What do women want

What do women want


Women are the niggers of gender.

Think like a nigger, and you'll know how to control them.

Money, food, and to have each and every single whim and desire catered to without a single error.

to be told what they'll get


They want me, baby.

what do men want?


Who cares.

his face is too small for his head

wet holes

To have fun.

(they actually don't know what they want, they are emotional and fickle based on the moment.)

...for you to read their minds 24/7 and react accordingly.

really makes you think

Deep down inside, they crave death. Just like socialists.

Who cares? Women know what they want and they hate each other.

They want to zig a zig ahhh


To a woman a man is a means to an end, and that end is children.

Woman were never meant to be anything more than an outlet for mans entertainment and that was fine because both were happy in this kind of relationship

But the Jews simply wouldn't have that

>posting StaƄczyk

To be told what to do...but in a benevolent sort of way.

zero accountability, and satisfaction of immediate needs.

spot on.