Should all men strive to reproduce Sup Forums?
Even the ugly ones?
Should all men strive to reproduce Sup Forums?
No. Having kids is selfish.
Look up antinatalism and educate yourself.
Evolutionarily, yes
Might makes right and those most adaptable to change will survive and reproduce
Not that it means much nowadays though
All men used to.
Most of what we did to get there was what made us men.
Now we have 30 year old nintendorks.
Your mom and her chode.
Nah, if you have shitty genes, why would you put your children through the insufferable hell of having your shitty genes?? Its immoral.
Yes. If you're white. We need as many people as we can for the demographic war.
>Sup Forums posters
yes, even if you have to rape
ugly =/ useless
I'm married and have two kids.
Ugly is just one statistic. If they are smart or good problem solvers or have some other attributes that make them positive for society, then sure. But if not, if say a genetic abnormality, deaf, blind, history of cancer, history of heart disease, dim witted, deformed, downs, retarded, then no.
>I'm married and have two kids.
idk about you betas but I'm going to reproduce
and I have good looking genes
Going to have my first kid soon. First of many more to come.
Gotta love fashy, submissive, god-fearing waifus.
>Should all men strive to reproduce Sup Forums?
Is the fertility rate below 2.1?
Then the answer is yes.
You are irresponsible and forsaking your civic duty if you won't wife-up and have several kids with her.
>literally all of your ancestors dating back to the first cell ~3 billion years ago have reproduced
>you let them down because you have an asymmetric face
well yes strength and skills matters less nowdays so beauty becomes more important
Why should everyone strive to do the same thing though? I personally at the moment atleast would not want children, and i'm scared i would fail as a parent, i would almost garaunteed fail as a parent, but i do want to keep my beliefs alive but its very selfish to push your own beliefs on your child
>tfw you can do it anyway but you are too retarded to be with a woman
what's wrong with me
I more or less stopped caring.
Don't fret though, most of the 20 somethings here will find a woman's whose biological clock is ticking and setting off alarms and they will get married fuck and have children. Been happening for millennia and no Jewish tricks are going to stop it.
I like you.