I honestly don't get it. Is this movie pro- or anti-niggers?
I honestly don't get it. Is this movie pro- or anti-niggers?
If you have to ask you're mentally retarded.
>Fucking jew
Why am I not surprised
It's pro nigger like you are
Do enlighten me then
Didn't the ending prove the old Derek was right all along?
>Nigger can be a tribe,
>Jews can be a tribe
>Muslims can be a tribe
>Asians can be a tribe
>Whites form a tribe...
>It's annudah shoah
Pretty much the movie in a nutshell
You really are a shekleburg aren't you
The premise of the movie (Stay with me here)
Was that hate is a circle of violence. Why don't you watch the movie again a couple of times and stop wasting Sup Forumss time
>niggers are the only problem in the movie
>violence is circle
blowing smoke in a nigger's face counts as violence and is a valid reason to get shot?
It's anti-violence. As you can see in the movie, it solves nothing, and only makes things worse.
it's just a movie
And eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. If you listen to what the faggot says at the end he iterates that life is too short to be full of anger and hate the whole time. Please kill yourself you baitbagging oven dodger
Movies make up a vital part of American culture. Most think they are the protagonist to their movie, because of Hollywood
It's a meme movie. It isn't even that good, I don't know why Sup Forums obsesses over it so much
This movie is meant to BTFO any young man who wants to support whites.
the only impression I got is that whites are for some reason expected to be the ones to stop the cycle of violence
because niggers are somehow excused from it, or aren't expected to be intelligent enough to do so
Fucking newfag
My take is that violence is a disease. The only two positive forces were his old teacher and the nignog in prison that protected him. Both nonviolent. All other violent forces caused butthurt.
Given the extreme violence in the ME, not really surprising you are blind to the message.
>muh let ur face get blacked because pacifism
The end taught me no matter what I've experienced in life or what I've been told, around blacks never relax.
It was red pilled for me.
I have alway wonder, about this movies. I have never met a skin head, or neo nazi, are there alot of them hiding some where> ?
its pro niggers the fact is most white people will never live around them or go to prison to experience them first hand so they fall in love with the tv stealing cloths folding nigger and think they are all like that
it's hardly simialr
middle eastern violence is extremely simplistic
low intelligence and tribalism makes arabs rabid and extremely willing to use force over trivial matters, but it also makes them terrible at grand strategy, hence always losing wars against western powers
what I got from this movie are basically two opposite agendas, one stating gang violence is somehow sustained by racism, and the other stating that even a white person that isn't really racist will eventually fall victim to nigger gang chimpouts
I just don't know which one is more powerful
The only two things that came from this movie were the song about the zog machine and the saying "Weed is for niggers, have some self respect"
Bikers are pretty anti-nigger. The ones around here hate everyone that isn't white, and I'm not talking about hobbyists.
It's pro multikulti but they were so incompetent that it backfired.
Wouldn't have to worry without a bunch of shifty kikes immigrants and feral nogs fucking everything up.
The original ending was him reshaving his head, after his brother dies at the end of the movie. They reedited it before it hit theaters.
In this movie, they show that the only way to end racism and sheit is to get to know people from other races, in the USA as an example they got segregation pretty hard whites mostly don't interact with niggers so the niggers hate the white as much as the whites hate the niggers, in Brazil we have a few niggers but most have been watered down to brownies and they are pretty chill cause they have been living among other races for generations their parents can be white and their mother could be black so they don't held anything against others in general, I'm not defending niggers or anything just pointing out the truth
when i said Brazil we have few niggers i meant full black niggers like in the usa, mostly are mestizos black/white brownies
Bluepilled ending but redpilled content throughout mainly from Norton's character.
even without that scene it pretty much causes the same effect
OP is a fucking retard. How do these morons have higher IQs than whites?
>killed by a nigger over nothing
It's anti nigger AND anti kike.
Watch the scene with the jew teacher again as literally his only argument to well articulated points is "MUHHHH 6 GORJILLLIONNN!!"
In the original ending Edward Norton's character shaved his head again and became a Nazi once more. It was a much darker ending for a dark movie. The ultimate tragedy was that Derek was wrong about being wrong (Nazis were wrong about being wrong and now the world is fucked for it)
Norton and the studio got angry when they realized the director was an actual Nazi so they fired him and did rewrites, among which was the new ending about how hatred is baggage.
The more you know.
name the guy that got fired
Considering the director is virtually a nobody today and only made three more films after this one, this sounds pretty plausible.
I liked the curb stomp
It was allowed to show in theatres post-1985 so guess what
>it ain't anti-jew