Gondor calls for economic aid!

Gondor calls for economic aid!

Where was Gondor when we were in recession?


What is Gondor tax policy?


And Rohan will bail them out!

Rohan will help but in order to balance the deficit we'll need to increase the tax on horse shoes.

Not a flat tax

>"It doesn't matter that Tolkien's prose and pacing are incredibly spotty, his genius lies in his indepth, consistent, and oddly believable world building."
>"Of course Tolkien didn't bother with tax policies, it would've distracted from his tightly knit story."




But, my lord! The wheat farmers are already strained under the recent shortage of water supplies to the eastfeld, as well as Saruman's recent levies on trade through the Gap. Any increases so soon after the last may surely cause uprisings.

Is this the dude from the road?

Rohan can't help our whole city is built using a bunch of twigs and hay have you seen Gondor?? It's a giant stone metropolis built into the side of a mountain and their king Stewart is a gluttonous fatass.

You don't even know what that means. You're just parroting it because it's what the other contrarians do

busy being culturally enriched by mordor immigrants

>It doesn't matter that Tolkien's prose and pacing are incredibly spotty
this isn't true, for starters

"He betrayed the kingdom, if we let him go now he'll just default on the loan!"
"No my lord, let him go; enough red has been reported on his account"

Consider who his peers were at the time his prose had a contemporary reputation for being weak.

Why did Legolas kill him anyways?

>pacing is incredibly spotty
>takes like five hours to leave the shire
>fellowship breaks in like 1 hour

he's not wrong

tolkien is seriously overrated, his writing is dull and dated, the pacing in the first book is awful and the songs are so bad you feel like skipping them

the extended films are a blessing on the series, fixed most of the issues and cut out the useless content

>"He's taking on Tolkien!"

The horse shoe market can surely handle an increase in taxes without going into the red. As for the wheat farmers they will get a tax exemption if their plot of land is larger than 3 acres but if a wheat farmer is also selling horse shoes there will be a tax exemption on his wheat unless its thanksgiving season than all taxes on wheat will be increased by a margin of .5.

po-nzi scheme

>"Tolkien prose is shit? Whaddaya talking about?!? His adjectives have the most syllables I've ever seen! Look at how does it nine times on just one of four pages describing a door."

It's not too late to admit that you've only seen the film and read some online material so you can keep up with forum LotR discussion. There no shame in having an exclusive interest in the film and lore.

not an argument, not that I expected anything else from a tolkientard

Kek these are great

Why didn't Frodo just use Turbo Tax?

Is it liquid? Is it safe?

Evade em refile em pay em to the Jew

theyre not funny in the least. this is reddit tier humor so no wonder you retards lap it up



Fucking A this one made me laugh at loud for some stupid reason


Lothlorien is prepared to offer a loan package if Gondor will initiate austerity reforms.

TAX-A-TION is better


The fuck are you talking about nigger. His adjective and general word choice is excellent, but it's his sentence structuring that really sticks out for most people. Every sentence has a purpose, which is usually showing imagery so vivid that it's almost photographic. Then once in a while, he throws in such a lengthy, richly balanced sentence that you just about have to pause and stare at the page for a moment. This is usually something that only the upper tiers of authors can achieve.

>his prose had a contemporary reputation for being weak

Even if this were true (we can't know, as you haven't provided a source), 'weak' among his peers would still be breathtaking by today's standards desu

>literary brainlets actually believe this shit

Of yes, all of Tolkien's sentences build to something and contribute to the story. Just not the ones where he's making references to one of his 200 appendices. Or the ones where he stops the story to force his worldbuilding, which he is simply unable to write with character interaction. Oh, and of course when he shoves one of his mediocre songs in a completely unwanted moment, because otherwise he would have to refer to an appendix once again. Oh, and did I forget about the useless chapters that offer no contribution whatsoever to the story, and in fact only destroy the pacing? Like most of the Shire and Bombadil? And we obviously can't forget to honor Tolkien's fantastic ability to place you within the story by suddenly pulling the brakes to explain some Hobbit idiosyncrasy no one cares about.

In case you haven't realized yet, Tolkien's praise doesn't come from his contribution to literature (which is close to nothing) but from creating the basis for most of fantasy. If somehow you don't know (and I really suspect you don't) fantasy is plagued by the most awful, simplistic and cliché writing of all genres of literature. It's filled with cheap tropes and poor writing, and most of its gifts to the literary world are fanfiction tier stories.

Jokes aside, which fantasy author was autistic enough to describe tax policies of his kingdoms?

Every single thing you pointed out as being bad is beloved by some other group of people. And no, not because they're brainless idiots. It's because they see value in it. For example, the appendices and songs contribute to the sense that you're reading about real events that happened long ago, which were observed by many people who did not all have the same perspective. We get to see how the hobbits see Middle Earth, and through the songs we also understand how the Elves see it. The appendices resemble the work of separate historians. The multiplicity of voices adds to the verisimilitude of the work and lends it added depth.

>Oh, and did I forget about the useless chapters that offer no contribution whatsoever to the story Like most of the Shire and Bombadil?
>calls other people brainlets
I bet you thought the story should have instantly ended when the ring was cast into the fire as well.

I really wish elitist /lit/ pseuds would stay in their containment board instead of venturing outside and hissing at other people's fun

I don't agree that this would necessarily be autistic. It could have great value actually, although it would certainly be different from most fantasy and would perhaps have to create the fantastic quality in somewhat different ways.

>doesn't enjoy world building

Why are you reading fantasy?

Also his 'extensive' world building is a meme. The second time I read the book I looked for the longest description I could find, which was about half a page on the forest of Lothlorien. Most descriptions, be it swords, cities, mountains, whatever, were surprisingly short, given the memes. I found them no more intrusive than in literally any other story I have read.


You don't have to read these. In fact, not reading them will not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the story at all. If you take the time to read them though, you'll find that they enrich the story and the world in quite a pleasing way.


The shire and bobadil don't destroy the pacing, they help to SET the pacing. This is thousand page book for fucks sake. It's amazing how fast some sections move at all considering.


No one is claiming Tolkien as literature. As you should probably know, the quality of 'literature' has almost nothing to do with prose, otherwise there would be problems with the dull but serviceable prose of most philosophical writers, for example.

What about second bailout?

The fact that people appreciate his work doesn't make it good. I'd rather ignore this pathetic attempt at an argument but seeing how this discussion has developed I am sure you'd bring the "point" up again.

Since you failed to understand the point I made, I'll reiterate. The problem is not his song, the problem is not his world building (which is quite good) the problem is his writing. What really sets the difference between great and decent world building is the last, important detail of it: how it is conveyed to the reader. A good writer does that through meaningful and good character interaction, Tolkien does it by cutting in the middle of the tale and referencing his appendices.

No, I don't.

I never said I don't enjoy world building, and I never said Tolkien's is extensive. Having to ignore portions of a book to make it enjoyable won't make it good.

Seems like you're replying to an idea of an argument you created in your head.

Why are you faggots trying to seriously the merits of Tolkien in taxthread? Take that shit to lit or the other LotR thread

My sides

I'm still laughing at this one literally audible laughing

post the one with gandalf reading from the old book in moria

Tolkien certainly wasn't a perfect writer who could do everything. I doubt he could have written Anna Karenina. I think he knew what he was good at, and that was writing in a pseudo-historian, mythicist style with a great deal of attention paid to the psychology subconsciously evoked by etymological history. Some of us really enjoy that. I'm not convinced he was as bad at character interaction as you think he was. He was not writing about modern humans. He was writing about people fighting a desperate war against a cross between an evil dictator and Satan, in a world in which there are multiple races of intelligent humanoid beings (some immortal), technology is at a pre-industrial level, and so on. When Aragorn interacts with Frodo, it's a grizzled warrior-king who was raised by immortal poets interacting with one of the few members of the educated gentry of a small isolated agricultural nation, who is now in over his head in the war against Hitler-Satan.
I'm not gonna argue Tolkien was some great dialogue writer, but given the sort of scenes he was trying to write I think it's amazing how good of a job he did.

>I didn't think it would end this way.
>End? No, the venture doesn't end here. Relocations are just another path... One that we all must take. The red red ink of this quarter rolls back, and all turns to silver and green... And then you see it.
>What? CEO Gandalf?... See what?
>Offshore capitals... and beyond, a shell corporation under favorable taxes.
>Well, that isn't so bad.
>No... No it isn't.

>they have taken the office and the second condo. We have launched an appeal but cannot hold them for long. The premises lose value. Bills, Bills in the deep. We cannot pay. A collections agent lurks in the dark.. We cannot pay. We cannot pay.

There's also a couple of other variations.

I'm dead

>Gandalf the Red. Yes, that's what they used to call me. I am now Gandalf the Black, and I return to you now at the turn of the profits

Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire tax exemption


>If the company survives this recession, you will still be bankrupt. If the financial inquest is defeated and you made primary shareholder and all that you hope for comes true you will still have to taste the bitterness of decreasing profit margins. Whether by the IRS or the slow decay of consumer confidence, your portfolio will empty. And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the deficit of its passing. It will come to death an image of the splendor of the Fortune 500 in glory undimmed before the breaking of the USD. But you, my shareholder, you will linger on in non profit and in low investor confidence as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell bound to your investment under the fading skyscrapers until all the market is changed and the value of your shares are utterly spent.

>You cannot tax!
>I am a servant of the banking secret, wielder of the blockchain.
>The auditors will not avail you, servant of the state.
>Go back to the commune.

Taxes are part of society and are the one thing that affects all citizens and can.start wars and revolutions and have been written about way before medieval fantasy. See Romance of the Three Kingdoms or the Bible

Neither of those are fantasy novels.

They are part historical and part fantasy

>the bible
>not fantasy
sure thing, kiddo


I can tell you worked hard on this, here's a (You)

I read all books and the Silmarillion after the first movie came out when I was 8 years old

Because they cut the scouring and needed to get him out of the plot as quickly and cleanly as possible.

>le tax meme
Aragorn as King of Gondor did not need to tax his people because:
1. He inherited a fuckton of treasure from his FIL who fucked of to some island leaving everything behind
2. He captures a goddamned entire fleet of corsair ships that he can now use to plunder Corsair strongholds for treasure.
3. He shrewdly created a puppet state in the Shire to supply weed and food.
4. He secured Gondor military aid by marrying off his ice maiden side-gf to a potential rival
5. He made the potential rival a Prince of a devastated frontier land and charged him to develop it, reaping the rewards without risking his popularity if he failed.

Aragorn was a master warrior, general, tactician, strategist and statesman.

I doubt that Imladris' treasures can cover the reparation of several major cities, the raided countryside and possible later expansions, not even talking about the basic costs of running the largest kingdom of men. Also with Sauron gone establishing trade routes between the northern, eastern and southern kingdoms of men is quite possible - it could lead to an economical boom. In these circumstances it would be rather unwise not to collect any taxes.

So what was Sauron's tax policy?
How did he handle income taxes concerning an orc's main income is from raiding?

He didn't exactly have to pay for anything though, orks were a self-sustaining workforce with almost infinite numbers. I think it's possible that he paid his human allies with riches his orks managed to pillage. Sauron didn't have a complex economy by any chance, tribal level at most.

>person of Gondor


A joint venture with Saruman is not lightly tossed aside

So you have chosen... bankruptcy

>Sauron has regained much of his former assets. He cannot yet make high risk investments, but his portfolio has lost none of its potency.

>Brokers, four brokers no less! what's more out of the SEC by your talk. What business brings you to the CBD?
>We wish to investigate the capital coming in, our methods are our own.
>I meant no offense young master, can't be too careful these days there's talk of cross-exchange investors abroad.


>You see Orc invaders. I see a doctor, scientist and doctor



> 'weak' among his peers would still be breathtaking by today's standards desu
Mate, literature isn't dad rock, the quality of prose hasn't declined over age.

What you're thinking about is "fiction", fantasy refers to a specific genre.

Holy kek



stay mad faggot, i've yet to see the movies being topped.
should i read the books lads ? asked in /lit/ and they seem to hate both tolkein and martin works.


Where was Gondor when the interest rates fell?

why didnt condor just tax the eagles??

The birds weren't used because they didn't pay taxes



You have no credit here...Gandalf the Red

>Tolkien's prose and pacing are incredibly spotty
it is?

It is mentioned that Aragorn hires the Dwarves to rebuild Minas Tirith and Elves to beautify it. I doubt the Elves demanded payment, them creating something beautiful is probably payment enough. Though the Dwarves probably wanted some kind of payment, though Gimli most likely offered a sizeable discount for obvious reasons. However, the Mithril they used to reinforce the new gate of Minas Tirith was probably not cheap to find so that might drive prices up some.

He did knit the trade routes back together, Erebor and Dale became close trade partners to the Reunited Kingdom and he subdued the Easterlings and Haradrim and more or less made them into vassal states. Money was not an issue.

Does GRRM even do this given it's his quote that started the shit?

All bailouts must be conditional to immigration quotas.

As much as I loved the books I always skipped the faggy songs.