If every choice creates its own universe, wouldn't it be impossible to stop Owlman from destroying the multiverse...

If every choice creates its own universe, wouldn't it be impossible to stop Owlman from destroying the multiverse? There would be infinite universes where any number of things went wrong for the heroes leading up to him arming the bomb to Earth Prime, ensuring he wins, and because it's Earth Prime only one version of him would need to succeed.

By that logic it's also impossible for him to succeed

Shut up nerd

Only one version of him would get there as there would only be one version where he manages to destroy the multiverse.

But since Batman stopped him then that causes him to never exist in the other universes.

It's a cartoon. Unless you get paid for having worked on it, it doesn't matter.

There's only one Earth Prime tho.

How so?

It doesn't matter

Why weren't there infinite versions of Batman and Owlman on Earth Prime at the same time?

Right, but there are infinite Owlmans (or at least a very large number given all the choices of this Owlman) trying to get there to destroy it. If every choice makes a new universe, then there would be a universe where, say, Batman fucks up the remote control and never makes it there to stop that version of Owlman, so the multiverse is destroyed.

>it doesn't matter.
It doesn't not NOT matter either.

Just because there can be an infinite number of universes, this doesn't mean they all exist at the same time. Eventually in one universe owlman could destroy everything, but that's not any time soon.

I should also point out: there is only ONE earth prime, so most likely any other fight of them would happen in another planet that is not prime and would have no result.

It could be that this was the only Owlman that every made it there, but that seems unlikely give that any choice creates a new universe. There would still be a massive number where everything happened the same and he made it to Earth Prime, the differing choice just being that he didn't put cream in his coffee that morning or something. By extension there would have to be many where he made it and the heroes failed because of their choices on his native universe.

One way out of the paradox would be to say that choices of beings from one universe in an alien universe do not create new universes, but then do the choices of the natives to that universe interacting with those beings create new universes, thereby having more or less the same effect?

Even if the second part is true, the heroes were summoned to that Earth by Luthor. There would have to be an Earth where he chose not to or failed due to earlier choices, thus Owlman wins and the multiverse is destroyed.

>Word of God says it's because that wasn't really Earth Prime. As soon as Owlman chooses to jump worlds, Earth-Prime splits into two alternate realities - one where the jump was successful and one where it wasn't. The actual Prime world remains untouched.



If Creation is infinite, then every subset of it is by definition also infinite. There are infinite timelines where Owlman succeeds and there infinite timelines where he does not.

He only needs to win in one of infinite realities to win in all of them.

That's reasonable. But then how would anybody know which Earth he's on?

Night Owl? What's he doing in a Batman movie?


Anyone else hope for more Owlman? or another movie on the Crime Syndicate?

Owlman is the bomb.
>realizes there is an entire multiverse full of infinite possibilites
>first thing he wants to do is destroy it
the madman

This so much.

According to McDuffie, Owlman inadvertently sabotaged his own plan when he accompanied the QED to Earth Prime, because there was then a living being on that world making decisions and causing reality to again branch off from the original Earth Prime, meaning that he and the QED were no longer on the "true" Earth Prime.

His choice to destroy the multiverse will create new realities and he'll no longer be on earth prime.

Batman and Owlman should have seen this one comung from a mile away.

Owlman failed the moment he interacted with Earth Prime.

it didn't matter because there are infinite owlmen who have experienced everything ever.

>another movie on the Crime Syndicate?
It would be in the New 52 movies, so...Forever Evil.

Its the other way around.
There's an infinite number of universes where he loses. That's why he realizes it doesn't matter if he destroys it or not because the very act of destroying it is a binary choice that will spin of an infinite number of "didn't succeed" realities.

You can't destroy earth prime because once you do it stops being earth prime and just becomes Earth-Destroyed A, B, C, etc.

Forever Evil would make a fun D2V movie.

Does DC even have any new ones slated?