What are some Kubrickian kinos?
What are some Kubrickian kinos?
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eyes wide shut is paranoikino.
dr strangelove is comedykino as well as warkino
the shining is horrorkino (with hints of lovecraftian elements)
full metal jacket is warkino
barry lyndon is visualkino
thats more cronenbergian
I remember watching 2001 for the first time. Holy fuck that film lasts the test of time visually being from the late 60's. It's immaculate.
>Holy fuck that film lasts the test of time visually being from the late 60's
Nothing has been added or changed to film since the 60's besides IMAX and digital cameras.
Released same year. Better visuals than cuckbrick
How do anons feel about 2001. and that false flag odyssey deal?
Whole piece sounds solid and brings 2001. and other Kubrick works to another level.
What the fuck is that screenshot even supposed to show it's just a man and women in a dark room in front of some blinds
Red = sensuality.
Blinds = revelation
Cuckbrickians are lost when they don't have everything spelled out for them.
nothing fuck this racist ass faggot
great visuals doesn't necessarily mean hidden messages in the fuckin colors or drapes
and yeah, that sshot is trash
The Killing is fucking awesome and pretty comfy
Paths of Glory is one of the best war movies ever and you'll think Kirk Douglas is the most based actor of all time after watching it
>Nothing has been added or changed to film since the 60's besides IMAX and digital cameras.
which improved literally nothing
Orson Welles > Cuckbrick
great joke
>Paths of Glory is one of the best war movies ever
>muh yelling
>muh reverse tracking shots
My top three Kubrick movies are Space odyssey Eyes Wide Shut and Barry Lyndon but pretty much every Kubrick movie is a fucking master piece. If you mean kubrickian by movies that aren't made by Kubrick but are in the same style then I literally think there are none. I can't think of one director that has that Kubrick feel to their movies
2001 is the Citizen Kane of flicks
Jesus Christ that looks like a fucking doctor suess character
>muh reverse tracking shots
quite possibly the greatest scene in any war movie
Subtlety is a nonexistent term for Kubrick
you're a pleb pretending to be a patrician
best grid ever?
You've got to be retarded if you think this is subtle in any way.
idgaf what you consider subtle. any movie buff that doesn't like paths of glory is just a dipshit. you're just making claims without backing them up to sound too patrician for stanley fucking kubrick and you just look like an idiot
>movie buff
I don't give two shits about movies
Eyes Wide Shut is his best.
A Clockwork Orange is very underrated on this board.
From what I've seen, Lolita is his worst, but it's still good.
The only thing halfway decent he directed was Barry Lyndon. Everything else is certifiably pleb.
you're quite possibly the most autistic person i've ever seen on Sup Forums, and i don't say that hyperbolically
Atlantis 1913 > Barry Lyndon
nice samefaggery
Lolita is a great movie. The confrontation at the beginning between Humbert and Quilby is one of my favorite scenes from Kubrick.
Atlantis 1913 > Barry Lyndon
Subtlety is a nonexistent term for Kubrick
You're not the guy who was going on about Nolan being a better director than Kubrick, are you?
If you weren't so autistic you might be cognizant of how retarded you appear as you pretend to be above who is unanimously considered one of the greatest ever. Now yawn again like a faggot and fuck off.
Does anyone have a list of techniques that Kubrick made for his films?
I was told that he would only do a film if he had a new/unheard of technique to showcase.
According to who? imdb? reddit?
Same plane as Kubrick. Clumsy technical aesthetes.
>new/unheard of technique
You mean stolen
Nolan IS better then Kubrick. 1 had the gall to cast brotha and also directed some if the most exitjng movies ever such as the Batmens... the other was a white supremacists who puts a nigga to sleep. Nigga I watchjed Berry Linton with 1 eye closed and sleeping, n than I'd open the other n let the other sleep. Than I realized it were 1 hour 20 minutes in and there were still like 2 hours, I was like nigga never again.
According to any objective list that isn't some biased faggot that needs to appear 'patrician' by hijacking a thread while posting a bunch of jerkoffs from the 30's that he knows no one;s ever heard of which he thinks would score him points and make him look smarter than everyone, not knowing he just looks like a massive retard instead.
Your diction is fucked. Fix it if you want me to take you serioulsy
It was intended, to give more of a ranting effect. Only a turbo autist would take exception to it while missing the point completely.
>It was intended, to give more of a ranting effect.
I'm assuming you learned that from Kubrick
The Dark Knight
First half-clever thing you said all thread. You just spared yourself another roasting which you seem to be strangely immune to anyway.
Save your half-compliments for yourself.
Who is a better director than Stanley Kubrick?
The Coens?
why the fuck do you expect people to automatically know the intricacies of the what is being conveyed out of context
fuck off