Don't let this slide!

>Good goyim

Holy shit. Burgers on suicide watch

Confirmed years ago mein neger


So after the EU denied this constantly calling Nigel Farage a paranoid idiot for saying the EU was planning it, they then just came out and admitted it once it was convinient.

You serious? Fuck nato. Europe should defend itself.

NATO is kill and Germany, France, and Italy will be the primary contributors to face Russia.

Not even hiding the fact they want to combat Russia.

Don't let this slide

this is why we spend as much as our enemies AND ALLIES combined

be polite but have a plan to kill everyone you meet

at last. ww3 when?

Surely this will end well.

And who are they going to fight?

Who cares?


Obviously you Ivan, you're a big racist and want to undermine our (((democracy))) by funding ultra neo-nazis parties. You must be stopped so our utopian multicultural and multiracial utopia can come to fruition.

>EU army

The Grande Armée under krautkike control.

What could possibly go wrong?

Why does everyone want to go to war with Russia? The country doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong.

Why is she so cute bros

Because we are against Open Society™ values.

i believe that is tomoko's mom

Tom Clancy was fucking right

>implying an EU army wouldn't be disastrous

You fuckers really should just focus on increasing your spending according to NATO.

>I will live to see and fight in WW3

Glorious news! Deus Vult!

>create EU army
>politicians want more Muslims
>Army decides otherwise
>Launches coup with arms
>cucked politicians surrender
>Fourth Reich when?

Best thing to happen to Europe with the right leadership.

I feel like the Germans have tried this a couple of times before, what could possibly go wrong?

This. It's another German plot to rule Europe, and they've fucked it up every time. From the sacking of Rome to the modern day.

>Fourth Reich when

Now. Don't you see that Germany ruin Europe. The island leave boat. United Europe want to fight Russia. World wars never changes.

I'm hyped, it's gonna be great

>eu army

>Turkey joins
>EU army is full of mudslimes thanks to France and Turkey
Good plan.

>tfw I recently got rejected from the norwegian army
m-maybe this is the answer


You really have no clue what you are talking about

praise kek, the happening is coming.

>make EU army
>army filled with numales and women
>muslims start all out hostile take over
>pic related

is Russia siding with any countries?

That's a bummer user. What happened?

Tom Clancy was always right breh.

Splinter Cell 1-3 and Double Agent has already come true.