Why don't white men want to have families anymore?
Why don't white men want to have families anymore?
Because I like being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want and having enough money to do it.
Too much work, not enough personal gain outside of working less for sex.
Get married
>No more sex
>wife treats you like shit
>kids scream in your ear all day and destroy your shit
>Wife bitches at you for not doing enough around the house for her
>Everyone but you gets to piss all your money away on stupid shit
Never get married user.
I'd rather have a Viper.
I can't afford it.
I just got rejected from a job that I was overqualified for. I've accepted that I will die alone.
white men are whiny fags. just look at this board.
I had more disposable income making $20k/year as a single guy than I do now as a well compensated married guy.
Work at McDonalds and drive a corvette if you work hard and don't act like a nigger with your money.
Take a fuck vacation to eastern europe once a year...
It's a bad investment. That's why niggers knock chicks up and run, but unfortunately white men have a sense of responsibility regarding offspring.
Remember the old saying : Children are 15 seconds of joy and 18 years of misery.
I want one, but I need to get where I want career-wise first to pay for one.
>Eastern Europe
Must really be shit in leaftown
because that ho is on her 3rd dick this month
and if all goes perfectly she will be pissed off at me in 20 years that I put the forks in upside down in the dishwasher.
this, + after a few years the bitch gets bored of you and cheats / divorces your ass, getting half of everything + child support for half of your income
Modern education now teaches people what risk assessments are.
This. My dream car since fucking birth.
Go back to your shack nigger
Trips of truth
I want a family, but I don't see any girl I would want to marry and start one with. These stupid bitches going to the club every friday is like talking to a brick, and the nice, none slutty ones are usually awkward and unhygienic.
This may sound weird, but I want a strong, confident, smart and beautiful women to be a mother for my children. It's hard connecting to girls, and I don't want to wait till my 30s to find a more psychologically mature women.
I'm not in to chinks
You just have to convince them they are better off with "100%" of your income. I had a buddy get divorced last year, his ex is getting $9k/mo out of him. Disgusting....
All of my male relatives of my parents generation either:
> Ended up married to an obese sexless blob
> Got divorced the second their income or attractiveness decreased
I'll get married if it's for life, and to a virgin. Otherwise? It's not marriage.
In all fairness western women fucking suck
Liberals don't get married, conservative marriage rates are fine.
maybe you're just a sperglord :DDDD
Regretting getting married now
I'm 27 and make 6 figures but most of it goes to my wife spending and stupid trips I don't enjoy
My friends from college go to Ibiza and Vegas and snort coke of 22 year olds and I gotta beg for a night out with friends
Muh lie repeated long enough.
ITT how to dodge a bullet
I do.
So far all the women I've dated are entitled millenials who are horrified at the idea of getting married and having children.
Jews convinced our women that casual sex with strangers is "liberating".
too much everything
ill pass
>Implying the only places to vacation to are slant eyed toxic wastelands
I guess I should be happy you aren't trying to come to my country
Meet women at a place that has a professional vibe to it. Volunteer at your local GOP, library, etc. Find a place that has a coed group of intelligent people.
Date for a long time and live together for at least a year before you marry. Stay away from clubs/bars/bimbos.
Also, make sure your potential mate has an earning potential of $100k/yr+. If they are self-sufficient they are less likely to turn out like a self-important cunt.
I have no incentive to do it. It is literally determimental to me to do so.
Besides, I've argued with people on here a lot about this. They all wasted their time on me. I'm not fat, I'm not ugly, I'm not a basement dweller. I am not the problem, women are. I've known this for years. The majority of them are sluts and whores. They are like that because we live in a culture that lets them be that way and get away with it. That's western culture. Nothing I can do about it, and my mind has been made up for a while now.
I do not fucking understand this. Since when did the man have to answer to his wife? Think about it dude. You make the money, yet you need permission from your "master" because she controls the wet hole between her legs.
I do but most women nowadays are disgusting. Who wants to marry some deep voiced tattooed slut who had 30+ guys before you (ie """dated around"""). Not to mention that if she divorces you like in 50% of marriages at some point, she will take half your hard earned money.
We want equality. Black men get to make babies and not deal with them.
i do but i'm a 19 year old virgin
You have to beg to do stuff you want when you're the one with all the money and power? Oh wait you handed that all over to her when you got married. TOP KEK
>Why don't white men want to have families anymore?
Pic related
Did I imply that? Read again burger.
marriage is a religious thing. if you aren't religious then your marriage will fail
>getting married
cant say you werent warned, famalam
An oldie but a goody. One of my favorites!
It's all day with you faggots isn't it
I know mgtow is Jewish as fuck but man there is a stark reality than your freedom as a male bachelor is glorious compared to the nagging hags of western society
Say goodbye to friendships
Say goodbye to any travels with friends or solo
Say goodbye to disposable income because she will spend it all
Being single and making a lot was the best time of my life
I make about 50% more now than I did then and I'm fucking miserable
Wife got canned and I didn't work for months but she still managed to bitch about leaving a towel out and God forbid I do Coke with my friends one night while she guzzles down two 20 dollar bottles of wine a night
Only 27 tho prolly gonna bail
So you aren't whoring yourself out. Less baggage to deal with when you finally meet the right person. Just hold her to the same standard you hold yourself to.
Starting a family requires getting married a woman and you would have to be insane to gamble half your assets and income on the whims of a modern womyn
No benefits
Less freedom
Less $$$$
More stress and nagging
Id rather just do whatever the fuck I want and not have to answer to noone. But everyone goes well your gonna die alone (who cares your fucking dead) and what about muh legacy? And I say who THE HELL CARES? This worlds a SHITHOLE anyways.
Why did you reply to me when my comment is pretty much the opposite of theirs?
Making children in a society where I know they will have the opposite of my ideals forced down their throats. You can't entirely influence your child, or they will be rebellious and be the exact opposite of what you want.
>im a small dicked cuck whos terrible at sex
>women only want me for my money becaues i could never satisfy them sexually
You cucks know its people like you that cause white women to cuck their husbands with black men right? Like holy shit stop having such small dicks and stop being so bad at sex your wife stops fucking you
Because they bitch and go crazy until you cave in
You must be single...
It doesn't start out like
Sometimes it just ends that way. Stay single, Ivan, no matter what you may encounter, stay single.
> not have to answer to noone
No virgins anymore.
100 years ago no men would ever marry a used slut.
How do you know I'm not black? We do live in a very multicultural society fellow leaf.
Hard to find a good woman
I'm not gonna have the mother of my children be a former coalburner or have fucked any more than 5 men before me
Home ownership is completely out of reach for most as is a career that will pay what you need to support a family and this isn't going to change any time soon
If these conditions changed then you would see more families but cost of living is rising and wages aren't keeping up
Amber Heard.
because they are short-sighted and deceived
when you are old and alone with no children to find joy in, you will regret it.
I didn't have my one and only child until I was 28 and I heavily regret not starting when I was much younger and having ludicrous mormon-level birthrate
There are like 10 niggers in all of canada. You are most like asian, hence the small penis
because submissive, God fearing women who wear long skirts, head scarfs, and make a Sunday roast for the family, daily, do not exist anymore
why on earth would i want to spend the rest of my life with an atheist, who is essentially a man with tits? what is an atheist marriage? it seems to be the equivalent of playing dress-up or acting in a play, pretending to believe in something you don't. marriage is definitionally an oath between a man and a woman, in the eyes of God, that you will remain together til death do you part. without this foundation, it becomes completely meaningless.
truthfully, you have to game the system is all.
>implying that I'm actually in Canada
Also, have you ever been to the GTA?
Most men don't have the kind of money for women to go that nuts over
Most men are barely getting by as is
> head scarf
There are still good Christian women out there you just need to be willing to put in the effort to find them. Go to church, and weekly bible study would be a good start.
Even if they are "God fearing" they are cunts once you're ringed up and they have you in a marriage contract
I was in Boston recently, helping my sister move into her apartment and met her friends. One of them was super cute, and then... they started talking about what the "creepy" things they do for money. Two of them sold their eggs on a monthly basis, and one was thinking about cam-whoring. I'm not passing judgement over them, because they really were in need of cash, but we basically live in Weimar republic-tier levels of poverty and degeneracy.
> The solution to degenerate sex is getting good at degenerate sex
Come south to fight, leaf
>tfw your wife sold some of your gold for shoes and clothes
Chek'd & kek'd
Pretty sure he meant this
>Still believing in fairy tales as an adult
> tfw you don't have a wife
>Dude I just want to relax and party dude
>the planet is like populated enough already maaaaaaan
>got my nuts chopped
>hope to live another 30 nigger-free years
We do, just not with the current generation of roasties.
>implying it's even possible for men to hold women to that standard in western society anymore
This ain't the 1950s anymore, son.
>And he left no posterity or real mark on this world because he lived a shallow, self centered life and the world forgot he ever existed in the blink of an eye.
Look, I fully understand that the majority of Western women today suck, I absolutely do. But this argument that "I want money and fast cars and hot bitches I can fuck and bail on so that's why I'm not getting married" or "well, niggers abandon their kids so I should be able to too" is just fucking retarded.
If you don't contribute to raising the next generation, especially if you are white, and you want life to be all about you, you, you and lots of money, you are of no real use to this world. Your life ultimately will be meaningless and of no consequence to anyone.
>money money money
You are a slave of money and debt cycle. Even niggers and mudslims more free than you guys. How did our ancestors grow, educate their children? They were poor as fuck but educate people who colonized continents, won great wars, did science. All modern "need money to pay for girl and children" man can grow only cucks. Beat the fuck out all shit from head of your girl.
How can something great and important as marriage be based on money instead of love?
You must be weak to fear your wife?
>so close
here is real version
search the scientific name (title)
very common in animal kingdom
I want a wife and children, but I've literally never met a woman worth that level of commitment.
Have you ever been in a relationship?
Sex stops because women use sex as weapon to control their man.
It doesn't matter how hard you make her sum your dock after 2-3 years will become her ultimate tool to control you.
Is the meaning of life giving up sovereignty to a women so you can make offspring? Is that dopamine rush better than doing all the things you wished to do as a kid?
>money money money
I live in my parents dining room with taped up curtains and have a whole -£995 in my bank account. I am not in the economic position to have a wife or children. It is just a fact unless I wanted them to have a shit life.
I don't fear her, I'm just not willing to put up with her shit. That makes her mad, but I'm not getting laid anyway, so I have no incentive to be helpful and nice.
That's because white men have honour and a concern for life and their ambitions
Niggers are just eat and fuck animals
Read the Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy.
Sad reality, women will abuse sex for power and it will be the main focus of the relationship.
There is nothing beautiful about love.
So go and get a job m8.
I have, I start on Friday.
>still put all your faith in empirical evidence which is still subjective at the end of the day
Look, if you give your sovereignty up to a woman, that is more of a you thing than anything else. Sure, the law treats her better in many ways and in divorce court for sure, but on a day to day basis if you let her rule your life that is for the most part on you and the woman YOU chose.
But to an extent, life is certainly about sacrificing part of yourself for a greater good and something bigger than yourself. Propagating the next generation is certainly one of those things.
Life is not simply about pleasure and juvenile satisfaction. If you think it is then you have some growing up to do.
If a woman even hints at using sex as a bargaining tool, the only acceptable response is to drop her and immediately fuck someone hotter. Then, if you actually like her and she begs for forgiveness, and she hasn't been with anyone else, you let her back in. If it happens again, you cut all ties.
Thanks senpai, thats some good advice
Except I do want to have a family. You should be asking white women, they're the gatekeepers to reproduction and all
Good luck man. I glad to hear that not all poltards are cucks.