Does James Woods lurk on Sup Forums? If so he is based af
Is James Woods a Sup Forumsster?
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Seriously this guy is savage af
This madman is unstoppable!
he's pretty dumb tbqh. i saw him get trapped in a box like 2 or 3 times on family guy because they put a trail of candy leading up to it
That was before he endorsed Trump
Now hes redpilled and savage af
Anyone else think so?
Isn't he really smart?
I never liked his movies but when I hear him in an interview he seems intelligent.
Appeal to populism.
Who gives a fuck what some random celebrity thinks?
Really makes you sage.
Nobody cares what a leaf says
He was a Cruz guy, and only begrudgingly a Trump supporter.
Therefore, not redpilled.
Unless that leaf is Deadpool. Which you aren't.
He hasn't ripped on Our God Emperor
This, to be quite frank.
And kek agrees
H-hey don't jerk me around guy.
Its okay to have supported Cruz.
The only reason I despise Cruzlims is due to them using extreme chicanery to try to beat Trump, and when that failed, being too stupid to realize that Trump losing means HRC winning.
RIP Vile Rat
Yes. It's been said he has one of the highest IQ in Hollywood.
i played poker with this guy at the commerce in LA. he literally asked for the tv near the table to be switched to fox news.
Cruz would've been Romney 2.0
Yep. He went to MIT, supposably got a 1580 / 1600 on the SAT if that means anything. Wiki says he wanted to be an MD.
"I'm Meee"
hahaha loved that scene
Thats like saying your the Stephen Hawking of the special needs kids
kek a lec
Man that show used to be the best thing on TV. Their writers room has gone to shit compared to that stuff.
sounds bretty cool 2bh
He's probably a cuckservative like most celebrities who claim to be on the right.
rolling and i don't even care what i get. (but c'mon, trips!)
No, he's not, first he steals someone's identity to get back at em, and then he took their family, their friends, their livelyhood. He's a sick man, a sick sick man.
I miss the 90s Simpsons everyday. Goes from being so great then goes to shit, and turns into family guy tier humor. These days the show completely blue pilled.
Pretty based. I love when celebrities actually have a set of balls and don't bow down to their kike masters.
I'm not really familiar with this guy at all. I legitimately only know him from Family Guy. I know how ignorant that is, but I'm glad he's one of us.
wtf this is not even clever.
i'm all for trolling liberal but at least make an effort; this is fox news tier.
He only sues trolls for 10 mil
Bagman Bill is a pretty intelligent barb. Do you know what a bagman is?
these aren't even close to his best tweets
wtf dude
overused RW talking point, but better.
>appeal to maple fallacy
>wtf dude
Fuck off, retard
On a side not, Thomas Haden Church is a fucking asshole. No joking i saw him at a local restaurant i patron frequently and he was straight rude to the staff
>Vile Rat
I hope by RIP you meant Rest In Peepeepoopoo, serves him right for being such a fucking pro-Islam cuck. When the chips were down his virtue signalling and bans against Islamophobic CIS scum shitlords didn't saved his SJW ass.
Here's the whole pic you judgemental tards
Also you're paying for the wall faggot
rolli for a 5
>rolli for a 5
So many possibilities for wins, how can I not roll?\
Gimme a 0 tho, she seems like she could use a good dicking
well done m8
No Ainsely Earhardt? Pass
>No Jenna Lee
Also Megyn Kelly shills for Hillary
it'll have to be quads for her then m8
I can tell you're from Saskatchewan
I don't think I can name a single movie he's acted in, all I know is Family guy loves him for some reason.
Any one but (((megyn kelly)))
Hercules. There's a movie for you
Elizabeth Hasselback, noice
He tried to stop 9/11
Praise kek hasselbeck makes me diamonds
long story. dudes a total sex degenerate and an asshole. not a cool guy at all.
So he IS lurking Sup Forums
I don't need to lurk here
roll for trips
For once I don't have to pick
I think the only film I've seen him in is Once Upon a Time in America
gretchen carlson and i kill myself, will post pix
aight i'll give it a go
felt the same, got gretch tho, fml
never reroll, but i'm rerolling this is bs
anna cuntman no thanks
kek, why have you forsaken me with your repetitive digits?
i'll reroll and we doubleteam whoever i get
fuggin let us dp dp kek
I wasn't aware we are that noticeable
this is cruel, i give up
kek has forsaken me
He's too old to be a regular here and - yes - for all intents and purposes he is on the right side of all the issues Sup Forums cares about. He's an American exceptionalist so YMMV on just how congruent his beliefs are to yours if you are not. He is extremely intelligent and vocal about his opinions in an industry that stands for everything he doesn't.
W-was that the reroll, user? Can my digits be our double team reroll.. pls?
Ive heard Saskatchewan is the Alabama and Mississippi of Canada
we've had two guys post ids, one was in his 70s one was in his 60s
Nice dubs fampai
I suppose.... I don't live there desu
You're welcome user, lets do this shit!
It's the fucking Nebraska and North Dakota for our beaver-loving neighbors.
rollan rollan
So one of them must have been James Woods.
I hate to say it, but he seems more likely to be on Leddit than Sup Forums. Unless he's a brony and/or into traps, in which case he probably jumps between Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
gimme a good one
George Soros faps to
>tfw I'm safe from Isis
Thanks Obama!
>Thanks Obama!
He said sarcastically
"Your" a clever little cunt, aren't ya?
Sieg Heil grammar Nazi
Hercules is my favourite disney movie desu.
Jew mad at mein horrible grammar?
5 minute photoshop
just 4 u
Sexy as fuck
There's a free hole
Saved, user. Also nice dubs again, so I guess we get another round!