dress Orthodox all the time....

Kike detected


>Marry eva waifu
>Brotha ruling the world
>kill the other two

kill upper left, too much cuckface
marry lower right

upper right becomes leader of north korea. no idea who he is but he could not possibly do worse.

lower left becomes leader of israel, epic lulz

choose wisely goy

>choose wisely
Easy. Marry the left and kill the right with a fucking hammer

I only know the samurai and brother nathanael

Girl's a neonazi, japanese dude says "the jews fear the samurai", bearded dude was born a jew, converted to catholicism and denounced the jew world order, fuck if I recognize the top left dude.

congratulations, user, you just made North Korea the most based country on earth

If you don't know who Ramzpaul is, consider yourself lucky, he's pretty much the Ringo Star of the Alt-Right

bro I just spit out my drink laughing

Kill the samurai

Marry Evanlion

Make Brother Nethaniel leader of Israel

The other guy whom I don't know becomes leader of somewhere irrelevant idc

He'd find some way to dissolve Israel in five seconds tops, be it by making war so badly Palestine actually wins or by pissing on the constitution.
Now, making him the president of the US... That's potential.

>marry evalion
>have brother nath wed us
>ramzpaul for potus
>the jap to replace Merkel
No killing.

Some serious crazy eyes on the right