This is actually a pretty good point.
Really makes you think.
This is actually a pretty good point
Other urls found in this thread:
Until that bridge crumbles due to the freedom fire under it
>thinking they can build a bridge in American airspace
I don't think so, Tim
Why do they ALWAYS make it out that the Mexicans are white? Or even basically pure Spanish?
Now THAT really makes me think.
the fire rises check em
LMAO at any Mexican who think a country the size of Canada would put up with the obscene amount of illegal mexicans that USA does presently
mexicans gonna enter to america by the Canadian border now.
I like how the greedy Mexican looks like he's going to that motherfucker.
>how does heat work
lmao i wish i was dumb enough to be a political cartoonist
but really, what do canada and mexico even have to offer each other besides blowjobs
It's better to burn out than fade away.
*going to rob
>the bridge of homosexuality
The funny thing is, it's only one way. Mexicans can now come to Canada, Visa free. But for me to go to Mexico, still need a passport, visa and a job/apartment already available.
How is any of this good?
and then Justin pushes him in for being a straight male
>actually believing that those two countries could exist without the US
Mexico's president is white.
How is that a bad thing?
It's only good for NAFTA globalists.
Wait a minute I was going to make a pedestrian overpass to Canada.
I was gonna call it the spic span.
>Mexico's president is white.
You're making me think.
Wheres the original?
>How is that a bad thing?
get a load of this donut puncher
Yes, Mexicans should all immigrate to Canada. That's an excellent idea.
He is
This picture brings me happiness
Really? Source?
Sounds fucking terrible.
This girl is on fiyaaaaaaa~
Harambe's mum looks a bit mannish in that pic. The President has a lovely brown pelt though.
They bring Mexicans in by the busload on temporary work visas so they can come pick our vegetables for a few dollars an hour. Our season is pretty short and it helps lower food prices.
>Trump has a great meeting with Nieta
only a cuck liberal could get this interpretation out of the Mexico meeting.
Considering the USA is both of our largest trading partners and accounts for 75% of both of Canada's and Mexico's exports you tell me.
>pic related
this, lol
mexican president = the cartel
while trudeau is sleepy and doesn't seem to notice his surroundings
you have to wonder if there's a subliminal message in here
The big enchilada.
fuck my country is a joke. I should just an hero
What does the cartoon imply? It's too subtle for me.
>a bridge from mexico to canada so leafs get all the beaners
sign me up f.a.m
are you german visiting australia?
We'll make it out of freedom proof stone.
>America has giant fires to keep Spics out
Sounds metal.
Good idea, we will build a bridge from Mexico to Canada, funnel them all into Trudeau land. Great thinking Brazil.
I'm pretty sure our economy wouldnt even notice if you both stopped existing, so no, actually, you please tell me
Your raw cuck mineral reserves are too low.
You're refineries cant handle the additional stress of edtra production.
You'll likely need Sweden for assistance.
whenever I see that image I think it's a piece of womens underwear strangling him.
>The Bridge of Homosexuality
>How is that a bad thing?
flag checkd
you really should
We have a white president.
WE also don't have kebabs as mayors.
>didn't understand my post
See the graphic there bud
A Spicspan!
Shouldn't Canada be in flames and the mexican be tunneling?
>trump gets elected
>builds wall, beaners BTFO
>Captain Cuckeau steps in
>takes all 30 million illegal spics into mexico, no questions asked
>takes another 30 million from mexico directly, because fuck it, why not? It's 2017!
>Canada is now 70% nonwhite
>Trump forced to build second wall on northern border too
why is Peña making that face?
he is so cuuuuuute
Damn, really makes me think
yeah, we dont want pakis or chinks here, fuck off we´re full.
Two walls.
Trump will burn that bridge so no more Mexicunts will come here
Good, I met a Mexican once they can fuck off!
>not wanting chink food
I want pakis and chinese
speak for yourself
>implying our boipucci doesn't belong to The Don
Nigger, haven't you watched the news for the past 2 weeks?
The north is full of chinks.
tbqhwy he really is famalam.
He looks like a really nice person, but a horrible politician, which seems to be true I guess.
how can we be racist against mexicans if they're white?
Mexicans are chinks mixed with pakis
You have brown skin like fucking pakis
And you've all got chinky looking eyes like chinaman
I would happily import chinese
10 million sounds good to begin with
Hang yourselves motherfuckers, better yet go fuck with some cartel so we get some new webms.
Like your economy could afford it, you bitches already caused a global crisis by making little guerrillas in Iraq
m8 plis, mexican eyes are just regular eyes
mmm no, chupamela puto
I support this bridge
I'd take you lot over the kebabs. Better food, better women, better culture. Your crime lords are kind of gnarly, but at least they just want to get rich, instead of having literal world domination as their endgame.
>Implying weed man is making any decisions or agreements with anyone besides teenage girls wanting to take a selfie with him
If you should an hero, what should I do?
For fuck sakes. You first world retards deserve what is happening. You deserve it all.
I meant that the northwest of Mexico is already full of chinese
How can Mexicans have regular eyes, if Mexicans aren't regular people?
Will the spic span become real?
Dont blame other smart and hard working ppl.
You are a joke of a person, Canada dont deserve you or your faggotry
meh, that's like empty space
if you are not from DF, Guadalajara or Monterrey, you are literally irrelevant
if you are from chiapas you should kys
These are the deals that no Justin Trudeau voters have heard of. Seriously, how does that benefit Canadians?
I'd love to see Canada bring in 20 million illegal Mexicans and see how their socialist utopia shitshow of a country would handle it.
Mexico with the bantz!
AY caramba essay how many a times a do I gotta. Say a essay dat a Mexicana is a 100% a puro blanco essay
this is true
my grandpa was a chinese from Baja California
lmao it will happend the same as in america gringo.
Please make this happen.
Instead of building a wall between us and Mexico, we make a pipeline from Mexico to Canada! We build bullet trains and offer free rides to Canada!
I sort of agree
Yeah, go out and see the real world kid.
Get out of your rich all white neighborhood and go live in a majority black or mexican neighborhood.
Hopefully they kill you before you wake up and realize that you're fucking wrong, don't need beta male liberals like you reproducing anymore
Now take your PhD in Gender Studies and go get me my fucking french fries and big mac you little faggot.
>pict related, THIS is actually a pretty good point. Really makes you think.
fun fact:
the war on drugs was started by and for the benefit of the US of A
they make billions peddling drugs and have done a beautiful job protecting their business
but you're literally full of mexicans
are all burgercucks this delusional?
Hahaha Mexicans flooding Canada would be hilarious.
I see this as a good thing. If Canada wants all of the illegals to come into their country instead of ours they can have them.
>A 15 year old picture
Overpopulation destroys a functioning socialist society.
However, Canada is a circus as it is
lmao will their tax and insurance rates go up to support all of the disgusting beaner's welfare and unpaid hospital bills? how about their economy? will it be okay when all of the illegals send most of their money to another country without spending it in the american market? lmao mexico is the fattest country on the planet now as well. how are those beans tasting juan?