Can i defend myself with a knife?

Can i defend myself with a knife?

Other urls found in this thread: steel chaos dagger

Just get a gun you retard it's not like you're British.

yes but you it goes from something you can probably walk away from into an endgame situation.

only if you kill them with it.

Yes, but a katana would be better, they can cut through steel

Sure but if you kill the attacker he will win so be careful

if you are a retard with a knife, and i'm assuming that you are, then you will probably do more harm than good. all it takes is one bad slice with a knife to bleed out and die.

Actually im German. Need to go back soon

Don't? Its not like we'd deport you.

Real German or Tanned Germanroach?

>actually own that knife
>fox knives karambit
>actual quality knife

I carry it in niggermore as a backup to a concealed handgun.

Fuck this states laws.

Only if you know how to use it. Otherwise youll just get yourself hurt.

This goes triple for a karabit. Never get this blade unless youve studied its specific style or if you have studied another in-close karate system which uses circular movements (Goju Ryu, for example)

Our military uses a karambit for a last resort close quarters combat.
I said LAST RESORT, get a gun.

What do you mean "Can I defend myself with a knife?" If you take a knife and forcefully ram it into someone's flesh, will it harm them? Is that what you're asking? I think what you meant to ask is "Should I defend myself with a knife?" The answer is yes - when you don't have a gun. If you are an American male you are both irresponsible and careless of your own life if you do not carry a gun everywhere you are legally able to.

sort of

against someone with their fists, you may win

against someone with a knife, you may both die. at least, if you survive it won't be pretty

against some with a gun you may win if you are very close and are very lucky

a gun is the best option, even if it's illegal in your country.

move to Huntsville, AL, there are tons of germans in secret nazi cults. If that's what you're into of course

If you're looking to get a quick and easy-to-use knife as a defensive weapon, grab this: steel chaos dagger

>inb4 cold steel
>inb4 trench knives
>inb4 opinions

The steel isn't difficult to sharpen for a beginner, it's very well made, and has great balance. The sheath it comes with is fantastic. For $50, you can't beat this.

Crap. Karambit*

I wouldn't want to get into a knife fight with that.

Grab a real knife, not a meme karambit, those are for trained people which I assume you are not. A long knife is easy, you can just target the femoral arterie or whatever it's called from a relatively safe distance. If you're looking for concealing then a pocket knife does the trick.

I'd personally recommend a large can of Raid, the one with the red label works wonders against turks.

Assuming he's white we'd deport him so fast his head would spin.

Those aren't the kind of immigrants king nigger wants in this country.

Thanks user. I'm 20 and can't conceal a gun legally yet so this looks like the next best thing.

Use this guide.


A knife is about as good as a firearm up close when 1 on 1

You don't want something that "slashes" like in the picture, though. You want a blade that can stab and slice. I like Cold Steel Ti-Lites.

Pull knife to confront Dindu breaking into your basement. See this... What do?

>having home front advantage
>not getting the drop on the invader

You're a disgrace to our 1770s ancestors.

I don't know.
Can you?


Pull the trigger on some double aught and then hope for the best thinking how to react next.

Yes I personally carry this blade around wherever I go. Never actually been in a knifefight but I have watched videos and also I'm confident the serrated edge and blood grooves would give me an edge

found a pic of you

If you have to ask the answer is no.

Say that to my face in a knife fight and see what happens

>I'm confident the serrated edge and blood grooves would give me an edge

Not much makes me cringe anymore, user, but damn if you ain't gone and done it.

While that is totally your inalienable rights, do you not find it sad that within your own society you cannot expect basic physical safety?

As a firearm owner and one who wishes Canada had carry laws, I am also glad I live in a nation where, all my life, I have been able to simply walk out my door without fear of being attacked by my fellow citizens.

It is such a basic, fundamental freedom that those who live without it cannot help but suffer, going about life with the bottom of Marlowe's hierarchy of needs whisked out from under you. Constantly feeling unsafe, being under threat at all times.

It must wear you down. Put a limit on the complexity and scale of your thoughts, as your hindbrain is constantly alert on a survival level, out of fear.

You poor buggers. What kind of society is it, if it does not give you the most basic advantage of a working together; safety from violence?

Yo, Chef Tony!
Do you ever need to sharpen the Miracle Bladeā„¢?

>overpriced karambshit
That thing is only effective if you actually know how to use it. You cannot use it like an ordinary knife.

Nice shitpost, Aussie.


Holyshit. That feel when you realise the probably would scrutinise the German over staying whilst comforting those who feels the bern of incendiary labels.

Here is what you need to know...

That is just my main knife I also have 2 throwing knives sure to cause some damage

>I'm confident the serrated edge and blood grooves would give me an edge
Oh it gave you an edge for sure

knives are terrible defensive weapons. if you think you can pull a knife on a thug to scare them away, they will look you cold in the eyes and test you. knives are only aggressive weapons, furthermore if you pull a knife you should have it hidden until it in inside your opponents guts.

tldr: bad weapon


OP. You don't want to be in a knife fight. Ever.

There's a wise axiom:

>In a knife fight, the Loser dies on the street, the Winner in the ambulance.

Strongly advise one or more of the following.

- Pepper spray. Small, compact, effective when used properly. Buy two for yourself. One to go and practice with so you know what to expect and how to deploy it, the other to keep on you.

- Kubaton - these come in many shapes and sizes. The most convenient sort can go on a keyring. These are innocuous but effective defensive items. Again practice is key. Practice scenarios, drawing from and clearing pockets, ideal locations and techniques for striking. Practice.

- Extendable steel baton. You might be skirting the law here. But it's your life. These come in various sizes. Don't be afraid to compromise on size to get something you can comfortably and discretely carry. There are a lot of nasty things you can do to something with a 6" steel rod. Practice them as well as deployment.

Cannot stress enough whatever defensive technique you choose, practice, practice, practice.

In the heat of the moment the adrenaline kicks in and you will be thinking with the hindbrain. You default to the level of your training - what you have practiced and established muscle memory for. Do not just buy some talisman and expect it to keep you safe.

A weapon you do no know how to use belongs to your enemy.

Good luck Krautbro.

Amusingly, by most state self-defense laws, you actually put yourself in greater legal danger by using a knife vs. a gun to kill the nigger trying to rob you.

It doesn't matter if one good slash or stab can easily be fatal, a liberal prosecutor will argue that you used "excessive force" and try to put you in jail to be raped by niggers. A gun has no "level of force." Pull trigger, make hole. They will argue in court that you were "trying to kill" and thus acted with more force than was necessary to defend yourself.

There is also no way to get a license for a concealed blade, but concealed guns are OK.

Liberals is stupid.

Your knives are shit. Paul Hogan is spinning in his grave.

And after you slice them you can be sure nothing will stick to the blade!

You're actually retarded.

Those are obviously kitchen knives. He's joking. Being this much of a clueless retard should be bannable.

>yes but you it goes from something

>There is also no way to get a license for a concealed blade,
You don't need one unless you live in a cuck state

People who put the Queen on their money are weird about knives. Those are probably all he's legally allowed to own.

user just has to hold out until Trump wins

Hey, that's a spoon!

Yes that is a big knife but that is why I have the throwing knives

No they are my real knives



Listen to these faggots. Do not get a karambit without proper training. No youtube video shit either. I'm talking "Ive been under traditional martial arts instruction from the same guy for at least a year" training.

I'm tired of seeing untrained faggots get memebits and get lacerated with them because they think "its just a knife, how hard could it be?" This weapon was designed by the native Indonesians during the 11th century and was used in a fighting style that revolved around in-close circular movements designed for fluidity. Most of the time in these fighting styles, you can't see what you're doing because of how tight the fights are. It is incredibly easy to cut yourself with these fighting styles unless you have been practicing daily for at least a year (assuming you've never had any training before).

You don't pick this up one day and say "I'm going to use this to defend myself with!" This is a knife you fear until you can operate it properly. has it correct, but he stopped a bit short. Knives for horrible defense weapons, but this one is worst of all. This knife has 0 defense capability. It is meant to end the fight quickly and mercilessly. There is not a nonlethal way to fight with a karambit. This is the knife you go for when you realize the only way you're getting away is if the attacker(s) aren't. This is your final option tactic.

You want something to defend yourself with if you don't have any formal training? If you cant get a gun, get something like a Tazer or a stun gun. Pepperspray. If you can get a gun, get a caliber the works for you. The only one I wouldn't recommend is a 22LR just because of the increased misfire rates (due to rimfire cartridges). Most CC I know, both men and women, carry a 9mm. You have plenty of ammo, not a lot of kickback, and you can hide it pretty much anywhere. Also: if you get a gun, practice with it regularly and maintain it.

/k/omrade out

it will be extremely hard for your lawyer to argue in your case that you used a knife in self defense, when in majority of legal cases kives are used for offensive purposes and rarely are found to be a legit use for defense.

Audible kek. Well done.

>dindus attack redpilled white man
>White man deploys blade
>One dead dindu
>One dindu emergency room
>Little chat with the polizei
>Situation over

No one wins in a knife fight.


The healthcare industry?

Depends, if your white and about to get enriched, no, that would be racist.
If you're a darkie from some zero GDP shithole then sure stab away.

defending yourself with a knife is like rock, paper, scissors. you aren't sure what they next guy is going to draw. knife versus knife, id run. gun versus knife, give him your wallet. three dindus committing strong arm robbery. stab one of those mother fuckers....carry something fast and meaningful, 3.5 inches and assisted opening or automatic. that telltale "cachinnnk" noise as it engages is also a nice audible deterrent.

>killed the dog


Yes, but there is a good chance that you'll hurt yourself in the process.
Then, depending on the state attorney, they could prosecute you for carrying a weapon with the intent to harm.


relevant to thread...

>Then, depending on the state attorney, they could prosecute you for carrying a weapon with the intent to harm.

Just like the police, we only carry weapons for self defense. And if needed, we use them to kill...

>"and whoever saves one -- it is as if he saved the entire mankind"

>muslims actually think this

completely delusional people, in all respects

Laugh at him for using Golden Sabers instead of Gold Dots, then unsheath my katana.

I have a knife like that that I use to cut cheese. It works well because the big holes keep the cheese from sticking to the blade. I never knew it could be such a potent self defense weapon.

It all depends on the situation. If it's a gang of people, yes. If its an individual with a weapon, yes. Usually if you pull a knife in a fist fight and stab someone you'll get convicted because juries are filled with normie hollywood brainwashed faggots who dont understand that hands and feet kill more people than knives.

The thing about all the quran bullshit is, Every 'nice' quote about salvation and charity and forgiveness is only in reference to other Islamic believers.

As far as non-muslims go it's effectively convert or die because you are animals. Kinda like the jews except with less slavery.

If you're stabbing someone with a knife, just know that what you're doing is executing someone in close range. If you're slashing, it's less certain, but also less effective.

hard to believe they were at the forefront of algebra at one point

fucking idiots threw it all away to follow a pedophile

dumbest, pseudo-poetic shit i've ever read

I should mention that I once got in a knife fight and I got a minor slash wound that totally severed the tendons in my wrist.

If you're fighting someone with a knife, you aren't fucking around.

>can't stab/thrust

don't get a karambit unless you have years upon years of training. and even, just get a gun.

To be fair the arab world was at one time an advanced and academic society that cherished objective thinking and mathematics. But yeah everything turned shit shaped when pedowarlord took charge.

i agree. and the only way id draw mine is if i was outnumbered or being approached aggressively. and let them come to you. don't go charging towards someone. if some stupid dindu teenager doesn't back down once you draw it and he still comes at you, well then its game on. otherwise, id just keep it out and back away slowly until its safe to flee. niggers fight dirty so its quite likely their entire group will want in. by themselves, they're fucking pussies though...

holy shit, she is FINE AS FUCK

She's also dead as fuck because of "french" people.

Yes, but I hope you don't try it with something as gay as that. You might be able to escape while your attacker is doubled over in laughter...

With all that in mind, knife is still better than bare hands (and even gun), if somebody somehow got into grappling distance and has already laid hands on you.

normie btfo

Why are you scared of vagina?

I love pussies.

Depends on whether or not it's a knife fight

You live in Murica, guns are available legally there, why choose a knife?

Only as long as the other guy doesn't have a gun...

That depends heavily on your state.

And are you In one fo those states? If not then what other choice do you have? go for it and buy one.

A knife is an offensive weapon not a defensive one.

I'm in New Jersey, gun ownership is heavily regulated and discouraged here


Just get a 9mm

>Regulated and discouraged
Not entirely illegal right? Fuck people's opinion and just get it, you're not a nu male faggot right?

There's never been any historical case of violence in my suburb. Chances are the local police would make registering nearly impossible.

Then it's a case of how badly you want to protect yourself.