ITT: pairings that trigger Sup Forums

ITT: pairings that trigger Sup Forums.

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>Joker and his punching bag
Naw, that's a perfect couple, you should have started with Ivy and Harley OP you'd get more (you)s that way

The couple is fine, just dont get confused on what kind of relationship it is like every other fucking casual

Space Sword x Boomerang. You know it was love at first kill. And their first love was Sokka so they have that in common too.


Now that I think about it, they should have had space sword come back in LOK.
Like some bandit leader found and kept it.

Hardly. Timmverse has brainwashed most nostalgia fags here into liking that pairing.

Since when Joker/Harley doesn't trigger Sup Forums? Did I miss something?

Sup Forums only hates the pairing when it gets watered down to appeal to normies. Like Joker giving a damn about her or when teenagers start parroting "relationship goals" on facebook. Harley works best as a sad, cautionary example.

But Sup Forums isn't Mark Waid.

I always got the impression from the original Harley/Joker chemistry that they were in a genuine relationship, but Joker's married to his """""work""""".

A Joker that purely abuses Harley is more likely to be an edgelord 'chaos incarnate' Joker which is everything wrong with the character.

judging by his reaction to that custard pie mister J probably revs up his Harley at least once in a while

Hey, man. Not every pairing can be as bad as SM/WW.

If they recon their relationship, like Joker is still an ass but a less abusive, would it work or that's too much of a change for Joker?

They should both be horrible people. The SS movie at least got that right. The problem was that the Joker was too much into her.

Bias and ships aside, it's canon that they fucked.

Also I miss BTAS.

>They should both be horrible people
Exactly. I dislike the whole concept of Harley as antihero, she's a villain.

Right? People sometimes try to make Harley Quinn into the "compassionate helper", who most of the times tries to convince Joker to spare people or goes behind his back to save people. That's bullshit. She should be as dangerous as him.

Sup Forums getting triggered by normies is autism

>Who the fuck is Steve Trevor?!
like, Steve Trevor was originally the fucking reason she left her beautiful island of hot amazons
and then they pair her up with Batman and Superman
who themselves have legitimate love interests in their own respective series
this angers me so much



That was the whole appeal of the whole pairing; the fact that he a narcissistic sociopath and her unhealthy attraction to him. It's based on the whole idea of the "bad boy" that appeals to vulnerable impressionable young girls.

Let's also not forget that the original Harley wasn't very smart.

It may trigger, but I fully support it anyway

Harley is completely retarded in her own series now though.






Steve Trevor is boring as fuck. He's just always super nice and understanding. I root for the guy, but he needs a makeover.

I hope that the movie might change that. Chris Pine's characters tend to be pretty charming and roguish.

She outsmarted batman. She's smart it's just her love of the joker that retards her.

Love makes you stupid, my mama always used to say.

that panel is absolutely disgusting, i'm still triggered

Why? It's a good pairing. As in Harley is obsessed and Joker thinks of her as a cat toy.

Oh yeah? Better not bring up THAT Palmiotti interview.

What's wrong with this one?

Right? The three times they did it was just the characters having "feelings" for one another without ever doing something about it. Shit is harmless.

That shit ain't nothing compared to this two. Seriously, the mere mention or just a single pic of this pairing sent Sup Forums into a frienzy similar to the one of Barneyfag

That's probably because IF people like Joker and Harley, they're not even a fraction as obnoxious as Harley/Ivy shippers.

>they're not even a fraction as obnoxious as Harley/Ivy shippers.

Harley/Ivy shippers aren't obnoxious, I have yet to see one shipper of them that isn't me.

She had the best end and development on The Return of the Joker - but for it you have to KILL him.


As I dislike jokerxharley at least those shippers don't infantilize the fuck out Harley and whitewash all the horrible shit Poison Ivy done to make her a trophy wife.


>"He thought the trip to the guillotine factory was just for fun, but it was the perfect place to shoot him"


Can you blame them though?. I mean, all the shippers work with published material, and most of the writers have infatalize the shit out of Harley and made Ivy some sort of a trophy wife. I mean, when you have shit like these it's really hard to think Ivy won't be like that?.

Now before you said anything, I know some shippers like to put under the rug the moments where Ivy has attacked physically Harley and treated like shit, and I agree that that shouldn't be done but then again try to see it from their perspective, most writers also like to forget that and treat the Harley/Ivy relantionship like a more healthy one


I just don't understand why Johnny.

It seems like "healthy" is synonymous to boring desu.

I agree with you there, but that how most writers see them (including Dini). So I say blaming the fans for seeing something that is there because the writers make them that way seems kind of unfair

I've always thought that Harley and The Joker's dynamic is way more interesting than Harley and Ivy's. Okay, so they're friends who fuck. Harley is polyamorous or whatever. Ivy doesn't mind. That's a snoozefest.



holy kek

what in the 13 chthulian fucks

>most of this dialogue is real

>Harley is polyamorous or whatever. Ivy doesn't mind

That stuff is just Palmiotti & Conner's doing. Before that Harley harldy fucked anyone that wasn't either Joker or Ivy.

Before them Harley & Ivy had a dynamic, had fun thing going, but since Palmiotti started the "polyamorous" thing everyone started disliking the pairing, even the shippers themselfs. Don't let yourself be fooled by those two stuff



>everyone started disliking the pairing
I haven't seen that, at least not before the latest issue.


I have seen some shippers that have disliked Palmiotti & Conner for quite some while

Big Barda and Superman. If you have read it, you'd know why.

Does that really count if they were both brainwashed?


You have a point. But it is very triggering indeed!

I know a certain fanbase that feels very much threatened by this pairing.

are people on here really still mad about this

I like The Joker and Harley. I liked that in SS his big motivation was sex (it's mentioned in the novelization).

Why is it the mere thought of Joker having sex makes me shrudder with disgust?, like it's not even related not anything but it cause me disgust

>still mad
what? I thought we mainly agreed it was just very stupid.

Because you realize that he's insane and you try to imagine his actions in bed and his very form is very unappealing

Yeah, that and I always thought that sex was beneath him, like if he had a to-do list for the day he'd have sex at the very bottom of it or not even having it, like he's so obssesed with his "work" that sex wouldn't even be in his mind

Pic REEEEEElated.


Remember this stuff?

why does Harley have fetal alcohol syndrome face?

Forgot link.

I don't see what's triggering there, I was expecting Palmiotti to mentions fetishes but I didn't see one (surprising I know). Also thank God for Rebirth and making Future's End non-canon

Why do you hate me?

>thank God for Rebirth and making Future's End non-canon
But honestly Rebirth isn't that different from the N52. Maybe it's even shittier when it comes to Harley.

Well Rebirth set-up the Watchmen stuff while Future's End set-up Brainiac stuff, and Brainiac stuff got dealt in Convergence, also Future's End didn't have Jon in it or that's it's happening currently


I don't think it means much to be fair.
Also, I think that at some point some Joker/Harleyfag will join the roster and that'll be fun. It can't be Conner and Palmiotti forever.

>I don't think it means much to be fair.

Yeah, I only saying since I don't think DC remembers Future's End

> I think that at some point some Joker/Harleyfag will join the roster

You mean a new writer? I don't know, it'll be fun that a sure thing (and I say that as a Harley/Ivy shipper), but I don't think P&C will leave, if ever, seems like those two are attached to the character the same way Slott is attached to Spidey

Who robble here?

For some reason Sup Forums flips out when this shows up

Dick and Gordon?

Batman's only love interest is JUSTICE. Superman has only been married to Lois since the 90s. To put this into perspective, Peter Parker was married to Mary Jane for about 20 years before that.

Prior to the 90s, Lois was a cunt who constantly meddled in Superman's job by tricking him into marrying her. She never gave a fuck about Clark Kent. The live action TV series changed that of course, but don't let your short-sighted perspective delude you into thinking just one status quo is the correct one.


>That stuff is just Palmiotti & Conner's doing.
Nope. Harley was always a free spirit. Always flirtatious with everyone. Pic related. This was during Kessel's run before the New52. Harley was off getting hot and heavy with Jimmy Olsen at the time.

I've read plenty of times Karl Level & Dodsons Harley and the stuff with Olsen was just Harley messing with him 'cause of the "Our Worlds at War" tie-in where Olsen lied to Harley about Talia-head (or something like that) being his fiance and needed to go back to Metropolis to meet her. Harley was flirtatious yes, but hardly at the level that she is today

whats wrong with it is that multiply rocks grazed batman hard enough to go though not only the fabric on his suit but also the Kevlar weave underneath it aka bullet prove vest material and not just that all these rocks didnt even scrape Bruce

I was happy and now mad

WESTERN-yurifags are the worst. It should''ve never been canon.

I just think they're boring.

You are mentally retarded. Silver age Lois might be insane but what about Golden Age Lois? The one gal who actually married the OG Superman.

This doesn't trigger co.

Everyone on this board thinks if this ship was canon it would make Carol cool again.