Why do you hate Gary Johnson?
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Anti-guns, in a non-meme way.
>Globalist Gary johnson
Don't hate him, but prefer trump in our urgent circumstances.
He could stand to be a little more conservative.
Controlled opposition.
Open borders cuck who is triggered about illegal immigration
Believes in the use of force to destroy freedom of association
Just another authoritarianism.
the absolute madman is using his mousepad for his glasses, but not his actual mouse! his mouse is on the table and it is triggering me in such a weird manner
Anti gun, open borders.
Literally not American, traitorous scum.
someone ask him how he was the libertarian nominee when Mcafee beat him handidly.
>Also ask why he is donating his fundraising to Clinton Foundation.
its dat boi
His vp is but how is Johnson at all?
I hear everyone say this after the Petersen gun incident which had zero to do with guns.
If he wasn't a supporter of BLM and for open borders, I'd like him.
>All these butthurt little trumpkins
open boarders anti gun cuck
Please someone explain how he's anti gun besides just meming it 24/7
>he is donating his fundraising to Clinton Foundation.
source? This intrigues me
So all American parties are run by jew puppets now?
I miss Ron Paul ;_;
Anti gun
Pro open borders
why would anyone need more than that? He's a shitty liberal phaggot masquerading as a lolbertarian.
This, and open borders.
I won't take away from his good positions or his achievements are governor, but when he talks in support of TPP and open borders, it's always more for the benefit of the non-Americans. That is a major issue, and that alone prevents me from voting for him.
Picking an antifun running mate, for one, and the whole throwing a replica pistol in the trash minutes after he was presented it thing.
I wouldn't doubt he'd opportunistically jump at antigun measures just to get his name on things. Have you heard him lately? He's acting lie a tumblrite teenager. Reminds me of Canada's pissy PM.
Christ, he's got the skull structure of a Simpson's character.
He wants literally open borders.
That's an iPad with a case on it and flipped upside down
Cuck Johnson absolutely rekt
>koch is in the tank for hillary because the wikileaks show she is defending koch brothers for making weaponized leukimia for her.
Pro MEGA immigration.
His running mate is Anti-Gun.
Isolationist. And not he good kind like Trump
hostile invading forces.
He's a straight up cuck.
Libertarians are a fucking joke, how the fuck did they get this gay sjw faggot?
>McAfee won handidly but was kicked out.
He's not a real libertarian.
he's a pussy, just like obongo
Go back to 9gag you absolute failure
The pistol has nothing to do with him being anti gun it was because of a remark Petersen made, I agree however that his choice in running mate kills it for me.
I would've much preferred Petersen even over Johnson.
open borders, censoring "illegal immigrants," and wants to restrict businesses from discriminating
>johnson took the votes from the lowest nominee and gave them to himself then he kept doing this untill he was the nominee.
>none of the other candidates will support him because of this.
He's a libertarian who just went off on an interviewer about calling illegals illegal.
he loves globalist shit like open borders and is anti gun
Faggot who has no eyebrows.
Hes okay. Not my favorite libertarian, but he's alright.
His campaign is not for the presidency but to attempt to damage Trump's support.
Which is ironic because he's pro-immigration, pro-weed, and anti-guns.
He'll take far more from $hillary.
He's basically just a spoiler candidate who doesn't actually hold any real values, just another name on the ballot for uninformed voters
Also has made statements that put him at odds with personal liberties and religious freedom
an anti gun open borders narcissist blm supporting globalist double faggot
I don't hate him, but he's a bit of a douche.
- wrecked New Mexicos finances
- looks like a lesbian
He's got my vote. I've convinced my whole family to vote for him and many of my friends. Dozens of would-be Trump votes
No you didn't
I didn't actually hate him until he sperged out over the term "illegal immigrant"
so basically what I got from this is to fight bullying from the majority is to employ government force as just a bigger bully?
Tyranny of the majority is much preferable than tyranny of the minority.
Just so that you know. Just so that you know and you don't have to use that term anymore.
Says hes libertarian and clearly isnt. If he was just honest in saying hes a liberal i wouldnt care.
First off, you are full of shit
Secondly, a vote of Johnson is a vote wasted.
That's very incendiary.
I have a friend who does this, says "both the left and the right have problems, I'm voting Johnson 2016" yet is overwhelmingly pro-liberal. Why do they mask their beliefs under a guise of pseudo-libertarianism?
>You raped a loli, Gary
>Undocumented sex by the way, the term rape is incendiary ok?
>Why is that?
>Is just is, is just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term acurate, I mean you fuck her without her consent so it was rape.
>I raped her cause I couldn't fuck her legally, the atractiveness existed, you would've done the same thing.
>But if you have sex without the girl's consent isn't that illegal, isn't that rape?
>You are describing it as something criminal.
>No I mean the question is simple, isn't it illegal to have sex without the girl's concent?
>Technically, yes.
I understand libertarians are often pro-pedophilia but this was just too far.
1. He used a forced meme as an actual campaign poster
2. He's pro open borders and pro illegal immigration
3. He got kicked out of a restaurant because no one wanted his shitty campaign there
>pro abortion
You're a fucking idiot if you're not at least semi-pro abortion.
violent crime rates dropped in the early 2000's, due to abortions being legalized in mid 1970's.
less black children in the ghettos being born into fucked up families, living desperate lives, and ending up in gangs to make money and survive.
If your anti abortion, you're probably also pro thug gangs
He supports BLM and the TPP and also believes that saying "illegal immigrant" is offensive.
He's a fagget I can't even listen to him talk more than a minute. His voice is all whiny and weak. And why doesn't he have eye brows? Does he shave them? Wtf? I swear he's part Jewish, I mean look at the schnoz. Fuck Johnson and everyone that supports him.
>Gary "It just is" Johnson
Glad this dickhead won't be wasting my time at the debates.
Gary is a globalist shill whos only purpose is to steal votes from Trump and help Hillary win.
He is a globalist, Koch brother funded shill, his VP is a gun grabber.
He isn't even libertarian.
He is a democratic open boarders shill.
>Gary is a globalist shill whos only purpose is to steal votes from Trump and help Hillary win.
The funny thing is he's only going to steal votes from Hillary.
I voted for him last time around.
Now I wish I hadn't. He's very anti-Libertarian for a Libertarian.
seriously fuck this bicycle fag in his sjw ass
He's just some faggot libshit under the guise of libertarianism. Gonna be good to see him steal Hillary voters though
Simply put?
Johnson's too small.
> guns arent about guns
>still trying this hard to meme a name for us
Yeah I did buddy. He makes more sense to reasonable people who don't want the world to burn
kek, silicon valley is great, just watched the end of the season
Apparently getting people to vote Johnson scares the shit out of you people so bad that you refuse to believe it
I like how kids on Sup Forums don't realize that open borders is a normal libertarian policy
we do lad, that's why it's a meme
Why vote for a center-left globalist who stands no chance of winning (Johnson) when you could just vote for a center-left globalist who stands a slim chance of winning ($Hillary)?
Anti-gun and pro-immigrant. Pic sums up everything about him.
>I mean look at the schnoz
Yeah, that's why lolbertarians are shit-tier cucks whom we chased off the board years ago and want kept gone
Was all the love for the Ron Pauls and others in past years on Sup Forums Just for the possibility of anarchy then? I don't understand how Sup Forums could be so pro-libertarian but then turn to a literal meme and joke in Trump
Because Hillary will win anyway so it's worth it to give libertarians momentum going into 2020
We like Ron Paul because he called out the FED and retarded interventionism. Not because we're libertarians.
No borders = no country, and people en mass have shown themselves to be too retarded to run their own lives and respect others doing the same.
>So all American parties are run by jew puppets now?
How new are you?
>why didn't Sup Forums care as much about borders before the rise of a militant group displacing millions of shitskins
truly causes one to ponder
>Gay "illegal immigrant is offensive" "open borders" Johnson
Ah so quite the opposite. You're scared of anarchy and don't trust people to make their own decisions. That's where an authoritarian like Trump comes in. I see now, Trump fulfills Sup Forums's long standing fantasy of being dominated.
A militant group that we created with our regime change foreign policy. It's our own fault