Shit posting fuel americucks can't get
Shit posting fuel americucks can't get
Fuck those are great
ES energy drink
Fairy bread
>hickory sticks
What do dog fucking maple syrup farmers from Canada know about hickory?
Americans dont have those!?!?
We do but different brands make them.
They hurt my teeth/tongue after a while
Haven't even seen em in years
We don't have those tasty looking snacks in my country.
I want to eat it.
What's with the faggot words at the bottom of the bag?
why does this give me a boner?
>leaf's thinking they have any right to act superior to Americans
Stay cucked
Where can I get one of those?
(Just asking for a friend)
We have cheeseburger chips and sour cream and onion though
You like twinks sucking on big brown rods?
It's Frog language.
>prawn cocktail
Why God why
I tried them, they are actually bretty good.
What is this cuck food?
we have ketchup ones sometimes
and I've bought pickle chips
We have cheeseburger doritos too
>full of msg
i feel lied to but i still like them
the sauce goes on everything, even the salad
ah fuck that was a dude. looked androgynous at first
Thanks a bunch !
>Americans will never, ever, taste poutine pizza
Shieet is that Swiss chalet?
Its called fully loaded fries
ca l'air MALADE !
Old Dutch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lays
Sour Cream & Onion is the only good flavor on here. I think this is quite clear.
Worked their in the kitchen for 5 years in my teens. Still eat it often. Great food and treat their employees good.
I also buy the powdered sauce and use it on just aboot fucking everything.
I miss the old buns tho :( I'm dating myself here tho that shit was like 18 years ago...
We got all dressed tho biotch
you weren't perfect but you made life worth it
So do we. Have any sour cream and cheddar? Or sour cream and bacon?
This just shows how many fuccbois and ugly millennial women there are out there
Modern western women try too hard to look like ugly boys
So do we...
Absolutely disgusting. Lays is shit anyway and ruffles best chip but old dutch sucks cock.
Northern MN here. Old Dutch all day
Pretty sure american taco bells don't even have fries supreme.
Someone got a pic this tablet doesn't into web browsers.
Posting anything other than this
You do realize that you share a border with the US, right?
That's like calling pizza lasagna because they both have meat, cheese, carbs, and sauce. Technically yes but completely different.
you're doing it wrong
You're doing it wrong lad.
It's just of mozarella and pepperoni on top of french fries ffs
tell me what ones do you have....
(((Lay's))) actually bullied the stores in Toronto to stop them from selling Old Dutch.
10/10 here lads
Full pleb
Cheese curds or nothing
Strangely, this. I was shocked when I went to the States and it wasn't on the menu. What the fuck, America?
that would be banned in america for being rayciss
your pic is too fucking small but we probably have all but like 3 or 4 of those
Americans don't have the Double Mac? that's actually pretty sad
if your in alaska you can get it its called the mckenly mac
We have Tim Tams here ausnigger. It's probably the only Aussie invention that anyone cares about. And you give Abbos shit for only inventing a stick...
I have a question for you about your digestive system how do you feel inside ?
Are your kids too retarded to not eat the plastic and the toy? So you gotta ban it?
Post a higher res pic and maybe I will
>chalet sauce
This is the shit right here. Wish I could get it somehow. Tried the replica recipe from the Toronto Star, it wasn't even close.
I was in L.A. and they had nothing. Wiki suggests its state-dependent and that you can order extra patties, but that it's not a standard menu item across the board.
>These are banned in the states because they were afraid their obese kids would swallow them whole and choke on them
>these are banned in the states because fuck good candy bars
Mah nigga
I usually get a bag of pic related from time to time, absolutely GOAT.
Zim zam
Euro fags will never know the glory of Texas barbecue.
Subversion runs so deep in the US they have to be told what and how to eat.
Inb4 muh wifi
I agree with you but I always see aussies going full Al Gore and claiming they invented the wireless internet
found a worm in one of those once. haven't been able to bring myself to eat them again
Fuck yeah
yall motherfuckers dont even eat vegemite chocolate
Pretty much the best delicatessen is made in EU but what would you know!
Euro fags will never sit at the table in God's country and partake in the revelation.
Dis rite here nigga is fire
>The same thing
Nigger, what the fuck you going on about?
Keep telling you that! ;)
fuggg that looks disgusting
>leave it to canadians to turn bbq into a fag food
that looks alarming like my sister, she even has the same onesie. Never died her hair misandry though.
Beat me to it. I can eat those things every waking minute and never tire of them. You can find them in dollar stores now.
why not just use real ketchup?
Sup Forums and /fit/ are the lands of people pretending to eat healthy to shitpost about a single errant calorie. Begone, faggot.
they sell those in US though.
>fuggg that looks disgusting
>us flag
British tourist detected.
A word of warning to any foreigner visiting Gods Own Country, Great Britain, Frazzles are disgusting, they are of the devil and taste of his putrid anus, they are here to tempt you from the light and blacken your soul that you may suffer under him for eternity. Do not be fooled by the street corner chav, gluttonously devouring this most rancid abomination, for their souls where forfeit long ago and little else shall give them sustenance now.
Never be in Memphis and experience the blessing he hath bestowed upon us.
Makes the chip too soft.