Sup Forums enough with your meme magic
This kills the cuck
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Good for him, he a funny guy, he will be ovened last.
>hurt trumps campaign for a year
>being a bitchy cunt about "mu values"
>finally give in
I cant tell if he is a cunt or just playing 4D chess.
Link you piece of shit
You're right. No one who voted against Trump in the primaries should vote for him in the general.
It's Twitter you fucking retard. Look it up lazy nigger.
Do you not know what Twitter is?
The meme a magic will continue until morale improves.
I'll have to move him into the other group.
Styx is behind all of this.
Alright YouTube...
Fuck that pagan occultist
Better make a new category for (((establishment climbers))) that see where the wind is blowing and are now pro-Trump. Also add Howard Stern to the pro side.
>enough with your meme magic
Don't be jealous that he's the king of Sup Forums.
Careful user, you could get magicked
The Witch Bitch is hexed alright!
hell finally freezes over....
Trump has exposed the (((TrueConservatives))) for all to see. Fuck you Levin we all know you are just doing this because your ratings are sinking faster than a polish battleship
We should never let him live down his persistent resistance to Trump. Never.
>i lied
He's a useful idiot now. It's all good. If Yuri Bezmenov has taught us anything is that these idiots will be useful to slowly turn out the #nevertrump idiots to vote for Trump. You know the Ted Cruz retards in Iowa/Wisconsin and the Kasichfags in Ohio/Pennsylvania.
He's still a kike.
>add Howard Stern
do people still listen to that Jew? That's irnoic, trump did his show for years when when grandfather used to listen to him, and I read he had donated to clinton's campaign to try to fit in with his fellow hollywood jews.
he has no listeners now, probably feared he'd lose even more but a sign the gatekeepers are nervous...
He's an opportunitst (like all good jews) who realizes what way the wind is blowing. He knows that True Cuckservatives like him are on the way out and if he wants to be relevant and keep collecting whatever shekels he can get on his failed internet TV thing he needs to get aboard the train.
Hopefully it's a train headed towards Treblinka.
>never let him live down his persistent resistance to Trump.
Just wait the purge until mid november. People like cruz's mistress were putting us on lists, since the world now does things the Jewish way (never forgive, never forget) will have to reciprocate.
>second try
What would be the first? Ebola Chan?
Winter-Chan, I think. And since the eggheads who study solar activity say we're heading to another Little Ice Age, that may have also worked.
I still remember him broadcast the day after Cruz dropped out. It sounded like he was going to cry. And all those cringe-worthy callers literally breaking down into tears about him MONTHS after he'd dropped out. Some old dude was bawling his eyes out back in fucking July. Reading the article, it smacks of typical Levin- he is doing EVERYTHING to still be anti-Trump within a pro-Trump shell.
That's a blessing, not a curse
I had to stop listening to him on my drive home from work. Half because of that Trump bashing, and half because of the shilling for his TV. My god it's like half of the subs are free giveaways from callers in. And every caller he asks says "no" when he asks if they have it. I hope he saw what a horrible move it was to roll that out at the same time he was ripping Trump and his supporters to shreds.
Nice....united forces of Trump and Cruz can take down the Hilda Beast!
As much of a cuck/kike he is, these endorsements are important for basic bitch conservadads.
When they go to the ballot in anger thinking "fuck trump" they'll see hillary clinton's name and remember what their cuck thought leaders said and give in and vote for the Don
Ebola Chan was first then Winter Chan and then its Donald Trump
Shit, I remember that now. Don't know what it was like in the west, but it was one of the warmest and least snowy winters ever over here. Terrible meme magic.
This. Nothing better to make the normies to wake up than when "one of their own" abandons the old values he/she used to hold and bothers to explain why he/she did it. Not saying that every docile sheep out there is willing to read the why part tho, most of them just prefer to follow when the fellow sheeps turn without second quessing or actually thinking the reasons behind the decision.
Anywho, this will benefit Trump and cast yet again another stone that is directed to that old cows head.
We had a short period of huge amounts of snow and the temperature outside was about -30 degrees, otherwise it just rained all the time. This how ever made things even more shitty for some since who would enjoy things when its cold, dark and wet 24/7.