I am black and I can't respect Rick and Morty. It's about a white scientist genius (all of them are white, how realistic...) with his white family doing white stuff. I am tired of "le white genius", either give respect to black people or stop producing this diarrhea.
I am black and I can't respect Rick and Morty. It's about a white scientist genius (all of them are white...
It's much less common for a black person to be a genius than it is a white or asian person.
Blacks have a very low average IQ also. Just a fact, friend.
This is bait on so many levels
niggers everybody
>Baiting Sup Forums to defend Rick and Morty
Excellent bait
Sup Forums hipsters
yakub episode when
>th-they wuz kangs m-morty
>k-kangs rick?
There was a black rick in last weeks episode.
this might be the best bait i've seen here in months. first we have the first layer of bait, triggering pol cucks by wanting less black representation. then you have the 2nd layer of bait, where you're implying that black people have done anything of merit. then there's the 3rd layer, where you're forcing Sup Forums to defend the show by arguing against your point. good bait thread op i give it 5/5 pickle ricks
Wow you're so perceptive
>That's what the niggers don't realise. If I've got one thing against the black chappies it's this; No one gives it to you, you have to TAKE IT.
There were 2 nigger Ricks in total. First one was in the first citadel episode I think.
>black genius
what like urkel
Bait, but
>Rick Sanchez
Rick's got some mexicano in there somewhere. But looks like minorities are so envious of BWC that they can't help but see everything as white and the whities are out to get them.
>stop producing this diarrhea
Now this is an idea blacks and whites alike can get behind!
You think science, adventure, space exploration and issues with the family unit are "white stuff"?
You don't identify with any of the things that one would consider important and you want us to respect your race?
your not black, but you sure are a shitposter
You are tired of reality?
I guess if you want fiction, you should read Hillary Clinton's book... or did I trigger you by assuming you can read?
when you think of the hood, Africa, Haiti, or literally anywhere black people are, the first thing I think of is always "genius scientists."
We need REAL, AFRICAN scientists, none of these "African"-burger imitators
We all know this is white devil's fault.
shut up uncle tom
Yes, because you don't see it with black people. Black people are presented as simpletons and criminals and that's their whole legacy it seems.
we wuz scientasts n shiet
Name one black scientific genius. That's okay, I'll wait.
Fuck blacks, go the fuck too the African continent, plenty of opportunity there nigger gtfo
affirmative action doesn't count
ok...now ive officially seen enough to name the jew
im black and know you're not black because we only post on Sup Forums while declaring our race for a reason, you are only racebaiting like the people who post BLACKED threads for no purpose.
im guessing you're a jew. I can't see how race has anything to do with a show made by a white guy that has more alien monsters than people
also rick and morty is a funny cartoon that presents interesting scenarios and uses INFINITE very liberally to describe its way of making sense of the nonsense.
not even rick is a real geniu because his "science" is mostly scifi magic...
This is a genuinely entertaining silly sci-fi cartoon and it's a shame that it's been turned into a symbol of Sup Forums's hateboner for reddit, and that reddit's tv boards treat it like some kind of religion.
Blacks arent smart though.
That's why you guys have Atlanta now, go watch that.
You're a racist
If Rick is white then why is his skin Jewish coloured unlike the rest of the family?
>Rick (((Sanchez)))
i wonder
Rick probably married a woman who wasn't quite as pale.
>either give respect to black people or stop producing this diarrhea.
Bhhh, no, farm equipment.
>white scientist genius
his last name is sanchez you fucking idiot.
>le Spaniards can't be in my club
dam really btfo
Pick uno
>doing "white stuff"
so spending time with the family? i know blacks have a hard time understanding what thats like
Hello jewish person
If you dislike white culture so much maybe you should live someplace with more black culture.
What makes you think that Rick is Mexican?
Do you watch the show at all?
There is more hate than love in that family
wtf I love Rick and Morty now
how many immigrant spaniards living in middle america around the period of rick's birth do you think there were?
The funny part was when they show the inside of the citadel and after showing hundreds of white ricks, they show a single black one implying that all racial backgrounds of ricks are possible but only (1) actually made it to the citadel due to genetic reasons.
what wrong with this nigga fingers?
you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
spending time with dosent equal love
maybe you should come back when english is your first language
Actually a lot. A huge number of Spaniards went from Spain to Cuba during the Spanish Civil War, and then on to the US in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Rick could easily be one of them.
nice falseflag
Honestly this is what you people should be writing to Adult Swim, Justin Roiland, and that faggot Dan Harmon. You should all accept the show is beyond reprive and should cause a fake SJW insurrgence and see how far you can get them to cater to their shitty ideology. Who knows you might get them to bend far enough the show even becomes unwatchable to even the most normie of normies.
the idea that blacks are as smart as anyone else is analogously as silly as the idea that humans and apes do not have a common ancestor. It is socio-religious dogma to believe there's no correlation between race and intelligence.
Western values are failing. Most Westerners, especially in Europe, have embraced the idea that love/tolerance are more important than intelligence, discounting the stupid ones who buy into the "everyone has the same intelligence" dogma.
Are you implying Sanchez is a jewish name?
You are simpletons your the only race so fucking subhuman you are cancer in every country you exist in, even fucking Abos complain about niggers in Emuland.
His name is Sanchez and his skin color is greyish. He could be hispanic for all you know.