I'm voting for Trump, but due to the "Trump an Hillary le both are bad xD" meme is increasing, give me some good reasons to vote for Gary Johnson instead of Trump
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There are good tactical reasons. If he gets 5% of the vote, the LP gets federal funding (starting at 4X their current budget) and it increases with every additional vote. 15% in the polls gets the candidate in debates. 25% gets them maximum federal funding and "major party" status. If you don't live in a swing state, I would vote for him for this reason.
He's making it really hard to justify it though. He's pandering to the left harder than Rand panders to the right. I wish someone would run on the LP ticket with clear and concise libertarian principles.
Because Trump is a pussy that employs illegals at Mar Largo and has to buy eurotrash whores to raise Gary Busey's kids.
>Busey was his bull in the 80s
>used to fuck Ivana at Boehmian Grove parties while trump masturbated in the corner
He is pro-TPP
Because you're not a libertarian, just like him. Honestly where he differs from a real libertarian, he adopts the worst possible positions.
After spending $30k on internet memes, the Gary campaign is now buying 3 cent ads running in the middle of the night on the radio that say all of nothing.
Philosophically I'm an ancap, but I'm also a libertarian from a pragmatic perspective.
I can't directly defend Johnson, because he's such a wet rag. With that said, I find Trump supporters fail to grasp the difference between globalization (an inevitable process) and globalism (a marxist doctrine of one world government). Trade agreements are the opposite of free trade, but trade agreements are still better than full blown protectionism. Trump is just intellectually bankrupt, he's still better than Hillary... but that's a really low bar.
As far as the whole immigration thing, Ron Paul wrote a pretty good piece on it today: mises.org
>reasons to vote for Johnson
none hes full of shit
says hes for the american people but supports the TPP which is completely against the american citizen and their rights
dont vote for this fucking liar
also if you dont understand the importance and complexity of the TPP you dont deserve to vote
I bet he's getting tons of democratic support now...
You like to #BakeTheCake
"Undocumented people" are just using their freedom of movement to violate your private property and vote for your opponents.
He should pander harder. Loose some trump voters and get some hillary ones.
Maybe he can both get the federal funding and help keep hillary away from the white house.
If he was pandering to the right, or even staying true to the NAP, it'd help clinton out. This is better.
Someone post the video of him getting triggered over a reporter saying illegal immigrant
He's not winning over many Republicans. He was somewhat reasonable in 2012 but now he has gun grabber VP plus seems to be all about speech policing and avoiding trigger words. He's a burnout desu. He turned into a hyper-neocon without the wars.
He's a pro-TPP, pro-carbon tax, Open Borders, SJW pandering Globalist liberal raping the corpse of the libertarian party. You may as well vote Hillary.
This is why you don't vote for Gary Johnson:
Because "Trump's a pussy"
Weed, bro.
That's all you need to know.
This.Did they let him into Bilderberg or something?
There isn't any. He's a George Soros backed shill who's running because the kikes are worried Hillary can't beat Trump without a spoiler. He literally wants to open the borders up even more and let the shitskins flood into the country. Fuck him.
>Loose some trump voters
>give me some good reasons to vote for Gary Johnson instead of Trump
There are none
Because OP, women have their urges too. And if she wants tyrones BBC, then i want it too. Were always in this together! Through every fight!
>libertarian princibles
>clear and straightforward
Every libertarian ive ever seen was either left wing or right wing. Libertarians legit dont exist
This. Johnson is a Hillary plant. He's also a pussified SJW
That is not how it works.
Johnson is there to suck Trump's vote.
Same reason the media abandons Stein entirely.
>Johnson is there to suck Trump's vote
Except nobody with any brain on the right will vote Johnson. Certainly no Conservatives or Libertarians will. The only people I have seen say they will vote for him have been cucked beta male Millennials who as a demographic typically would vote Hillary or were Bernie supporters who didn't go to Jill Stein or Trump.
The only people voting for Gary Johnson are Bernouts that want weed legalized, low information voters, and RINOs who are just virtue signalling.
Reasons to vote for Gary Johnson:
>You post on Reddit
>You're a faggot
>You've never worked a job in your life, merely done nothing but smoke weed like a loser
Hes open borders and anti-gun.