Not hot enough? GLOBAL WARMING!
Not cold enough? GLOBAL WARMING!
Too much rain? GLOBAL WARMING!
Too little rain? GLOBAL WARMING!
Other urls found in this thread:
Too stupid? denies manmade Global warming
what evidence is there of global warming?
Global Warming=Agenda 21
Do you shill pol all fucking day?
Weather not exactly the same every day? GLOBAL WARMING!
>global warming
I think you mean climate change
>global warming
its climate change.
Regions getting unprecedented levels of drought where normally there would be plenty of water, like the entirety of California, is one such example
Another such example is the extreme weathering of the soil of regions in the amazon and subsaharan africa do to deforestation and unsustainable grazing.
Acid rain that is destroying large parts of the environment in northern china
the trend of increasing temperatures in the american southwest and the middle east resulting in records breaking 110 regularly
The melting of the permafrost layers in siberia, releasing literally tens of thousands of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere
Coral reefs and coastal fisheries collapsing do to the acidification of the ocean
People who point fingers to blame someone are missing the forest for the trees. These things are problems that need to be addressed, whether they are man-made or natural are irrelevant
I bet you're from the south.
ignore americans posting about anything related to climate, we are bombarded with propaganda.
Not saying there are no opportunist like al gore who is only there for making a few bucks, but thanks to the amazing PR done mostly by Big Energy american right basically associated anthropomorphic climate change with leftism. You can be a conservative, trump voter etc if you believe in """that""" its the libturd berniesanders shit.
Also most of the posters here are too underage to remember the days when big oil and media-folk bought by them were denying it absolutely, now it shifted into "its just not man made". It is funny that people here post research funded by exon mobile about how anthropomorphism is no issue while not knowing that exxon denied climate change all together up until mid 00s.
California (much of it) is a chapparel desert. If there weren't millions of fucktards in there, wouldn't be much of an issue.
Soil failure IS human caused in the Amazon, you've got that one right. Not due to gas emissions but slash and burn agriculture and logging.
Acid rain in China is not associated with global warming, rather of run of the mill pollution. Used to be a serious issue here in America back in the day.
Sides the autistic nit picking, I have to agree with you. Dealing with these things is an absolute necessity, panicking over global warming/cooling/ice sheets and shit is actually just obfuscating the things we CAN fix comparatively easy. Then again, helping the environment was just considered a moral and health issue at one point. Now its tied to identity politics and is being used as yet more government favoritism via oppressive regulations and shit (EPA-business ties, Cap and Trade schemes).
facts and science are relative anyway.
bullshitters all around.
it is not the changes themselves that are unnatural, but the rate at which they are occuring that is irregular. We are living during a mass extinction, and the information gathered through legitimate scientific experiments and boservations is there in massive ammounts. The fact that you are not aware of and do not read the arguments you claim to disagree with only proves that you don't believe in the fortitude of your own arguments.
You can measure it effectively by watching the massive changes in our ecosystems.
You cannot say that this is manipulated by "da joos" when the raw information is there and any layman can evaluate it themselves. If anything, wouldn't a world-destroying super-kike that everyone on Sup Forums is scared of agree with you. The more climate change is denied, the less is done about it, the more "environmental refugees" you produce to destroy Europe.
Hate this shit, "global warming" is a misnomer. The world warms and cools naturally, it's just a matter of how quickly human beings accelerate it. The most important thing that most people don't understand is the insulation heat-sink like properties of seawater and how geological formations act as radiators.
>but thanks to the amazing PR done mostly by Big Energy american right basically associated anthropomorphic climate change with leftism. You can be a conservative, trump voter etc if you believe in """that""" its the libturd berniesanders shit.
this. OP is a shill and /or unable to think for himself and evaluate information from both (((sides)))
This, science illiterates on the right think that if the science illiterates on the left agree with climate change, it must be some jewish conspiracy
or they just don't know/care about the science and wish to stop any political machinations using it against them.
shit's NWO. clearly.
The Climate Changed as I was typing this.
How do carbon taxes stop businesses from polluting? Will businesses not pass this tax onto the consumer?
because it's all bullshit. same thing happened with the ozone layer scaremongering. it's almost always industries fighting for their policies to hurt opponents.
> it must be some jewish conspiracy
So you are part of it?
10 hottest years are since 1998
>making me reply
This is the best post that will be written in this otherwise fucking retarded thread.
Be you right wing or left wing, climate change is blatantly real and blatantly really fucking worrisome.
no, it's not worrisome at all. bullshit isn't anything to worry about.
mashallah brother. may no man question the great and infallible global warming else may he be struck down in his heathen boots.
hoax turned into religion by politicians to milk people for more shekels as always...
It's not science anymore, if someone comes with some research that contradicts(which happens all the time in all other fields) what one believed or other papers, one is branded a heretic and can just forget about anything in that shit.
Then it isn't science anymoar......
Anyways it a long time to the fimbul winter and ragnarok, the big cycle, the ice age, and after it the restart of it all again.
Like Knut the great tried to show people in England, he went out and tried to stop the tide, to show that not even him had the powers to stop or turn the tides.
It isn't everything on this earth that we are in control of, far from it. This CO2 shit is retarded, one thing was if tons of people destroyed their nature locally by just dump toxic waste directly in nature iwthout any threatment.... co2, that's part of the cycle and varies, it has always varied.
Iceages come and go, we can't stop it unless we start nuking the poles or some retarded shit. Same with a volcano, it's the landsvetts that controls these. On iceland actually surt sits in one of them.... dangerous place, we have no control over this. If surt decides to blow up and take Katla with him too, forget about those farts you let in the shower....
We're not that powerful, the jew religions likes to put them selves above nature think it can control it. You can't, you are not a God or a landsvett, you are a human
>global warming
How long have we studied the effects of carbon emissions, nitrogen byproducts, and other greenhouse gases?
Literally the science community can disseminate erroneous information like nutrition, biology, pschology ect. I do think we should find other renewable clean energy sources without attemting to discredit science by shoveling your unproven theories down peoples throats.