Snyder Bat Epic Pt.7

Previous Snyder threads here:

Looks like we are starting things off with the final issue to the Savage City storyline. I will consult the reading last after to determine where to go from here.

BACK AGAIN! HOpe yall enjoy!!!!

























Liked how he had to cheat to beat Riddler







Here's the reading order for all of the threads. More so posting for me than for you.

1.Court of Owls.
2. City of Owls.
3. Batman: Annual 1
4. Death of the Family
5. Batman #18-20 (Assorted Issues)
6. Batman #0
7. Zero Year
8. Batman Annual #2
9. Batman #34
10. Batman Eternal
11. Batman #35-37 (Endgame Pt. 1)
12. Batman Annual #3
13. Batman #38-40 (Endgame Pt. 2)
14. Batman & Robin Eternal
15. Batman Annual #4
16. Batman Future's End
17. Batman #41-52
18. All Star Batman because why the hell not. It's the literal definition of wild ride.

Going by the list, I am now going to storytime Annual #2, following that #34, and then we detour to Batman Eternal.

Poor Alfred

You missed a page.

Thanks man. Glad I didn't progress to far into the thread.

Why anyone would even consider wanting to work in Arkham is beyond me. I know that some people might be trying to make a name of themselves but even so you'd think they know better.

Stupid sexy Batman


Spoiler at your own risk. Seriously.
Fucking epic foreshadowing right here. I first thought they were eyeballing him because he was new meat. Knowing who Boarder ends up being brings new depth to this page.




Embedding tools under your skin is a level of commitment that most heroes wouldn't consider.





Easily one of the top three scariest inmates in Arkham.












I always love that all the times Batman has to try to escape from Arkham he struggles and has problems even if he has all the gadgets he needs and yet criminals can get out of it easily














I like to think all the inmates in Arkham share all the secret passages with one another.






Looking to read comics for free on my iPhone. Can anyone link me?








ComicZeal is free (or there was a free version). If you're willing to spend a little money (which you should), get Chunky Comic Reader. It's amazing.


Temporary Ace the Bat Hound

Starting Episode 2 of Batman. About to enter interrogation room. How should I deal with Falcone?

I love it.




