Why does Sup Forums hate women so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate women so much?

I dare you to find something Sup Forums doesn't hate.

>Birth machines that can speak


She looks like a little troll goblin desu

katawa shoujo yes yes

well Sup Forums doesn't hate KEK we praises him!


we dont

Only for whites

because to a beta like you, all criticism of women, no matter how gentle, is "hatred"


Tits and timestamp

Stella Lucia, model

real question: how could you hate something you don't know?

Hitler, whites, freedom, Dead jews, Dead muslims, Dead women, Dead blacks, Dumb jews, Comatose Muslims, Nazi women, Smart Blacks, Asian women, Trannies locked away in mental hospitals where they belong, enslaved blacks, women without the right to vote, Black astronauts (as long as they don't come back), Trump, Super Saiyan Trump, people who make fun of blacks, women, trannies, jews and muslims, WALLS, French surrender jokes, french butthurt at french surrender jokes and last but not least, banter.

Look at how most women act, treat men and vote. Then come ask that again.

Dunno about what every Sup Forumsack thinks, as we range from typical conservatives, to libertarians, to natsocs. I personally don't hate women, just the degenerate ones that you would find snorting coke off of Tyroneeshawn's 2 inch dick.

nice post, leaf :') I cry a teeny bit of water out my eye


Shit my brain hole is really wooshing

>not hating the idiot who failed to kill commies, failed to kill jews, made them spread more and has successfully gutted right wing for half of the world.

here you go senpai

Danke KEK


They've helped destroy society and treat us like shit.

You like that? Here's more.

Nasty whore

She looks like a meth whore. No surprise that she burns the coal.

It's simple: they doomed the west.

She's also a disgusting Commie.

Hey this chick is a coalburner too.

Is that fetal alcohol syndrome?

>vanguard of socialist parties for last hundred years

looks like her mom had aids and a meth addiction during pregnancy

Nice try fag.

We hate cucks. Huge difference.

t. Fucking white male

We don't

As the most malleable of the sexes they were most susceptible to the tricks of Jewish manipulation(we know this from Adam and eve)

Most of the virgins here will condemn them for coal burnin and stuff but they are merely actin according to their natures. The redpilled know the truth and that is that white men have failed in protecting them from themselves (otherwise why would this be so widespread?)

The solution of course is simply to cut out the Jewish influence and redpill them. but remember that they'll only heed the words of those that they perceive as the strong (Chad) so you user must become both the übermensch, their father, their teacher, and wrestle the world from the clutches of the jews


their hands
