More of this
Liberal retards
I'll dump what I have
Its all I got left
what did he mean by this?
It's interesting that people still fall for soviet propaganda.
Scott Adams would be amazed.
These strawman threads aren't that funny....
That thread about why right wing humor isn't funny was really spot on
Why don't you post some incisive left wing comedy?
Holy KEK
I like this one
best one
I don't need to because it's funny enough to get on TV
we haven't gone back because THERE IS NOTHING OF VALUE LEFT YOU DIPSHIT
goddamn you people are retarded
Personal favorite
This is completely unrelated but always made me chuckle
Sup Forums probably believes this is how it actually happened.
How do you think the Jew eggs arrived to Earth?
This one is fucking great
>the record has been corrected
>$0.02 were deposited into your account
always best one
these are good
Just give up man no one is taking your bait. Half the thread probably filtered you already.
>IT'S 2016 *laughtrack*
Such mastery of comedy, how can right wingers even compete?
actually they're pretty fuckin funny.
unless, of course, you yourself are one of the retarded caricatures
>I'm left wing so I don't find right wing humor funny
t. captain obvious
>on (((TV)))
This is gold.
>bragging about watching tv
>watching tv
it's like you want to stay stupid
WEWLAD and the digits
there's probably nothing of value on the moon, but I think undertaking another national project like this would still have some value.
returning to the moon, putting a man on mars or something similar could boost America's morale and really work to unify everyone under a common goal. give the common man something to look forward to.
>it's a balding chubby man with facial hair
It's ridiculous too say the moon has no value just from landing on it once.
Sup Forums IF you could choose one meme and only one that could be posted on 9gag (that automatically went to the top and stayed there for a while) to redpill normies what would it be?
then let's land on it again.
Hahah this one's gold
Five manned missions faggot, look up your own nations history.
T. my (former?) best friend that cut off contact for trying to red pill him about Trump.
We wish, but putting so much effort into a project like that would be met with immense backlash, niggers complaining that money is not spent on them, with the support of their libshit cucks, and feminist complaining the crew is not diverse enough
then someone would snackbar the rocket, with mainstream media calling the terrorist a martyr fighting against oppression
You get people to question the jew, the whole house of cards falls down.
look up the Constellation Program, would have been that exactly until Obama killed it out of spite. At least we got Orion out of it, very slowly.
It makes me wonder how that negro feels. He looks dead inside.
>man who has lost his son fighting for his country asks trump if he has sacrificed anything
>trump cant respond
>better create a lazy meme
Let's turn that place upside down and leave no moon rock unturned.
I'm taking constitutional law in law school this year and on the first day our professor held up the pocket constitution just like that and said
>Trump is a racist fascist xenophobic bigot that hurt my feelings
Entire class laughed. We still hold up the pocket constitutions when entering the room LOL
>voting for the person that sent your son to his death
>gives up his business
>his name is forever slandered
>probably the most hated man in America who has received multiple death threats and attempts on both his and his family's life
>Trump sacrificed nothing for America lol
>implying the fact that he lost his kid means that he somehow deserves a political platform
>implying muslims are human
This meme needs to die.
Sure is pepperminty in here...
This meme was alive before the convention, and it goes both ways.
And in any case, the kid made a conscious choice to go to war. It wasn't a "sacrifice". No one forced him to do it, and Hillary was the one who voted for it, not Trump.
>lose your son fighting in a pointless war
>do everything you can to try and get people to not vote for the person who wants to stop the pointless wars
>implying the fact that he lost his kid means that he somehow deserves a political platform
I think most people would actually say so, yes. It's more of a believable cause than 99% of politicians can offer.
>Nothing of value on the moon.
We haven't even attempted to do anything on it yet. There could be minerals and ores on it that will never know off because it's apparently to costly to mine or even try to inhabbit up there.
there were some ideas about mining helium-3 on the moon