What happened to season 3? Was it normies? SJWs? Monetization?

What happened to season 3? Was it normies? SJWs? Monetization?

Why am I watching wholesome but grossout family guy now? Where's the fourth wall breaking nihilism? Where's the challenge anymore for rick and morty? What's at risk now, they solve crisis after crisis every two minutes in the new episodes by pulling random shit out of their assholes.

In seasons 1 and 2 there was vulnerability. There was tension. You rooted for Morty because he was an underdog, he was at his limit but well intentioned. Now morty is just rick 2.0. Everything is explicitly explained like some kids movie.

What happened? Why hasn't anyone noticed?

Female writers, they just HAD to shoehorn their insecurities in through the psychiatrist, beth, and summer. I

season 2 was even worse

Nothing from S2 was even close to how terrible last episode was

Season 2 was good

Stop being an edgy neckbeard

Everything Dan Harmon is involved with steadily declines in quality. Really feels like season 3 is almost bad on purpose. It's like the whole season itself is the joke somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if Roiland and Harmon are sabotaging it on purpose.

Just accessed.

This show was reddit from day 1

name 1 (one) funny joke last episode
(keep in mind it was supposed to be a joke-a-minute format)

the squirrel bit was funny

This is the best season. It's like they are pushing the show to be as dumb as possible so bandwagonners from season 2 would stop reading too much into in their gay ass "im so smart" "lore" bullshit. I'm so glad they shifted the tone back to being a stupid show that it should've stayed in the first place.

I liked how morty destroyed that guy's faith simply by asking if he was sure or not. The deliberate few seconds of the guys smiling face while the gears turned in his head. And turned. And his smile went away. Forever.

And smudge man.

Season 3 is unironically and literally better then season 2.

If the writers for the episoden weren't known, you wouldn't know which episodes to hate

Last two episodes, especially Ricklantis, were kino.

When Morty flipped the wrong light switch and killed 20 people.

>squirrel bit
Literally lolrandumb shit from like Invader Zim. Next they'll be holding up sporks and talking about doom

You realize you're on a board with late twenties-early thirties autists who have been coming to Sup Forums for around a decade on average, right? And that there are plenty of people here who are legitimately into it, because rick ultimately is a drunken, self medicating, succesful autist.

I'm talking about the kind of people who lurk and rarely post, because they've grown so disillusioned with this shithole of a site after watching it burn to ashes of its former self with our very own endless summer of newfaggotry and normies. Remember when big bang tier bullshit became cool? Remember when nerds? Notice how we get roped in with the effeminate, entitled fagboys who "tinker" with premanufactured retro trash.

Get off my lawn you damn kids.

I don't think it's reddit. I think it's

Or rather, he was,

I'm retarded

I didn't get this part but I laughed a little

>Name one joke

The cartoon is not a fucking standup show.


The squirrel bit kind of ticked me off. Not because of what you said, but because it let us know that at some indeterminable point in the series we switched universes off camera. When? Impossible to know at this moment. We got a new Summer and Beth without even knowing it. And I hate that.

meant for
Also checkem.


He's right. I just keep a huge filter now to avoid all the underaged faggot memes.

> lol you're an idiot morty and kill people by accident
It was funny when he shot the bureaucrat in season 1 episode 1, after that it became repetitive.

>If the writers for the episoden weren't known, you wouldn't know which episodes to hate
fuck off, i make my decisions before if come to these threads. episode quality order this season has been:
pickle rick was garbage and ryan ridley should replace harmon as one of the project heads

I disagree

This may be the mr poopybutthole universe tho

>not laughing at the huge misdirect of the whole Mr Lunes gag
I dunno man

We don't know where the fuck we are anymore

>I don't think it's reddit. I think it's
>Or rather, he was,

Jesus christ I'm high out of my autistic mind right now.

only figured it out from the post above.
the switch morty wrongly touched was life support or whatever for those people.

You'd have to a fucking retard to think this was worse than S2.

That being said, they /really/ need a punchline other than *and then people die*. Like another user said it was funny in S1 but they've been spoonfeeding their audience the same joke for like 100 episodes in a row.

He appears on the episode so it may be

>for like 100 episodes in a row
they're only on episode 9

But is Rick the one who turn off the thing before he ask Morty to grab a shovel

>But is Rick the one who turn off the thing before he ask Morty to grab a shovel
what? the life support was turned off in the garage by morty

The switch is in the garage, before they go to the pods with all the dead people.

You have to be a total fuckwad to enjoy family guy and morty more than season 2.

Jesus christ fuck off my board you god damn normie.


At worst you could argue se1 and se2 both were philosophy lite, and they had some fresh philosophical ideas that were hard sci fi. Season 3? Season 3 is big bang theory sci fi with gore. It's for normies.

morty turned it back on after flipping the correct switch
he very distinctly flipped two switches (one twice) and Rick explained what he did in excruciating detail

or it's possible that the switch in the room was just for the monitors and not the life support gear itself

Fuck now I get it

I thought that was obvious

so did I

Female Writers who were forced in for diversity reasons because now the show was big and made enough money for them to complain about that stuff

I'm surprised no one bitched about the passive aggressive comment from summer at the end.

The show was always no-stakes jokes first, plot second. That's what made it good.

They literally have a whole episode establishing this. They destroy an entire universe and nothing comes of it, then say they can only do it several more times. A few characters even end up happier for it.

The entire problem of the new season is that they introduced continuity and stakes. A divorce and everyone "dealing with it"? Fucking Evil Morty? Characters having multi-ep arcs? Cliche Harmonshit.

The characters used to have sever emotional traumas inflicted on them and then forgotten about. That was the joke.

This past episode showed that but they treated it as something different, a one off and not what the show is supposed to be.

i liked watching rick figure out how to get out of a real pickle of a situation by salvaging bug and rat parts but i just dont care about anything that has to do with beth and summer

they're not obligated to use their work
why would adult swim jeopardise their hottest ticket just to win over some shits that don't even watch the show

So Morty still flipping switches without knowing what are they for at the end is the joke

>why would adult swim jeopardise their hottest ticket just to win over some shits that don't even watch the show

dunno probably something about drumpf and the power of diversity

Oh, and they break the fourth wall literally every episode now.

In the intro, every episode.

>It's a Jerry and Rick episode.
>We will be doing this instead of interdimensional cable.

And the others. Bad writing and it shows how they treat the show. This will be an X episode and this will be Y episode.

No, that's the setup. Rick's reaction is the joke.

yeah, but 3 seasons in?
they've found their niche, all they have to do is coast on the popularity and not fuck up by taking risks, like hiring writers based on their genitalia

You're part of the damn problem. se1 and se2 scenarios were somewhat scientifically plausible, and not totally retarded over the top nonsense. You had a semi-sentient ai protect summer. You had an infinitly recursive universe in a box - because who says one universe can't be smaller than another? Physics makes no assumptions.

Now it's just gross out slapstick. Fuck me I can't take what they've done to this. And you see the charm of the last seasons peek through, in glimpses, attempting to rise from the grips of a pathetic death at the hands of these new writers.

Shit man. I just want to eat my hot pockets and drink my mountain dew and watch my cartoons.

>he cares about continuity in a stupid cartoon
You're what ruined South Park.

gotta cut the wikia creators a break somehow

It's the exact same the show has always been: lulzsorandumb garbage for the ADD generation, with some references here and there to make you feel special. Don't pretend the show went to shit this season because it's the exact same trash.

Because the market is orders of magnitude larger. This is corporate PC bullshit. But now they're not just catering to pothead and straight edge suburban kids who don't fit in, they're targeting the in larger in group of normies. The thick part of the popularity curve. There's a lot more area under that part of the graph.

dude they are nuking decade old franchises to pander to diversity and make a quick buck they really dont care about a fringe three year old show

i just think its really pathetic that men have to built shit up then they force in some diversity hires and proclaim hurr durr they are just as good the creators are. if women are so talented why dont they ever built shit up from the ground?

Have the mouthbreathing morons who spout this inane opinion actually watched the show?

This. Harmonization. He's a hack. Community died in S3 too.

OP you are a retard. Like you could not be more wrong about why it's not good. Imagine not being able to understand Rick and Morty. How sad.

Have you? Also notice the dunning-kruger effect, common among the nimrods who watch this tripe.

>Imagine not being able to understand Rick and Morty. How sad.

You mean like the majority of this board who think Rick isn't a figure of scorn?

Is this post supposed to be ironic, because this is straight out of facebook or twitter. I know Sup Forums is one of, if not the most normalfag board on Sup Forums, but this really sticks out to me for some reason.

Last episode was pretty lazy


+ the increase of drama and "omg SO TRUE!" humor is probably tied to this.

get schwifty felt like something a series would do on their ninth season after running out of ideas.

why would anyone be mad at that? that situation has nothing to do with battle of the gender kind of shit. im sure someone will read it like that, but it really even could have been jerry in the situation of summer and it wouldve made no difference.

What does reddit think about the last ep?

You know the show went shit when not even the redditards likes it

How ironic that you'd mention dunning-kruger. I'm surprised you've even heard of it.

The depth of the first two seasons is totally lost on you. Yeah, there were shallow bullsit parts about teenage hormones and angst, but some of us grow up, become successful, and still experience those feelings.

I was in the 97th percentile of earners at 27. I could still relate. Fuck you and your simple normie outlook.

Rick and Morty was for autists. And normies have coopted it like so many other fleeting treasures.

And it was self aware. Like I am. I know I'm fucking weird, man. Too weird for reddit. But I am you. I am Sup Forums. Or I used to be. I don't know what the fuck this place is anymore. It died years ago with Sup Forums.

If harmon is involved, it will be shit at season 3

Imagine replying to a post like that, from an hour ago, with at least two sentences.

Who does that?

it was still funny though

Hmm? If you're talking about her saving them, you're absolutely right.
I really only meant the second to last sentence, after they already woke up.
Something along the lines of 'no wonder you're constantly fighting and behind schedule'. Which to me, sounds like a comment about the creators and since it's hero summer, who calmly and cool says it, it does give that vibe off 'female writer telling off male writer'.
But maybe I'm just grasping for sexist straws here.

But yeah, it wouldn't have mattered if it was summer or someone else.

>The depth of the first two seasons is totally lost on you.
Oh please, fucking spare me. A couple of sci-fi references are still references, dimwit. That's not clever writing, that's referencing shit to give you a quick and dirty dopamine fix.
Please stop embarrassing yourself, it's baffling to behold.

Cringiest post I've read in a while.

Last episode was writed by 4 male writers and we all shitting on it

>A couple of sci-fi references are still references
They were not fucking references. You're really fucking stretching to call those normal non autistic references.

Name where they got these ideas, if you would
>recursive universe battery
>living an entire lifetime in the span of a video game

I'm a little to high to remember any others but those are a good start. And they were smart in that they were plausible, from a physical perspective. Nothing in our known universe forbids them, they were carefully architected.

You're shitposting on a god damn weebo anime board ad 2:30 in the morning. Embrace your autism, it's a healthier way to live.

Just, you know, hide your power level in public and such.

>2:30 in the morning
>What are time zones

Also, I want you to know that I don't believe a word you said. It just reeks of insecurity.

>But maybe I'm just grasping for sexist straws here.
i think so, bud. but it's to be expected, considering that the current western zeitgeist is some kind of intersectional monstrousity. the pickle rick episode definitely had the female writers telling off the male authority (fuck you dad mentality), this was more someone burdened by circumstance, gender doesn't matter, but you have been forced into viewing the world through a paranoid lens.

Which one of us is insecure? The one who can't buy a plausible story because it's one of success?

You don't think there's a correlation between intelligence and "weirdness"? You don't think that, on average, the fucked up scum that washes up on Sup Forums is smarter than the rest of society?

Cringey or not, you have to agree with what I'm saying. It isn't implausible that there are many successful lurkers here. We just need to be real, we're not fucking chads with 9 inch dicks.

You're on Sup Forums. Time is irrelevant, but you're probably in the U.S., so I doubt it isn't a week night. I'm self employed now, I do what I want. Believe what you want, I'm just trying to craft an image of Sup Forums, or communicate mine.

Successful, technical people tend to be autismy.

This is actually autism. Not even meme autism you just straight up dont know how to watch television

>se1 and se2 scenarios were somewhat scientifically plausible


I just can't buy someone as cringy as you would ever be successful.

I think people have an image of Sup Forums being loser neets because they're usually the loudest here. Empty cans make the most noise.

Not to mention, tasting the bitterness of years of rejection, explicit and implicit, years spent wondering why no one around you understand you or can relate to you.

Do you know why some of us never "grow up"? Because we become tied down by what society expects of us, and we stop looking for others like us because we stop questioning our fate. We start to try to be one of them. But it never quite feels right. It's like being transgender or something. Maybe that's why there are so many autistic trannies.

Look at the entire god damn tech industry. Fucking twenty something autistic stoners, basically running the god damn economy.

You're either young or not quite successful. I'm not saying you're stupid either. You're on here, I presume you're smarter than average. I'm just trying to point out how similar we all are here. This is our home. I'm way to high to be online right now.

well said

It's hilarious that you keep writing walls of text expecting me to read them

>recursive universe battery
similar idea to inception, but also get to have the political angle of "they are my slaves" without actually making political commentary
>living an entire lifetime in the span of a video game
takes the time perception aspect of inception and puts it in a vr setting. inception technically is vr as well, but obviously they changed it a little bit, so it was a little bit more like existenz or the matrix. a lot of vr stories have to do with a loss of sense of reality, and a loss of sense of time comes with that.

I don't, man. Don't take any of this personally. I'm just venting and this thread is now my own personal diary.

I still think we have more in common than you're willing to admit.

Season 3 has been pretty bad so far

1 >> 7 > dog shit

But then again this series is really hit or miss. Get shwifty and the episodes where they watch cringe worthy improve commercial are absolutely bottom barrel garb

>similar idea to inception, but also get to have the political angle of "they are my slaves"

You may as well claim that they ripped off the YO DAWG meme with that level of fucking reaching, jesus christ.


I don't think you've watched 1 episode

*tips fedora*

At least the last episode was better than the improv episodes. Their improv is shit.

They hired a fuck ton of women as diversity hires.
And theres this truth that women hate, and it's that they suck at being funny.
And they usually can't write for shit, unless it's huggy emotional shit.
Oh, and also the show was created and is run by a liberal Jew.

SJW's are fucking intolerable you SJW faggot.
You're stupid brand of commie faggotry is not coming back.
Fuck you, trying to shame your way back in.
Eat shit and die.

>jokes only happen in stand-up comedy

>he browses Sup Forums past 25

jeez i hope i don't end up like you

nice rebuttal libfag.
i expected no less.
pls kys