Tfw Norway built this in 1308

>tfw Norway built this in 1308
>tfw it would take Sweden and Denmark 167 years to build anything that could compare (Olavinlinna in present day Finland)

This Norwegian fortress was almost demolished (for building materials) by the Swedes a few centuries ago, but parts of it still stands.

Other urls found in this thread:

1st for sweden > finland


Cute cuckshed, Carl Carlson.

So how exactly have you lived up to this accomplishment recently?

Besides reminding people that it exists, that is.


You guys got fucked by the black death. It could have been Norway rules the seas instead of Britannia.

is that Kungälv fortress?
I made a big fuzz on it when I was three, I walked out on a ledge and looked down a 20 meter chasm, got alot of looks and was violently pulled back by my father, they had no idea I was in full control.
Miss Bohuslän, spent most of my summers there as a kid. Hålta represent!

It's Carlsson

This is just a ruin though... :)