Where were you when ITS HAPPENING

Where were you when ITS HAPPENING

I don't want trump to win

my country will be flooded with commie americans, and they'll all avoid the containment city auckland and instead ruin the south island

+6 for Hillary with a massive sample size

It's not like Hobbitland has to accept them or anything. You have borders and sovereignty and shit.

>believing the polls

If CNN says he's only ahead by 1-2 points, in reality he's ahead by 9-10 points.

It's more likely they go to Canada. After they do we can nuke it and solve half the world's problems. Then we can nuke the ME and solve the rest.

Every right wing kiwi moves to America.

this is why ITS HABBENING

That's my point, ya dingus.

They'll flee to something like Sweden or Canada, most likely.

I doubt anybody would leave if Trump wins. The libtards are all too big of pussies to actually go live in a different country.

It would be nice though...

I'm on the couch eating a hamburger.

>Aussies think that people want to live on their Hell on Earth continent.

Goddamn, that's American

but how?

Too bad for the butthurt liberal, Canada has immigration laws..

Commie Americans can afford of New Zealand move. Most have 500 dollars in their bank accounts


reminder that hillary lost this state to bernie

polls don't mean shit in this election cycle

but that's impossible unless I'm Indian

maybe I should just move there and put on a fake american accent and say I was excommunicated from an Mennonite community

Leftists are too dumb, don't have any real wealth or skills, and don't have any actual motivation to leave the country. Don't worry about it.