Why did her nipples go hard when she drowned

why did her nipples go hard when she drowned

The water was cold.

It was from having Daniel Craig's chadmitts fondling her chestiepies

maybe she asked for them to be sucked a little before the shot. wouldnt it be strange to have a job like that haha


back to [spoilers]neocities[/spoiler] with you

rigor mortis

she was aroused by her own death

>Have been on this godforsaken site long enough to know that there are people here that genuinely believe this

haha i wish i had that job haha wouldnt that be weird though

you simply can't kill Eva Green's horniness

giv ded eva gf



is he giving her tongue


gib other 5

>you can see them get hard
wowwwww. god bless the autism that led to this thread


>eva green
>not always hard as fuck

nigga ...

quality thread right here



dam i wish i was him and got to act that, and deliberately fuck it up so we had to do take after take.



how can a woman be so perfect


First kek of my day, thanks user.

>hitting the balls hurts

i have a new fetish

Jennifer Lopez used to hire a guy to ice her nipples so they were hard on stage

Why is this webm of some sort of Hostel rip-off titled after a Bond movie!?

>be me
>be James bond
>accurately work for months on a plan to get my tender scrotum absolutely SMASHED by the villain, leaving nothing but a bloody pulp on the floor as my heritage

which is?


eva green

>I'm the mummy
What did she mean by this?

goddamn right it is

tonguing half dead heart casualties

>Gives Up after one compression

resuscitation can occur up to 20 minutes after the victim stops breathing, she might be brain dead but alive, you should at least give it 10 minutes.

>implying he wanted to

he just made it look like he tried so he could fondle her

he already achieved full ejac why continue after that


>The bitch is dead
Who the fuck wrote this?
That's not James Bond

I thought so too but if you look closely they're already hard. I'm guessing this was at least the 3rd or 4th take though so she probably did get turned on by the repeated fondling.

welp now im watchin this movie, thanks

we need to analyse this more

>you will never be an actor and get the opportunity to spend all day touching eva greens wet chest while you try get the take right

How do I get this bod?

I watched an interview of Eva on french tv and she said she had a thing for Daniel Craig

>she might be brain dead but alive
Which is practically dead. Keeping brain dead people "alive" is ridiculous.

literally just do some push ups and chinups

>Keeping brain dead people "alive" is ridiculous.
I want a brain dead Eva Green.

You're a moron.

I know you're trolling but fuck you anyways


>not wanting her attitude
That's half the beauty.

I'm just being realistic, and accepting that Eva with brain functions would not go for me.

women get horny from pain.

its simple biology. how do you think human societies worked before christcucks took over? rape. rape. rape.

This is the most desirable woman in the world IN MY OPINION

Rachel or Eva lads?

nice thumbnail dumb phoneposter

Saw an interview where she said it was relaxing to drown

calisthenics, dumbell exercises, clean diet. run 20 minutes a day. Should get there in a year.

Fat fuck? Have a better diet and do lots of exercise.
Skelly? Have a better diet and do a few pull-ups

>fatties actually believe they have it harder than skeletons