
Uh Sup Forums what the fuck is this?

He also mentioned something about the wall being electronic recently

False promises to trick voters who would hate him otherwise.
Think "you can keep your doctor"

Politics is stupid...

the media are scum

Its inevitable that some get legal status. After a process and a fine. There are just too many.

Starting strong with the wall however is the first move. The wall has to go up and all new immigration has to stop.

Then you start booting anyone doing serious crime. Drugs violence whatever.

After that you start negotiating. Inevitably people with a job and career can get legal status through a process. I know people who have been here near Chicago working hard for decades. I am in recycling of demolition material and we have alot of mechanics and such who need a path.

You start strong then you need to be willing to make a deal.

nah, 90% will be deported

working illegally as a carpenter isnt a career

Trump never rules anything out tho. Thats kinda his thing. Like when the media reported that "I would be the last person to use nukes, but I would never rule it out" meant TRUMP IS RECKLESS WITH NUKES.

And in all honesty this is why we need trump he will be willing to deal. Its fine if you get the bulk of what you want. Ultimately we need to make it illegal for a business to employ illegals. We need a database with socials and pictures companies report to when hiring new employees. If they dont match up and the company hires them anyways they get fined. Put the tools in their hands and the onus on them to check the status.

Give a path to those who benefit this country who have been here and have a job. People to vouch for them.

Hillary cant make a deal shes stuck with the democrat bullshit.

Depends on what you mean as carpenter. Some of our mechanics do bullshit and could be replaced with a week training then we have some that have decades of experience and they drive from 2 hours away every morning to work.

He's been saying

1. Build wall
2. Deport the criminals, drug dealers, gang members, etc.
3. Take a step back and see how the country is doing and figure out how to humanely deal with the remaining

He's also clearly said no amnesty, no path to legalization, unless they leave the country and come back. I think he's going to let them go to a Mexican embassy on U.S. soil and let some become citizens.