How can the biowomen compete?
How can the biowomen compete?
Really makes you think.
Well, She makes more sons for me.
The downside is I have to pay her child support and don't get to raise said sons myself. Chad Thundercock is doing that for me.
This really fires my neurons. promises from parents basement
>say something mildly antisocial or against the grain
>"ugh, you're probably one of those bot-fuckers/androidphiles, you can't get a REAL woman"
>argument invalidated because memes
In essence, the equivalent of "neckbeard"/"basement dweller"/"lives with is parents" nowadays
>height and width comparable to adult female
>made of metal and plastics
>on my dick
naw. something like that would snap your dick off.
They could try having value beyond their holes
More likely they'll just try to make sexbots iooegal
Illegal* wtf
>look at that pic
>i know i will die a virgin
man i fucked it up
Doubt it, half of what's good in sex is the emotional connection. Like finally sliding your dick into a girls warm wet pussy and knowing it was you that made her feel that way.
doesn't matter had sex
Women will protest against sexbots, but don't see owning a dildo as being the same.
They just butthurt their vagina card is invalid and no longer a bargaining chip. That's why women want porn banned.
By lobbying against the "literal objectification of women" until they are made illegal. Get enough women bitching about something and it'll change if only to shut the cunts up.
I call bullshit, will they emit pheromones and all that shit?? maybe eventually but nah I just don't see it anytime soon
Industrial aluminum and plastics weigh less than the 200 lbs hambeast alternative.
>Create sex robots with artificial wombs
>Give out the designs on public domain
>Jews lose shekels
>Those who use sexbots begin to fight back
>Normies fight the memelords
Geez those boobs are very large. I would very much like to lubricate them thoroughly. Then massage them with such finesse that she is otherwise compelled, beyond any form of rational thought; to beg for my phallus to be inserted repeatedly into her vaginal canal. Thus causing each of us immense pleasure.
>How can the biowomen compete?
By banning sexbots for both feminist and traditionally conservative reasons.
Will be a fookin while m8. But yes, the biocunt should be destroyed, they are holding us back
I'm going to have sex with my robot waifu in front of my wife
>naw. something like that would snap your dick off.
Yes, but at least you get to keep your money, your house, all future earnings and your retirement fund.
>implying they will think to make a sex box that will make animal noises and fart on my nuts.
My body is ready
>NEET can't have sexbots
>builds killbots instead
This is how Terminator will actually happen.
Kek is truly a God of Chaos
>Not being STEM master race to create your own customized robowaifu
tfw there will be a future war over sexbot slaves
It goes far beyond just being a sex robot OP. The robots of the future will be indistinguishable from real people with the exception being that it will be programmed to serve your every desire. I would go so far as to say that they will have the ability at some point to organically grow stem cells using human tissues and could clone your DNA allowing you to essentially live forever. The only problem is only the elite are going to be rich enough to own one.
(((They))) will never let it happen lads.
My boyfriend seems to like it when I choke on his ten inch rod so I don't know.
But user,
>Fertile Sex Robots with adaptive Child-raising software
At this point I'm so desperate I don't give a damn about emotional connections. What would be wrong about having a sexbot that serves your every whim and is just as good as the real thing without all the hassle of real women?
They could do the dishes and make me a sandwich.
Thats about it.
I hope it will happen as soon as possible. Maybe then white women will start to birth children to compete with robots.
this post was a wild ride
Theoretically there is no reason that the sexbot can't also be a killbot. The question is what tradeoffs you're willing to make in the design stage to either accommodate weapons on the sexbot or alternatively genitals on the killbot.
You're being really vague here. I don't follow.
I mean, when the real waifu doesn't put out, you can go to your harem of robot waifus.
But think of the applications. Give all the niggers white robot waifus. No one wants to fuck black women. Extinction in a generation.
Mudslimes literally wouldn't know the difference either.
Are they available to look like pic related?
not a problem for giraffe-bot 2.0
How can men even compete?
designed to any custom specs i'm sure
Heavy metal trips
>Pic of girl taken by someone sitting at a table with her
>Wants to have sex with her
Are you UncleAnon by any chance?
Robot can't be a cuck.
>tech journalism
Noice, always wanted to fug a pizza desu
>tfw some day sexbots will have artificial wombs
>tfw biological women will serve LITERALLY no purpose
top kek
Jokes on you, I'd never leave my bed
That's lewd, user
Get a prostitute man, geez
>Implying sex matters for women
For females they need a robot good at making money and giving them attention.
>make human like sexbots
>retards will actually think they are enslaved sentient beings
>mfw we will never keep the robofus because of "muh A.I. rights"
Will they have feetpucci tho?
Slow motion?
>ywn have a qt synth gf like Curie to dominate
Feels bad man
>born just in time for cybernetic implants and augmentations
>born just in time for getting a qt robo gf
They can have white kids.
Though at this rate we're not even getting that so we might as well make the switch.
>Give out the designs on public domain
yeah sure
This is some deus ex shit bruh
>women try to get sexbots banned
>unable to manipulate men as they're all using sexbots
>Judges divorce wives at staggering rates with blinding speed
>by 2080 man's liberation is complete and ironclad with the invention of the perfect artificial womb
This terrifies me. Call me a cuck, but unless it was guaranteed that the bots weren't conscious in any way, I couldn't handle something like this.
>marry vanilla low-libido church girl who's shite in the sack
>always wanna smash crazy thots who I know would blow my mind
finally, release from this hell of a perfect relationship with an unfulfilling sex life
That's great and all but will loli sexbots be legal? Kind of pointless if not.
I doubt any of us will be young enough to enjoy strong AI sex bots. But I have no doubt they will occur eventually.
At that point however the line between real human and machine will be so blurred that the distinction between real women and AI will be meaningless.
I think the future of humanity will be vastly hedonistic. We will become a race of bio mechanical degenerates, seeking only pleasure.
They can't compete.
i dont think we can live too much like that, society will fall eventually
If you're gonna fuck a robot, fuck Gilda, or Pre-synth Curie, or even Codsworth. Cureifags are almost as bad as Reifags.
That sounds fucking good.
I never asked for these feels
Wouldn't this also effect men negatively? They aren't just going to make female sexbots. They'll make buff Chads that are hung like Tyrone.
Can they give me kids of my own?
I know you aren't talking shit about best girl Rei.
>Dildo is fine
>You'll be at fault in divorce for having sexbot
Damn it.
Women look to the Man for security and they receive it in exchange for sex. This is more beneficial to men.
by cleaning the house?
She was cuter as the proper robot instead of that creepy braindead overwriting of a synth.
also fallout 4 is hot garbage
I've seen onaholes with more personality than that shell of a girl. Asuka and Hikari are the only girls worth waifuing in all of Eva.
You sudoku you limp wristed beta faggot.
Can a modern women?
>fallout 4 is hot garbage
This is true, Bethesda shit the bed.
Witcher 3 is far better
There is a 99% chance a law will be passed ban them if the general public finds out about them. The real question is whether or not the Supreme Court will protect our rights to robo-loli and strike it down. Based on previous decisions they probably would, but there's no way to know what future justices will be like.
>Sex robot spokesman says sex robots will be amazing
how utterly believable, just like those people who tell me that vegan sausages taste just like meat.
>traditionally conservative reasons.
hello kike
>tfw every single problem in Fo4 stems from the voiced protagonist.
>Every. Last. One.
I just want skills back. I can live without Traits.
>fallout 4 is hot garbage
it was so much worse than new vegas it's not even funny
never played any of CDPR games tbqh
will probably play the cyberpunk one though
Can a robot cuddle and play vidya with you afterwards?
Damn, I'd really recommend Witcher 3. Got it without playing any previous games, and it was still top tier.
Will be getting Cyberpunk 2077 too
>"Hey hey hold on, here us out, we're only making these synths to try and better mankind, to save everyone..."
>Well okay I'm not sure how, so far everything I've heard about them has been bad, maybe those were all misunderstandings, I'll hear them out...
>"Yeah so basically, we make copies of people that already exist on the surface, so they can be killed off and replaced with synths."
How the fuck did these guys expect me NOT to murder them all?
that's forbidden love
There's more to women than sex, but I guess you're all blue pilled on that.
>implying this isn't a jewish scheme to further lower birthrates since only wealthy white people could possibly afford a high tech sexbot
By banning them for sexism
but only the female varieties.