How come millennials with STEM degrees can't find work?

How come millennials with STEM degrees can't find work?

They are retarded and did not deserve a degree in the first place.

because only the 90s kids can get good jobs

get wrecked bitches I got a great job

Because their networking / social skills suck.

i don't want to hire little shits with no experience who i have to train and spend tons of money on and they just leave after a short while
foreigners on visas are better since they can't leave so easily

And there you have it.

niggers from elsewhere work for cheaper with h1b visas

You can do it, just takes a shit load of time and effort. I had a BS in IT with a 4.0 GPA, spent 4 years trying to find a job, got lucky and got two small internships, and during those 4 years I bumped my degree up to an MS. I took a sweatshop developer job with a bunch of Indians for a year, and after that I was able to leapfrog into something a little better. Working as a .NET developer now for 60k per year. People may think that's small time, but to me it is really great. My mother was a waitress and my father was an electrician, so for me to become a developer is something I am very proud of.

because false advertising.

at some point in time there was a thing called the tech boom, nowdays called tech bubble
people rushed to uni's to get their degrees and now the field is somewhat saturated (not at all places).
if you aim for tech, don't be a pleb. don't do the shit indians can do too

>foreigners on visas are better since they can't leave so easily

Americans are the actual rootless, back stabbing cunts. Not even Germans or Swedes would invite Pajeets over their countrymen to keep costs low. Here, German graduates are still preferred.

Tell me more about how STEM majors can't get jobs. I'm a faggot liberal arts major and I love seeing others struggle

we did get jobs

the OP is a homosexual and very very jewish, please don't pay attention to him and sage his gay thread for fags with aids

i would rather hire american, but millennials are shit with no sense of loyalty or appreciation

>loyalty or appreciation
For what? I'm performing tasks for you and you compensate me with a paycheck scaled to the value I bring the business.

Do you expect me to prostrate myself at your mere presence, oh mighty boss?

maybe you should give us something worth appreciating. I was working at a large software company, and while they tout lots of benefits, the work simply isn't rewarding.

Boomers sold out their countries to globalists.

The high skilled immigration meme.

Yes mostly what this guy said.

Find a job where you work in tech and shit tier English is a disqualifier.

>falling for the STEM meme
>not learning a trade
>not getting a job right out of tech school
>not /comfy/ making 30 an hour only to go up more

Lmao it's like you wanted to be in debt and not have a job

Because there are too many graduates. Endless graduates in every field. So the companies have all of the power.

Universities take anyone with a pulse nowadays no matter how "ECKSKLUSIV" they say it is, or how hard admission is.

Besides that, even if you fail classes the university will do nothing but give you more time to do those classes, if you pay of course. I know people that have failed entire semesters, 7 whole fucking classes, and are still allowed to continue.

They have devalued a degree to the point that as long as you show up for 4 years and take some adderall where it counts, you got that paper.

My friend does not go to class at all, 0 hours a year. He takes some Vyvanse a day before the exam and doesn't sleep. Barely passes his classes but he still passes. What the fuck does this say about the quality of the education system?

He's in economics, I'm in chemical engineering. Short story: the people coming in to university are very stupid, universities can't release stats saying people are dropping out, universities give the gibsiest of gibs to retards, degrees are now worthless.

Couple this all with the influx of degree holders from developing countries and you have yourself a massive shitstorm.

They are getting the wrong degrees or graduating with terrible grades, terrible networking skills, and very little of the skills they were supposed to develop in college. I knew plenty of engineers both in my field and in the others that were absolutely worthless for anything that didn't have clearly written steps already prepared for them. Electrical engineers who didn't couldn't design a simple low-pass filter, mechanical engineers who didn't know CAD, CS students who couldn't even program an Arduino. They only got through because they were decent at memorizing and taking tests. And I should mention that about 70% of the starting class dropped out, so its not like they just passed everyone along.

number of people with stem degrees surpasses the number of jobs

and tech companies lobby to import more foreign labor to push the price even further and displace more locals from the market

how the fuck are you doing it so wrong I have a shit GPA and internships paying me 40 an hour

they can get jobs easily, they're usually just too retarded to talk to people well and sell themself

A BS in "IT"

B.S. Indeed

People shouldn't have to lick your boot if they are doing productive labor that makes you a profit. Appreciate your employees first and maybe they'd show some loyalty.

STEM major here.
Took a bit of time, but I'm now making +40k/year in a chromatography quality control lab.

Have fun with your welfare.

They walk into interviews looking like that asshole thinking they oughta own the place when most of them have never even turned a screwdriver.

They're lazy fucks with no work ethic, they expect to get some high paying job without proving that they have the willpower to actually work instead of bitch all day.

Alot of employers have a hard time finding good employees. If you're finding it hard to find a job in STEM its because you aren't a good candidate, either because you got a worthless degree (i.e. non-engineering) or you didn't develop any skills while you were in college. Companies are willing to train good newbies, but they aren't willing to spend several years holding your hand as you learn the stuff you should have figured out in college on your own time.

don't have 10+ years of experience using expensive buy obscure that they could learn on the job in a few days

This, go be a plumber or welder. Money now is better than maybe money in 5 years. I have no idea how anyone can think that just because any retard can go to college means that the world won't need ditch diggers anymore. Only so many "college" type jobs.

See, you show up for a paycheck, not because you love what you do. You're obviously choosing the wrong field.

Because they don't have work experience and even if you major in STEM doesn't exempt you from being indoctrinated at a leftist cuck school.
T. Electrician with only a high school diploma and no debt

Engineering at my school actually would kick you out if you failed, I think, 3 core engineering courses. So there were no six or seven year seniors like you see with other majors.

Graduated with a BS in compsci awhile back, shit is all sorts of fucked. You have entry level jobs that somehow require 2 years of industry experience and somewhat strict (well, like 3.5+) GPA requirements. Living on the coast where tech is oversaturated is the cherry on the shit sundae

Granted, most of this is my fault; turns out college doesn't teach you shit and I should've done the bulk of my learning outside of classes

Lol i make that plus benefits as a government employee with no degree in my third year of employment. You're a cuck

This is common at any respectable school. Even with a 70% drop-out rate my school passed an unacceptable number of idiots.

Oh, forgot to mention I'm also a millennial.

cause their little cuck cocks don't provide enough testosterone to not want to take it in the ass every 5 minutes, thus not allowing them to not look like little cuck faggots gg no re

A lot of times that 2 years of experience is just to keep the poors and niggers out. Apply anyways, make up that you worked for some failed startup.

Not that much demand for STEM (biggest reason) and then importing Shitskins or outsourcing work to shitskin countries for cheap.

>For what? I'm performing tasks for you and you compensate me with a paycheck scaled to the value I bring the business.
with that attitude i might as well hire a foreigner who at least fears losing his job
>I was working at a large software company, and while they tout lots of benefits, the work simply isn't rewarding.
that sounds like a personal problem
>if they are doing productive labor that makes you a profit

>millenials straight our of college
>no experience
>complain a lot
>do the bare minimum (or even less)
>treat work like social media/web surfing time
nah nigga nah

Because most people with STEM degrees cant do STEM jobs
Thats what happens when you drop standards so much that darkies can pass

You make as much as a Starbucks manager and just at the national average


I agree, I'd only go into STEM if you are actually invested in the field rather than the typical "dude im just here for the money i dont wanna do this shieeet" I hear all the time.

Sounds like you went to a good school, I go to a fucking meme school in Canada (Queen's University). Wish I went to UofT or Waterloo. Say what you want about the chinks but they know their shit and are willing to work hard for their share in life.

The good thing is since I'm surrounded by so many idiots its very easy for the professors to recognise the few students that actually contribute something. Getting research positions is a breeze here.

I was very bad at interviews.

It's saturated. The number of students graduated isn't proportional to the number of jobs. Also immigrants who employers hire for 1/2 the price.

t. unemployed pharmacist.


t. Open Borders cuck

I'll admit that's fucked. that person has never actually had a job. 4 years of McDonalds would look better.

ummm, I finished a STEM degree a few years ago, and all my buddies and I are now working full-time at good salaries.

A cousin of mine is about to graduate and already has a job lined up.

STEM degrees are still getting hired regularly and get decent salaries...

I'd like to add that in Canada, our issue is mainly to do with so many people (mostly asians) studying STEM in university and there simply being very little demand outside of specialized programming related disciplines like Software engineering.

It's not hard to find a respectable internship but it's tough to get hired even with good work experience anywhere really.

The 2 years requirement is just a filter. It's a "nice-to-have" and a way to prevent anyone from feeling like they are perfectly qualified. It helps in salary negotiations. This is pretty anecdotal, but my first job out of college was listed as a senior engineering position with a minimum of 10 years experience. Turns out they weren't really actively looking, they were just keeping the position open in case someone came along that was too good to pass up. They all but hired me on the spot and the interview was just a way to make sure someone on the team didn't absolutely hate me.

They can. They just have shitty attitudes, refuse entry level work, place no emphasis on experience, and demand the compensation and respect reserved to those with years in their fields despite the fact that they are qualified to do literally nothing. Worse yet, they're nothing but headaches. Bitching about every bit of work they have to do and constantly attempting to inject their bullshit political views into the workplace.

I'm going into CS and even if you are completely autistic (like balls to the wall), you can contribute to open source projects like the Linux kernel and reference your commits in your resume.

Because they're not Indian.

Because getting good grades isn't enough. You got to be more passionate and impress your professors.

At least I did it that way, and I didn't searched a job. The job searched me.

All of my coworkers are white males and I doubt we would even consider hiring someone who was fresh off the boat. I attend job fairs for my company and easily 90% of the current crop of engineering graduates I wouldn't hire to do paperwork.

i will never understand how people my age with degrees arent making 50k+.

probably has something to do with the fact that degrees are becoming more and more commonplace and no one gives a fuck if you have one or not.

im 26. i work on medical equipment and will make over 100k this year. no degree required. i work from home. i travel all the time. have no direct supervision.

are any of you even trying? explain to me how you aren't making what i'm making. do you just suck ass?

i'm buying a porsche gt4 here in a couple months. have fun making 40k with a degree that cost 80k to get.

I've heard mixed stories about this.

One one hand it can very well be a Human Resources hambeast listing random requirements but will consider any applicant.

On the other hand, it can be a way for a company to be eligible for getting a worker in on H1B Visa by saying "hey, no one in the area met these impossible requirements for this pay, we will need to hire Pajeet from India now"

I got my degree but I'm pretty autistic so I suck at job interviews.
I'm just going back to school now. I'll probably just become a professional student, debt-dodge to another country, and just manufacture meth or something for a retirement fund.

compare *pic related* to this resume american millenials are a fucking embarrassment
worst part is they're heads are so far up their asses they don't realize how much they suck

How did you do all that exactly? Work on medical equipment in what capacity?

What are the specifics to this line of work, how did you even begin?

Only a certain kind of company actively looks for a reason to hire Indians, usually the kind that requires a lot of tedious, boring shit. Most of the jobs that get farmed out to Indians are the kind that an intelligent person would be overqualified for anyways. They don't get to be involved in actual code development usually unless its something very simple/unimportant. The issue is mainly that there is a lot of demand for good engineers, but most graduating engineers are just mediocre. If you are a good engineer, you get all the jobs you could want. If you're less than stellar, you get shit.

get , get some confidence, and get out there

>Be millennial
>Majored in STEM
>Got a job

desu wasn't hard

I'm already back in school anyway.
Actually I barely have any debt anyway, and considering this time around I've already got a lot of the knowledge previously learned I should do pretty well and can hopefully get some scholarships to pay for my remaining debt.

For awhile people said STEM was the only thing worth pursuing if you wanted to be employed. As opposed to some sort of liberal arts degree. Now that's not true?

What IS worth it, then?

I got me an ME degree last May and I'm still looking for a job. Granted I did chew through some contract work these past 14 months, but shit is fucked for white male engineers in Texas.

Nothing, we should all kill ourselves

Essentially this. But the whole industry is bottlenecked and institutionalized.
> Why are you not self employed!!!!??
and actually millennials with STEM degrees CAN and DO find work. Someone is doing that shit. Just not a large enough percentage for your liking, it would seem.

Being the biggest flaming tranny attention whore special snowflake is probably where the economy will head as the machines take over anyway. Barking for your masters attention.

>UT Dallas
>Advanced Nepali, Hindi, Conversational Urdu
Fucking top kek.

The sweet spot is jobs that can't easily be outsourced or automated, but that require a high level or skill and/or intelligence. And if the job requires some sort of security clearance, that will cut back on H1B Indians competing for it.

This Just ride out the election to see Trump win and then end it all. Or better yet wait until January after he's sworn in.

Does Canada have free college?
>i've already got a lot of the knowledge previously learned
That isn't how college should work
STEM is still the best career path. It just so happens to be the most introverted. If you can be a normal or slightly ballsy STEM guy (especially CS and IT), you can get a job easily.

i'm whats called a field service engineer for a medical device company.

a company owns a piece of equipment they sell to hospitals and i do FDA and manufacturer required annual maintenance and repairs.

i got into in joining the army as a 68A. called a Biomedical equipment specialist. 44 weeks of schooling after basic. you get a cert equivalent to 2 years of school for biomedical technology.

got picked up by an xray company 6months after getting off active duty. then by a cadiac equipment company a year and a half later.

Yeah, I'd probably hire pajeet, too. Sad that it's come to that though. We've failed these kids.

It's a lot cheaper here than in the US.
I'm only redoing classes because I couldn't transfer, that's why I've done a lot of it.
I did a bachelors of chem and I'm doing mechanical engineering now. But the school separates engineering courses from other faculties so you're not allowed to transfer between faculties. But my gpa in chem was kind of shitty near the end anyway since I was so disinterested in it and just didn't give a fuck anymore.

>Implying most people don't just show up for the paycheck
That doesn't mean you're shit at the job, but no one works for free. "Love" doesn't pay the bills, keep gas in the car, nor keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach.

>i don't want to hire little shits with no experience who i have to train

THIS is the problem. Generations in the past trained their people, it was just as much as an investment for you to choose that company for work as it was for them to choose you, but companies don't want to spend money to make money, they want slaves, which is why they want Pajeet.

And they call the younger generations 'entitled"

>but millennials are shit with no sense of loyalty or appreciation
>Implying companies have any more of a sense of loyalty or appreciation for their employees

Pretty much this, I hate hate but you're right.

>it was just as much as an investment for you to choose that company for work as it was for them to choose you
this is the problem
i don't want to have to train new people every 8 months before they fuck off or i have to fire them for incompetence/laziness
if they stuck around for years, it would be different. but instead millenials prefer to be contract workers so they can work a 6 months a year and 420blazeit the other 6 months

There are job posting on my years facebook page all the time, just leave the lower mainland / toronto.

t. employed pharmacist

There should be a good amount of development jobs out there. If it's really shit in your area, you might either have to move or go into a field that still looks at your degree, like IT.

>I'm going to reject the American and hire a foreign counterpart, then when I get home I'm going to complain to /pol about all the foreigners in our country.


If you call yourself a Mgr, you are able to train/get resources for your employees to do the job they applied for, or at least get them up to speed.

Being lazy is not an excuse.

lrn2read faggot

most people with STEM degrees get work, just not in STEM. 60% of STEM grads don't work in stem. Stem is just another meme. The truth is the world just doesn't need that many math majors or non-cem scientists.
Also this, if you aren't going to a good engineer school you fucked, no one cares if you came from le devry night school for losers.

Because American Millenials have earned a well-deserved reputation for leaving a company at the drop of a hat, and an unwillingness to build trust and experience in a lower position.
Shit, I'm technically a Millenial by a couple months and I can see that.

>looks to stack of papers for work
>looks at other offers he has
I think you need to expand your horizons and stop being so shit at sliding.

Why are you having the experience of people fucking off after only 8 months? I'm not saying there aren't shit workers or job hoppers out there, but if this is your typical experience, is there something shit about the company you hire for?

You focus on, "I like workers who are stuck here, so I hire the foreigners". That alone makes it sound like working where you work is such a nightmare, you prefer people who are trapped, rather than providing a healthy, productive environment that makes people want to work for you.

sounds like you're just a terrible manager

i hire researchers/analysts for a major pharma company
honestly many of the millenials who leave either have no aptitude for this work or are not mature enough for this atmosphere and the attrition rate reflects that
they eventually end up like lesbians, leaving so they can "find themselves"

Graduated in 2014 with a B.S. in Comp Sci and landed a job two weeks later making 90k/year in software development.

Because they are retarded. I have a C.S degree and have recruiters calling me all the time. I'm 6 years out of school, on my second software engineering position and make 6 figs and am now 100% remote. It's so easy to find a job if you aren't an autistic retard.

I thought of leaving my current position last month. I interviewed at 3 companies in the Boston area and had 2 offers. Determined working from home was too comfy, used the offers to get a raise.

What school?

That's pretty much going rate for many areas. You don't have to go to MIT to start at that salary

>entry software development


That's called padding a pleb-tier CV my friend :))))

I remember when I convinced an interviewer that my part-time non-management retail experience demonstrated people skills essential to working in healthcare.