honestly how is this incorrect?
Honestly how is this incorrect?
the map looks mostly red tho desu baka
That's all backwards
You might not believe it but NY, MI and WI will go red this election.
it is 26 red 25 blue (dc)
If PA goes red then NC will 100%
i dont quite believe it, maybe wi with all the troubles in Milwaukee
whats the connection? i dont generally see PA and NC having a lot of cross culture
If Trump goes up 3%, Assuming WaPo's current polls are correct, and the tied states (maine and nevada) go for clinton, this is what the map will look like.
Trump is going to win.
nigga are u dum
i feel like GA and MO are gonna be problems
We don't have a shot in NY since its entirely up to NYC to decide. Hopeful, but unlikely.
Trump is leading by double digits (something like 12%) in GA, by similar numbers in Missouri.
Georgia (not going blue, this is a meme)
New Hampshire
If Trump won Ohio, FL and PA he'd also win NC and probably Michigan
dude forget colorado ever going red again unless red gets behind green
Seriously nigger?
Trump and Hillary's marijuana polices are exactly the same.
why does everyone have NC as red after they passed the voter id laws? dems gonna ship in spics to stuff ballots
Atlanta doesn't have as much influence over the state as say, Portland has over Oregon. Yes, it's a large pop center but Georgia has a larger rural and suburban population as well.
Missouri is likely going to see huge voter turn out for Trump thanks to the bullshit they've been subjected to from Obama's sons over the past year.
I disagree. Trump is more popular in NYC than Hillary and he's way more popular in the rest of the state as well. Trump will win in a landslide in November, in part because of how well he's going to do in NY.
NC isn't even a question. How these tards got it into their brains that we're a battleground state is a mystery. One Democrat vote in twelve elections and somehow we're a tossup.
In pretty much every, if not every, election in the United States since 1900, there is a trend that most people fail to understand, and it revolves around three states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania.
If Ohio and PA are the same color, that color wins the election.
If Ohio and PA are seperate colors, Florida's color wins the election.
In your map, OH, PA, and FL are all Red. Yet you have the Democrats winning.
Re-evaluate your map, sempai.
For 100 years, Missouri voted for the winner, Democrat or Republican. It could happen.
Well for starters, Clinton has never has the lead in Georgia and Missouri. On top of that, North Carolina, Virginia, and Oregon are too close to call. And now that Trump has gained a large percent in the polls from last month, you can bet that Wisconsin and maybe another state or two are in close contention now.
Obama couldn't win Missouri or Georgia in either election and he couldn't win NC in 2012.
file name related
Just went back and double-checked to be sure. This is accurate with the exception of the 1960 Election, where Kennedy won.
How incorrect?
Too many states you still assume to be blue that are going red again just like in 1980.
WI is one, can confirm this for you right now. Got probably 3-4 more in there that should be red as well. Sorry, but she's toast.
I dont see Trump winning PA, OH, or NV.
I dont see Clinton winning GA or MO.
Otherwise not bad. My 75 day out map had Trump at only 190 votes.
MO and GA will go red, however that's all he'll win.
>DC still blue
It's the little things.
This. WI actually has a shot.
Co is a Bernout state and most of the Bernouts I've been talking to are still pissed at Hillary and the DNC. We'll go Yellow or Green before we go Blue
because it will go a lot more like this
What the fuck are you talking about? It went red in '08 and '12.
>Florida blue
>SC Blue
Nice meme map
>nigga are u dum
Most trumpfellators have IQ's on par with sea cucumbers.
This has been proven over and over.
Fucking moran, as per usual.
>not blood red
No, it hadn't, but you do keep proving that HillShills are the most delusional retarded fuckers that currently exist in society today. Thank you for confirming once again.
Why does everyone think VA will go blue? isn't VA full of republicans?
No, it's mostly Democrats now.
VA is full of government workers. It's been getting progressively more blue since 2008.
Georgia, Missouri
>Trumps wins by one
They've been recently pressing that Texas is going blue despite that never going to fucking happen.
>North Carolina
>New Hampshire
Not true at all, but keep feeding lies to the simpleminded (R)s, it keeps them from invading bird sanctuaries....
>PA goes red without NC going red.
>MO goes blue without IA going blue.
nope. no fucking chance.
>MN not forever BLUE
Just go change the Constitution if you don't like it, Hancock.
Better yet, move to Somalia you traitorous scum.
I wish very dearly that only whites could vote.
Here's what 2012 would have looked like if only white men and women(!) were able to vote.
>but she's toast.
Your heated tears of impotent rage will never not continue to sustain us!!
trumpsucker detected and confirmed!
Fire at will!!
That red soil is the blood of traitorous curs who fought the One True America.
They, and you, lost.
So love it or leave it, scum. Take your slutty wives and daughters with, or we WILL put them to work.
Spayed, of course....
MO Democratic operative here.
MO is so Blue at this point not even running ads here.
Enjoy your tears, I will!
ill tell you right now
get real
The majority population of MO is black people and Kansas City/St. Louis suburban whites isn't it?
No way Trump wins Missouri
Trump wins Florida? I jejjed.
Yeah, that meme needs to end.
There are more and more Hispanic voters leaning republican in the state than ever before, and it helped Abbott get elected.
Colorado is going blue, no doubt about it. There are too many Calicucks moving in for weed. Hell, we had too many liberals to begin with.
Not even close.
MO is 93% white, just educated whites live in the cities. The morans make poor meth and bathtub gin and vote (R) because they have bad brains.
Actual map. DESU, I think Trump is leading in Iowa, GOP is leading in NC, and Trump may have an edge in FL and OH.
PA, NH, Maine district, not sure. CO, NV, VA have had too many outsiders come in to go red for now.
I think AZ, UT, Nebraska district, Missouri, Georgia, are all safely red despite some estimates.
New Mexico, believe it or not, I will call a swing, because I believe Gary Johnson can truly siphon enough votes to give GOP a chance.. Idk if that translates to "Trump" being successful, but GOP could have a shot in general.
You are all like little babies
Look upon and despair
Realized I commented NV cannot go red but marked it red. I meant to comment that toward MI and WI, which I am thinking just aren't going to go red this election, but GOP may make progress in either.
NV is a complicated piece. Hispanic and CA migration trend it blue, but it would seem Donald could perform well there versus Hillary, outside of usual party preference.
The Latin root of the word is "to retard",
Trump's rhetoric is more suited for rust belt white population's voting interests than the George Bush, Ted Cruz, types; than fake John McCain, Romney types. I can see Trump performing better than former nominees in this states, though I wouldn't say a victory is likely in either great lake state.
>North Carolina
The DC metro area is basically a mini California. And there are a shit ton of people here, so they tend to overrule the rest of the state.
Almost as dumb as thinking Georgia is blue.
I can see this happening after the debates. Were going in for total annihilation.
I laugh at everybody who claims this because they have no fucking idea how my state works.
>From Old French progres (“a going forward”), from Latin prōgressus (“an advance”), from the participle stem of prōgredī (“to go forward, advance, develop”), from pro- (“forth, before”) + gradi (“to walk, go”).
Dear god, you're a retarded shill
MI will