MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way

"A man who puts his own interests ahead of the interests of women and children is a bad person"

>you've been raised your whole life to be a servant
>you've been conditioned shame other men who refuse to serve

Other urls found in this thread:

literally feminism to males


Nofap is better imo.

>>you've been conditioned shame other men who refuse to serve

>he's so full of trash that he isn't able to find the similarities

I'm sorry you're so full of hate that you're not able to think clearly, user

>you have been a victim of a patriarchal society that has created your internalized misogyny

different side of the same coin, faggot

just like how this board is a tumblr for the right wing

I just want a qt wife to have and raise lots of kids with desu

Why do MGTOW types hate me for that?

Feminism is about how you are a victim and how to best exploit, utilize, or control others based on that.

MGTOW is about how to be self secure, self sustaining, and how to live for yourself free of control or coercion of others.

Thats a BIG difference.

>taking capital-L Liberalism to such an extreme that even the family becomes an arbitrary assembly of individuals at odds with each other

It's a plot to make men trash marriage > then partake in promiscuous activities with low quality females > and then turn completely gay so birthrates in countries stay low so the government can import a third-word population that needs the governments support and care.

>implying I'm full of hate

MGTOW is literally running away from adulthood.

why do you need something like MGTOW to feel secure, self sustaining and else in first place?

Protip: You don't have to opt into a shitty social contract.

You're a part of society either way, whether or not you're a fan of Hobbes. And so are women.

ITT: obese man children that live in their moms basement and living off of chicken tendies and Mountain Dew.

Sure I am, and sure they are.

Doesn't mean I have to produce more than I need to survive.

You can't shame me. I'm shameless.
>smirking at you for trying

reply to this, please

Lots of "I" in your writing there user. Would your ancestors be happy that you're a little kid who only thinks of himself and the little picture?

>Lots of "I" in your writing there user.

Fine observation. And yes, I do only think of myself. Problem?

>implying I'm insecure
>implying I'm... huh?
>implying I'm ... and else? huh?

Da fuq are you even talking about?

The cards are stacked against me. If that's what "adulthood" is, then I'd rather stay a child.

>lost the Falklands

so if you're not any of that, why are you in the male version of feminism again?

you can't lose what you never had, right?

Yes, yes! Don't get married! Don't have kids! You don't need women and they don't need you white boy. Muslims and mexicans are breeding out of control? They just aren't woke yet. We're working on it.

Well it's your choice, either live an easy life in misery and loneliness, or put yourself out there and be increasingly happier as you age.

"A man who puts his own interests ahead of the interests of women and children is a bad person"

He's basically a house negro trying to shame a field negro.

go the fuck back to tumblr

this. MGTOW is LITERALLY a jewish psy op to get white men to give up on themselves and the white race. You fell for it hook line and sinker. Good goyim

doesn't mean i have to go full cuck 'for society' western capitalist hell scape society isnt worth preserving anyway. let it burn and fuck as many bitches as you can on the way. a korean will never understand the hopelessness, alienation and lack of 'tribe' that americans fear. When you reprodce with another Korean you are perpetuating a whole people. When americans reproduce they just further there own genetic line and since most families here are unsupportive assholes no one cares anymore.

I'll take easy over having some heartless cunt ruin my life. Thanks for your concern though.

I'm not in the male version of feminism. That's MRAs. MGTOW are not MRAs.

MRAs are actively trying to revert feminism. MGTOW are not. In fact, I see feminism as a good thing. Before feminism, the parasitical nature of the traditional woman was concealed from polite society. Feminism, for purhaps the first time in the history of our species, has put the true nature of women on public display, which is way currently 70% of American men under the age of 35 are not married.


>a man who is so much of a cucked pussy he runs away from his race and women because he cant handle the fact he might have to actually use his brain to find a decent mate

This literally wouldnt be a problem if men with over active werent so easily manipulated by women with sex appeal.

Has it ever occurred to you that Americans are a people too?

How did you get to have this opinion of women? And what do you think of your mother?

The main issue is that women shouldn't be allowed to have any rights in society. That's problem one.

Fix the cunt problem, then the miss will tidy itself.

Americans feel*

>which is way currently 70% of American men under the age of 35 are not married.
>close to 70% of american men are forever alone beta neckbeards who jack off to anime and live in their parents basement

the jews won and you let them

Why do you think all women are heartless cunts? What happened in your past?

We're anonymous here, so it's ok

>The main issue is that women shouldn't be allowed to have any rights in society.

Nothing, growing older wisened me up to the female parasite.

Sup Forums is a MGTOW board, newfag.

MGTOW is the most retarded jewish shit ever, you might as well kill yourself if you support this.


>Before feminism, the parasitical nature of the traditional woman was concealed from polite society. Feminism, for purhaps the first time in the history of our species, has put the true nature of women on public display
kek, this is the most fedora thing I've read on this place, but ok, follow the path of your rainbow user.

I found the MGTOW thing a while back and like the idea of abandoning modern whores who suck and fuck while they are young and beautiful then want to marry someone later. But I feel that desire to find a women to have and raise my children I just need to find a virgin to marry. I would feel sick for the rest of my life knowing I am not the only man to have sex with my wife.

Good. I'm glad your suffering.

My dad put his interests above his son... And now it makes my dick ROCK HARD, the idea of pathetic slime gutter crawlers like yourself suffering....

No pack of men will follow you, or risk their life for their peers. Your free to pick off as I please.

You're a sad little boy, and I can't wait till the next time I get to twist the dagger in one of you children.

What do you think of your mother?

Women have always been nice to me

>I just need to find a virgin to marry. I would feel sick for the rest of my life knowing I am not the only man to have sex with my wife.
Islamic countries have plenty of such woman user, convert and you'll be able to find one

There you go. People who openly state to be MGTOW are hyenas eating the weak while they can. They don't give a shit about society.

hahahahahahahhahahaha! americans are not a people even among white people let alone adding niggers and all the rest in the mix. Thats why social cohesion is at all time lows, thats why social trust is in the shitter, thats why the labor movement got so little traction here (imagine getting a french person to fight for the french people in france. common genetic line common history etc) now imagine getting joe bob english mutt to fight for hans german mutt or the north american nigger. Americans dont have a common ethnicity, values, genetics, history, culture. Everything that makes a people a people we lack. All we have is the constitution and a certain set of values that america used to stand for but americans across the board abandoned those ideas for consumerism, professional sports and having peace of mind of not having to think about their situation. If hilary gets into office americans deserve it desu.

>good goy, men should not band together and secure their own set of reproductive rights
>only women are allowed collective bargaining privileges
>men must remain politically isolated, easy to pick off, and prepared to be guilt tripped into supporting other men's offspring, cock-carosel veterans, etc.
You flat out don't know of what you speak, but you are posting from Norway.

You probably just consider your ancestors' story boring because it's your own and by extension everyone else's seems exotic

Learn to be a fucking American ffs, and a PROUD one at that

>confusing MGTOW and MRA

>"ha! if i play hard to get surely these women will notice the error of their ways! they will surely fall in love with me once they realize how much of a gentleman i am!"

only women need some kind of a fucking gay ass banner and support group to help them cope. Men who go their own way show it with action instead of these perma-betas who just talk the talk, but the second they get any female attention they cream their pants.

MGTOW is literally the losers of losers, they're like women who say "i only date men with X and Y"; by putting up arbitrary standards of what they desire of the opposite sex, they try to give off the appearance that they actually have something of value to contribute to a relationship.

MGTOW play the same fucking game as those women, they argue for a "return to tradition" when they're too young to know what that even means;completely disregarding that "tradition" actually fucked over men.

>MGTOW don't give a shit about society
Wow it's almost like they don't give a shit about society or something

One thing is putting in the effort to create prenups, or choosing not to have serious relationships, and another thing is preying on women thanks to the horrible state of affairs we are in.

There is this girl from Iraq in one of my classes (she wears hijab) and she is really cute. I just hope she won't shoot me down cause I am not a Muslim.

You're a dumb fucker, good thing you aren't reproducing, MGTOW could be useful as a eugenics program in an all-white society to weed out the retards. Too bad there aren't going to be any all-white societies because whites aren't breeding anymore. MGTOW's are probably all going to end up getting some submissive ugly asian instead.

my moms side are german immigrants post ww2 and my dads side is from south america. There are pockets of people with that common ''american'' pilgrim heritage here but its way less than you think and its literally just pockets not even close to a majority (its a minority of 60%) If you look at the american population as a whole we are know where near ''a common people''. Its a patch work of various alienated peoples. America is prison house of nations tier and as time goes on it seems the only thing people value here is money and power. The idea that liberty or freedom or justice should actually be a goal of society seems so unrealistic now. Thats what i mean when i say ''americans'' (and yes even the ones with settler heritage) abandoned their values.

>I just hope she won't shoot me down cause I am not a Muslim.
she's not a problem, but her family probably is, I'm not an expert so I don't know how is the social protocol for them in non muslims countries, but if that makes you happy, go ahead, it's always better than staying alone and resentful

It's not a big deal to say "i'm not gonna get married" and just not get married. No need to make a movement out of it.

Don t care . I m not gonna bother dealin with females, i have many friends they are slave of the vaginal jew, always being dogs towards their GF . SAD

America is a state encompassing a variety of nations. Chances are that the area you're from has its own local culture that you're just dismissing. If you wanted to help solve this national dilemma, you'd embrace it.

Ahahahah fucking leaf , you think that all the man that don t have kids and marry are neckberds , you forgot the fact that IN MGTOW are included also the CHADS who just fuck women and throw them

(((good goy, don't make anymore white babies... we'll need the room for the mexplosion)))

you're trying too hard to convince us you're a secure person user, relax

I didn't really think about meeting her father but she seems very well adjusted. She has ever form of social media even her own website... but it could just be a reaction to her coming to the US I guess.

>he will never carry his new bride up to the bed on his wedding night as she whispers "user, I'm not on birth control" into his ear and smiles

Serving women is pure late-20th-century cuckoldry. You're supposed to serve your community and country, and your woman is supposed to help you do it.

MGTOW is just one more step in the same direction that feminism already took things, from effeminate, self-absorbed pairs right down to useless self-absorbed individuals. MGTOW is the ultimate surrender, the admission that you lack the prowess to find a rare good woman and keep her in line.

Except i m not
These are facts , perhaps you are a woman

MGTOW isn't a movement. It's a lifestyle.

And my dad and uncle served in the Iraq war. Fuck Me

>wasting your life trying to find a PERFECT WOMAN
>30 yrs later she leaves you
>takes all your shit

So much for nothing

Do whatever you like. Yes your life will be easier without a wife and children but in 100 Years my Genes will still be around. And thats the only thing that matters in the end.

>I didn't really think about meeting her father but she seems very well adjusted.
why not? if you want to find a virgin and start a family you should try, if not with her with another muslim woman, think if you have something to lose and what could you win and take a decision

>your biological imperative is to pop out "humans"
and why do I give a shit? I'm going to die anyways

MGTOW is a Jewish trick to make white men turn away from procreation.

How about we make our own culture here in the west and our vaterland less slut-friendly (and by less I mean not at all) so we don't have to resort to moving out of our own land to find a woman that isn't an used up rag?

they don't care about society m8?

>Chances are that the area you're from has its own local culture that you're just dismissing

come to south florida, live here for a year or two then honestly say that to me again.

> If you wanted to help solve this national dilemma,

1. i dont. thats why im advocating MGTOW and 2. its an unsolvable dilemma without extreme action. Ether maoist style cultural revolution where we just straight up kill and silence ppl who wont go along with ''a new unified culture'' or political partition where we just split the country up into more homogeneous zones and then through deliberate interbreeding campaigns make a ''new people''.

>MGTOW is the ultimate surrender, the admission that you lack the prowess to find a rare good woman and keep her in line.

yes its called being realistic. Only so many of those ppl out there and they sure as hell arnt going out with the beta boys that are posting here.

Running away from reality never saved anyone. You're just leading yourself, and men in general, into an early grave. MGTOW is for cowards and it's nothing but escapism, pure and simple, because some men are too weak to fight against an unjust system.

>Except i m not
never heard of the saying ''Tell me what you brag and I'll tell you what you lack''?

that would be the ideal, but how possible do you think that is having in mind the state of the western societies in general?

I don't buy into the whole extinction cult thing.

I am going to ask her out. She has everything going for her in my book. She doesn't swear, she is very articulate and yet still feminine. It's an easy decision for me.

>reality never saved anyone

who gives a shit. if humanity wanted to save itself it would have done it. Maybe if this was the 1980s or someshit you might have a point but its really late in the game. Trump is literally our last shot and hes gonna be cheated out of it by homeland security. we lost.

it's both

MGTOW was originally invented to give men a break and to advance their $$$ by ignoring the pussy-magnet for a year or two.

What's going on now is apathy and (((programming))) to make a sub-90 IQ mud-race to rule over.

> ITT: Sup Forumstards trying to mask their nascent existential anxiety by shilling about how great marriage is

Yeah, no thanks. I'm gonna devote my life to philanthropy and advancing the white race by subsidising large white families.

I recommend regular hedonism personally. "MGTOW" is too associated with woman-hating virgins. I don't want to get married and have kids but I still like to get laid.

>And thats the only thing that matters in the end.
>something that doesn't matter to your corpse matters

you dont have to. depopulation will go through with or without you.

MGTOW is Jewish divide and conquer to pit men against women so they don't procreate.

All I want is a gorgeous women who cleans up after me, obeys my every order, cooks my every meal, makes a good living, is into having sex whenever I want, plays video games well, hates spending money, has no family to bother me with, leaves me alone when I want space, doesn't snore, does the dishes, vacuums, takes the garbage out, never complains and gives good massages.

Hollywood is a jewish trick, Mainstream media is a jewish trick

MGTOW is a populist movement

god damnit way do niggers have to exist

Oh god why do you guys have to make it so fucking gay??

>MGTOW is for cowards and it's nothing but escapism, pure and simple
OOO am I a coward? am I a bad boy? Do I not fit into your socially acceptable behavior? Bite me and fuck your "white race"

born too early for that. what you really want is a sex bot.