Why can "real communism" never exist? what about post-automation?

why can "real communism" never exist? what about post-automation?

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because it is founded on the premise that your existence entitles you to other peoples' labor and wealth. In other words, I am breathing therefore give me your things.

Turns out that when placed under a burden like this, people don't work much.

It doesn't matter how good automation gets, there will always be an unlimited number of jobs. From a fundamental standpoint a job is literally just a human being finding a way to be useful to others, it's something you create within yourself... not something you find. As capitalism progresses it will create more and more wealth, giving people more leisure time, and thus an increased demand for entertainment. The line between work/pleasure will become increasingly blurred as capitalism affords more people the chance to pursue more fulfilling careers.

The problem with communism is that it doesn't even work in theory, never mind in reality. There will never be post-scarcity, humans will always push ourselves farther, and there's nothing wrong with that... it's a beautiful thing.

Well I guess it's pretty chill then but that's not for a long time so I guess we're stuck with memes and destitute poverty for now. Though dialectics are fun to read so we have that too.

Also, the United States is so heavily regulated that it is becoming more communist than capitalist at this point.

So don't worry about the problems of "capitalism", because capitalism is just freedom... pic related

literally kikes, everything goes back to the kikes

>entitled to others labor

So like how suckerberg and Rothschild rig the banks and media to scam millions of of working class home owners? Like, my man your mortgage is overdue time to raise your rates 4000% percent even though you are already in debt ;*) not like I will lose money dudes Lmao

>victim mentality

>what about post-automation?
There is no post automation.
We get more automated everyday, but at no point will humans ever completely go without money.
And you can already go "full communist" and live on food stamps.
It's a shit existence but you can do it. As things get more efficient cheaper shit will be more available to the masses.

>gadzillion 6tensifies