Where were you when Daniel Radcliffe became your role model?
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He's a kike
I'm hoping that he unintentionally red-pilled himself when he started visiting "national socialist" forums, even if it was only Stormfront.
cant wait for the full movie to be widely available online so we can get nonstop memes from this
he needs a clever nickname
Wtf are you talking about it's a shill flick
more powerful than any harry potter spell
Daniel Blackcliff
you're a grand wizard, harry.
Isn't this movie literally just conveniently timed Hillary propaganda?
I mean they easily could've made it about something bigger like Black Lives Matter but they decided to focus on fringe bullshit that no one even knows about except for Sup Forums-fags
Hahahaha wtf nigger
This is ridiculous
They should have made a movie about BLM burning shit down rather than Le Ebil Nazis marching through town
If you read the reviews, the script seems "clunky" and "rushed". The movie hit the news only a month after Trump announced his campaign.
Ohhhhh shit
How does that work?
I don't support hillary.
>haha these crazy fucks I can't believe I have to act like this in the film
>oh man this is good shit I'm gonna improv the hell out of my scenes later
>god these people are fucking sick and dumb
>better keep reading
>actually that is kinda weird, what the fuck did they do with 6 million bodies
>what the fuck? this guy actually wrote a book about how jews were masturbated to death?
>people believe this?
He's Jewish you clowns.
>equating the tea party/libertarian snake flag with neo-nazism
I don't even need to wikipedia this movie to know what the (((producer))) is
Good movie, but didn't live up to what I thought it was going to be. There may be some funny memes from it, but that's probably it. I encourage everyone to check it out.
hmm, seems like some anti trump propaganda
Obviously not Anti-Trump because production cycle predates him.
But it is a reminder that the KKK and such were relevant in the 50's.
Guess it's a good thing it's 2016 though and racial supremacy groups are fringe dipshits no one takes seriously.
Jew jeans, it's the best thing about this trash movie.
What the fuck is wrong with stormfront? It's better than this site.
>Dont tread on me Flag, Confederates, Neo Nazi-s
>all marching together
Jesus Christ, "everything I dont like is Hitler" comes to mind.
can barely hear the damn thing lol
can someone splice youtube.com
its a bit low but still ok for me
i just started it im 7 mins in
I liked at the end where they call out people with victim complexes. Perfect summary of this board in general.
What's his name again?
>using the Gadsden flag
This triggered me
>use ad block
>he thinks that will help
wtf i hate my life now.
that nigger got btfo
.... it does
Nice try shekelberg, I'm not watching the advertised jew.
I'm with Wat. It does help.
I liked the "AM I BEING DETAINED" flag. Has there ever been a bigger cuck than a librarian?
coming right up, give me a few minutes
Obviously this did not happen.
What's wrong with librarians
Done shitty in MS paint and there as no way I was going to do 10 hours of that shit.
Daniel "Nigger animals need to be tossed off cliffs" Radcliffe
thats nice
Yeah, it's pretty shit but whatever, 5 minutes in movie maker, fuck you
better than i could muster
He was praising it. Relax.
Daniel "Shut up nigger" Radcliffe
Daniel "caging nigs like cocker spaniels" Radcliffe
Daniel "gas 'em all and light that spliff" Radcliffe
Daniel "Dark Arts" Radcliffe
Daniel "wingardium anudduhshoah" Radcliffe
Daniel "Kike seeker" Radcliffe
Daniel "The Boy who Lived to Kill Nogs and Yids" Radcliffe
Harry "too many ape skulls to carry" Potter
Harry "I solemnly swear I'm up to a final solution" Potter
Harry "killing curses for niggers who snatch purses" Potter
Harry "Malfoy" Potter
Harry "Detention time for kike slime" Potter
They're not all great but it's the best I can do on short notice.
Don cliff
Nice sleuthing, user. Their names really do echo throughout history.
Wew, this spick has some serious trouble with its second language
good start
thank you for your service
I call libertarians librarians because it triggers their autism
That's easy to say afterwards
>merely pretending to be retarded
Don't do this please.
Everyone takes it seriously and will discredit you because of it
>prentending to not be retarded
You only discredit yourself
like the echos of a million crying babies
Who else spotted that Gadsden flag?????
The movie is total anti-white propaganda. It's kike hollywood garbage.
I got it from here moviescounter.com
click the blue button
O-Oh. Well if you guys want you could check out my other most recent upload
Oh my god. I've been found out
Have you actually ever spoke to librarian? Straight autism. They argue with me for 10 minutes for referring to them as such. Just play dumb like I literally thought that was the term......wait.....are you two librarians?
Hairless Potter
Thanx bro !!!!
I know it's anti-white propaganda but I'll enjoy it anyway....
Jew tax
Jew memes
Theres an alen jones guy in the movie who said "multiculturalism is a code word for white genocide"
Also "1488 my man, how are you doing?"
*jew jeans, not memes
I've visited all of three times and they all just look like they have a defeatist attitude about everything.
>(((hollywood))) makes a propaganda movie
>depicting white pride as homeland terrorists
>end up redpilling the normies instead
>mfw the fourth reich begins
Harry Potter and The Prisoners of Auschwitz
Cult of personality like most forums. Overmoderation like most forums. There are plenty of worse communities, but it is still made up of impenetrable cliques with a bunch of social conventions as are all forums.
A lot of people won't see a problem, but I find the site very unpleasant even to read.
Seems like pretty obvious anti-White propaganda from the Hollywood Jews. Right off the bat they draw attention away from Islamic fanaticism and jihad terror so they can call Timothy McVeigh a "White Supremacist". What the fuck is that about? Reading The Turner Diaries doesn't make you a white supremacist. They're really grasping at straws trying to find a legitimate threat more dangerous than dindus and other assorted brown people exploding themselves or shooting up a public area for Allah.
Compared to Sup Forums, Stormfront is very tame. They have a lot of censorship on that forum. I think Sup Forums is a lot more extreme.
6 million bro.
That's probably why Stormfags use this board to try to influence and recruit younger people.
Guy ended up redpilling himself accidentally. Only a matter of time before he gets wasted and yells for the death of Jews and falls into obscurity like Mel Gibson.
i didnt get the ending.
what am i supposed to feel?
>wingardium anudduhshoah
>Daniel "wingardium anudduhshoah" Radcliffe
imperium is basically anti-pol/nationalism
watch the movie and youll see
i just finished it 40 seconds ago.
i feel pissed i think
It represents a shift in the anti-white attack plan that betrays a hint of fear though. This is the first time in a pretty long time that the kikes are not attacking the past sins of whites, but are instead focusing on present day white nationalism. We've had year after year of muh slavery and muh Jim Crow. The push for white guilt has been focused so much on the past that seeing them shift to address the present means 1) the other propaganda methods aren't working anymore and 2) they are very, very afraid.
Funny how they made the KKK look like classy people when IRL they are just a bunch of degenerate, tattooed rednecks.
Stormfront puts intelligent people off like poison
I stumble upon it one time and saw dumb shit like baking recipes etc
Meanwhile years later came upon Sup Forums and havent spent more than a week away from it since
How old were you when you legitimately realized that Soros is the boogieman behind more than 50% of shit.
Jews are so cocky they haven't scrubbed this yet from the wiki.
This is true. The globalists/jewish elites etc. didn't think whites would start to wake up in the numbers they have while the US is still a white-majority country.
They wanted us to fade away into minority status while the country becomes more and more brown.
what a great movie. facism's key ingredient is always VICTIMHOOD Sup Forums. You aren't victims.
He has aged horribly.
Why don't one of you tech-savvy lads set up a stream for us, and we can watch Harry hate the kikes together?
A wholesome community experience.
>Daniel "wingardium anudduhshoah" Radcliffe
Oh fucking hell.
He's such a weird little fuck. People like him (ie "men" shorter than 5'4") make be glad that even though I'm a manlet, I'm not a turbo manlet at 5'8" and I can get a nice comfy 5'10" with my boots.
Forgot pic. I mean look at that. Look how fucking small he is but his head is probably normal size
It's cringey how a lot of numales think having a beard makes them more masculine.
DAMN !!!! Just watched it............
IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD.............
a 8/10 at least
It really makes you think....
Here's a breakdown of the film by redpilled people.
Don't spend your hard earned cash on this garbage.