>Moloch is ancient Canaanite god to whom they sacrificed children
>Kek was an ancient god that Moloch and Judaism threw into obscurity
>Memetics brings Kek out of his shackles
>Moloch is worshiped by Jews who use Planned Parenthood to sacrifice children to Moloch
>The next war is Moloch vs Kek
>The next war is Jews vs Sup Forums
Moloch is ancient Canaanite god to whom they sacrificed children
Other urls found in this thread:
the same kikes that push moloch bullshit worship kek. you're all JIDF.
>he worships a jew
Wow way to show me you're not JIDF
>the same kikes that push moloch bullshit worship kek
>[citation needed]
That kid's body language as he is about to be melted.
>Why the fuck should I care?
Praise the one who gives me dubs
Praise be upon kek
witnessed, brother
praise be
kek isn't real. only people that believe in this moloch vs. kek bs will defend him. y'all motherfuckers need jesus
kikes don't believe in jesus, dumbass
He was a Galilean not a jew
Why do you worship a jew?
>Sup Forums is now a roleplaying board
Jesus plz gibs me dubs... you see, nothing, only Kek has this power, praise him.
praise kek
Kek giveth and Kek taketh away
Kek clearly mocks you
> No big happening in days
Has kek abandoned us?
nice dubs
>this and the other thread
Kek is shitposting among us bros
Sup Forums has always been satire
this includes self-satire
Kek died and was reborn, so that we could meme
In rest the frog god slumbers
he lets the bull and owl dance
in their own sacrificial prance
the men with their gold and mighty lumbers
But then a step within their song
Awoke great Kek from his silent cage
With a roar and a laugh of frothing rage
He has come again to correct the wrong
What happened to these threads? I stopped coming here for a while, I assume nothing else got "discovered".
And sing again his froggie song....
" it's not easy being green....."
That can't be, user. Because Sup Forums is a christian board!
You are beyond retarded if you think modern Jews, or even fucking medieval Jews, have anything to do with Jesus, who was a Levantine.
Modern Jews are Neanderthal usurper nephilim, who are a satanic psyop to get you to detest anything abrahamic (along with muzzies)
moloch is a smoke screen
It's Baʿal Hammon and Tanit. NWO is Carthage
Okay so he was some other kind of sand nigger.
What's your point?
WE BELIEVE in one Frog,
Father Kek, the Almighty,
sender of memes and GETs,
of all that is, dank and undank.
We believe in one Lord, Pepe,
the only Son of Kek,
eternally begotten of the Father,
Frog from Frog, Spite from Spite,
true Frog from true Frog,
summoned, not drawn,
of one Meme with Kek.
Through him all Pepes were made.
For us and for our amusement
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Meme Magic
he became incarnate from Germanwings Flight 4U,
and crashed a plane with no survivors.
For our sake he was culturally appropriated by normies;
he suffered Reddit and Tumblr.
On the third year he rose again
in accordance with the Meme Magic;
he ascended to the chans
and is seated at the right hand of Kek.
He will come again in Klan robes to trigger the merchants and the cucks,
and the butthurt will have no end.
We believe in the God-Emperor, the Wall-Builder, the remaker of greatness,
who proceeds from Kek and Pepe.
With Kek and Pepe he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken at yuge rallies, the biggest you've ever seen, believe me.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Chan.
We acknowledge one admin for the lifting of bans.
We check for the repeating digits,
and the happenings of the years to come.
Hail victory.
Moloch is actually not the deity's name. This was corrupted by the ignorant and primitive desert shits who wrote that piece of garbage. These kikes also thought Pharoh, which is also corrupted, was a first name and biblical obsession has led to all of us referring to Egyptian kings as Pharohs despite very little use of the term in ancient Egypt.
Moloch is corrupted from Melqart, the Phoenician deity who the Greeks identified with Hercules. The -qart part means city and is also found in the name Carthage.
tell me more. I'm reading Salammbo by Flaubert right now.
if NWO is Carthage--then are we at pol the unpaid mercenaries at its gates?
How can I learn the ways of Kek?
I worship Jupiter
Have you tried asking?
Asking Kek?
He is prepping big things for Madame Clinton, he is a bit tired though.
No time to search the world around
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come around
Shut it down
The ways of Kek are not for mortal men to know, but his will is revealed to us through the sacrament of repeating digits.
Despite the thread being cancer, the connection between Moloch and modern jews is very... Suspect.
They have been sacrificing children sincd the middle ages(probably before too).
Theres no reason to doubt it because only the jews were accused of it. Muslims were in open war agains't Christedom and yet they didn't accused muslims of sacrificing children.
Kek, bless this post!
They've never even worshipped the god Jesu Christ spoke about, since his time.
what? which one did jesus worship and which one do they worship?
>>Memetics brings Kek out of his shackles
Reminder that Keket was "mandela"ed into existance, that one day he just started "to have existed for thousands of years" even though there is no evidence that he existed "before" that day
People who are into egyptian history will tell you this, Kek is even more mysterious than we know.
My HUEly brother in Kek
Revelation 16:13 - And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Pesquise for 13th tribe of israel and khazaria. Ligue the dots and maybe you can make new connections about history, irmão-monkey user.
i love kek
The jews that didnt converted were mostly the ones that profited selling things in front of the temple and conspired to kill Jesus because he spoke against usury.
Absolutelly heretical
Mammom or some other obscure diety. Perharps even Moloch himself.
The jews werent ways monoteísta like they want everyone to believe
Kek will wreck Moloch.
>tfw your shitposting could potentially be recorded in history books now and be taught to kids for hundreds of years
Jesus worshipped one of Kek's kids, the Jews worship Moloch
I read about them.
But I don't believe in that at all.
Genetic evidence prove that the ashkenazis at least share a male ancestor from ME
Truly the End Times tbqhwy family
Definitely follow your instincts. We have been bombarded with so much misinformation through the course of our lives that at this point best thing you can do is disregard everything you've learned and start afresh.
Here are some names to look into:
Craig Oxley
Joseph Farrell
Lyndon LaRouche
Webster Tarpley
Eustace Mullins
Frank O'Collins
Texe Marrs
Leo Lyon Zagami
John Daniels
Walter Veith
Here are some videos as well:
I don't know where I stand on current conflicts, honestly. For a while I had my faith in some "good guys" but then I found out some new, troubling information and the whole thing seems rotted through. Beware of any "supermen" that come through and save the day, because it's absolutely foreordained at this point. Any "leaks" that come out, are absolutely controlled—no matter how damning they are. They're simply moving into a new phase.
Regarding the spiritual stuff, it's probably a hard pill to swallow, because the Word of God has been completely and thoroughly corrupted beyond all recognition. I have been studying it for a while now, and this link is by far the most informative and thorough I've found. It's basically a Goy who learned Hebrew and Greek, and translated the ancient dead sea scrolls, septuigent, and masoretic texts himself. What he found is quite astonishing.
In that case count me in for the NWO, Ba'al Hammon is based and I want some big circular ports
Jews are always at odds with everything it seems
I mean they did come from warring tribes.
I think the age of kek would be an end of "righteous" conflict
and usher in an age of annoying conflict that lacks any meaning or substance
but still exists because fuck it, its fun(ny)
I don't doubt that the Jewish elite worship Moloch or some other ancient Levantine God. I mean Epstein got a new temple or something installed on his island which looks like an ancient Egyptian temple with a golden dome and statues of ancient Gods. Not to mention all the Moloch and Minerva references in the Clinton emails. Scary shit, hopefully God has something planned for us that will end this once and for all.
10th Crusade when?
>NWO is Carthage
Carthago delenda est.
praise kek bless these dubs
Righteous conflict soon friend, no more afterwards for the Hyperborean race arises.
Notice me kek sempai desu
Praise KEK
>>Kek was an ancient god that Moloch and Judaism threw into obscurity
No he wasn't.
Thou shall follow or be damned.
this isn't funny anymore
i think im losing my mind
kek isnt real right?
>kek isn't real.
But Yahweh is because...
im scared now
what the fuck
hold me Sup Forums
First let the power of meme magic take you away through faith, then the dubs will come freely.
>roll playing
Yeah.... thats what it is.
Christians don't worship a Jew, or at least they aren't supposed to. Christ is not God. Christ was a piece of God, the human embodiment, but not God himself. This is especially true if you accept the whole trinity thing. Christianity is not Jew worship according to what Christianity teaches, you KIKELORD.
>Jesus is Lord
Yes, you worship a jew. The ruling elder of any sizable Christian population will tell you upon being confronted about it that they worship a dead Jew, they are proud of the fact. Just embrace it. If you want to worship Jesus, go ahead, be the most sniveling jew slave that you can be. Sell out your own people. Put coin above all other things. But don't come in here in to complain that we've found you out, and try to turn it around on us. That will not work, and only makes you look foolish.