Why are Republicans such welfare leeches?
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are you saying white states are better? in CURRENT YEAR?
You know the government spends money on things other than welfare programs right?
Like military bases and offices...
tfw my charts are spreading
They are, comrade. No one will stand in the way of Socialism!
I like you Hans
Do you have the one where stormfags argue the unemployment in India is 42%?
Oh fuck I posted that thread lol. I didn't take any caps. That was hilarious tho. I should post that more often. 650 million Pajeets unemployed kek.
kill yourself
>Low lifes move to nicer states
>States that prosper with beautiful right wing policies
>Low lifes take gibs me thats from federal government
Nice argument Gunther
I live in Madison, WI which is run by a Republican yet filled with nut job liberals that hate him. But you know what? This city is growing and is in a golden age right now. You think it's because of all the liberal bitching or the hard work by our right wing governors ?
It's difficult to keep these threads bumped, as right-wing retards lose interest whenever they have to analyze charts.
Minnesota is doing so much better than WI.
Sometimes I label the filename Occupy Democrats, even though it's not. Because I know it'll trigger them.
Aren't they all on anti depressants though?
>The daily beast
Also I'm speaking of Madison in general.
reddit pls go
>no alteration of image is permitted
Denmark doesn't have to pay very much for defense since the capitalist countries do it for them.
fiscal conservatism?
god loves them so much he wants everyone else to support them?
maybe they're just stupid
Because you're a low information dumb ass.
That's eleven years out of date, Ahmed. How fucking stupid are you?
You know what triggers them most? The surpressed subconscious realization that the corporate puppets they adore don't care about them at all.
Lay off full timer. Hire three part timers.
Creating jobs!
maybe the non welfare states should secede from the personal responsibility ,fiscally conservative states
So what you're saying is america should finally take over the world, and then emulate denmark because we don't need defense anymore.
I don't think they can even see it. You do have to admire right wing propaganda though. Its effectiveness at getting people to vote against their own interest leaves me in awe.
Obama has not added any jobs whatsoever so how can anyone work.
Don't worry though. Trump is on their side.
I'm confused, I thought presidents didn't create jobs.
>200k increments.
"btfo by my charts /pol"
Do you ever learn anything?
I still haven't heard a good explanation as to why Trump is blowing up the debt and deficits to cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires. Don't they have enough money already? Do they really need more tax cuts?
I dunno aren't you the autistic Obama Canuck I just wanted you to autisticly post graphs while saying BTFO. Makes me feel better about my life.
Psssshhh, the wealth is just waiting to trickle down any time soon...
Just cut top tax rates a bit further, so capital owners can invest in more propaganda why top tax rates should be cut.
Really makes you think.
That's me you retard.
> Makes me feel better about my life.
Haven't you heard? Tax cuts magically increase revenue.
Here's something I've noticed. Tell me if you think I'm full of shit or not.
States with poor, rural, white populations are Republican and have been for decades.
Cities with poor, urban, black populations are Democrat, and have been for decades.
I think the Democrat/Republican thing is due to how present the government is in the individuals' daily lives.
If you're in a poor, rural community, you're pretty removed from government institutions, and therefore more independently minded and likely to vote Republican.
If you're in an poor urban area, being in the city brings government institutions more into your daily lives. You're more accepting of the government having greater involvement in your personal life, so you're going to vote Democrat in city elections.
As for the white/black divide, it's more to do with the historical development of those areas. Poor, rural white communities have been in those conditions in those areas for a long ass time, possibly going back to the original settlers in those areas (and they are more concentrated to the eastern side of the US). Poor, urban black communities formed when richer communities left and large, low cost housing developments replaced them, which became predominantly populated by black/latino communities.
really makes you think
I dunno how all this money got here..
>I don't know how entitlement funding flows
>implying it has nothing to do with those States having so many Blacks
no. but I do know whatever republicans do is gods will, and whatever democrats do is satans
>Poorly doctoring that graphic
Same thing really
I don't know who most of those presidents are but I'm assuming they served during a time the US was involved in or right after large scale international conflicts
Here we go again...
There are several issues with your piss-poor infographic:
Firstly, it counts farm subsidies as "welfare". The are not; the benefit the entire economy and keep food prices low not only for the United States, but the rest of the world, as the US is a net exporter of food.
It also does not account for any other subsides, which makes absolutely not sense. It terms of pure welfare, California is the top leech, boasting twelve percent of the population and one third of all welfare recipients.
Now please, Ahmed, gtfo my Sup Forums with your nonsense.
Texas reporting, go fuck yourself.
Breddy gud. I won't use that map again.
But it's probably about accurate.
...because Southern States are where niggers live? Shocking I know. Now the bigger question is: Why does someone from Germany even know the names of USA's political parties? Do you think anyone here gives a rat's ass about yours?
Or are you USA military stationed in Germany, and pretending to be stupid for replies.
>not married men went to Obama
Trump is going to have that demo locked up. Throw in childless and masturbate to anime and he's got 100% of that demo.
Niggers typically vote dem, but they mostly live in red states.
Oh its worse than that.
The reality of that graphic is that the top tax bracket applied to much fewer people than it does now.
Republiturds gonna Republiturd.
Ya, that and the rural white populations don't ask for financial help.
They are happy in their small towns, living with people they know they can trust.
Urban blacks know the government won't let them starve, so have come to expect the financial help, hence having 7 children at the same time as being jobless.
And these same urban blacks tear each other apart through gun violence and robbery.
They tear each other down for their own gains.
Urban blacks have absolutely no sympathy or love for their community or its populace, just ask them.
Rural whites, however, lift each other up and love their community.
They don't mind being poor, and would rather starve than steal (which they don't have to, because their own communities, not the government, will come together to help them).
Thus is the difference between poor blacks and poor whites.
It's a simple matter of dignity.
Let's play where are all the spics and niggers.
>2005 tax data
Most of that fed spending is on pork barrel projects which go to whichever party is in power. 2005 was when republicans were in charge of everything
saging for shit chart