Anyone else think this movie kinda stinks compared to the rest of the series

Anyone else think this movie kinda stinks compared to the rest of the series.

Like it feels required but really isn't and ends up just being weird and pointless.

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>weird and pointless

I mean, it's how he became MAD in the first place. The part with Johnny the Boy handcuffed to the burning car is awesome, too. I will say it sags a bit much in the middle though.

Yeah that's a great scene. It seems l ike the world degrades so much between 1 and 2 with no explanation.

I genuinely prefer this over 2 and Thunderdome on all counts, I mean yeah the other two are badass and shit with the post apocalyptic vehicles and shit which the series is most noted for, but the first is the introduction we needed.

And as said its how Max became mad in the first place, and shows the brutality the world had fallen too in places where Max's wife and baby got murdered.

It's the best of the series

I can't understand a word they say in the original Mad Max. The accents are just too thick.

Road Warrior is the only good film, the other two people only like ironically.

its not really a sequel though
more a reboot
just with more money behind it

That makes sense.

>we could have had a fury road in the early 2000's with Mel Gibson but then 9/11 happened.

It hurts.

There is so much that can be explored in this universe.