Daily reminder.
Daily reminder
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Hillary is up by 5 in Texas.
>going blue for Shitlary
top kek
inb4 "b-but m-muh polls"
She's not, this is the realistic map here.
If Democrats win that Omaha district again, watch Nebraska change the state back to winner take all lol.
Ohio here. Good one.
Still loses either way.
I've tried to explain to people that Ohioans are pretty grounded with self awareness and personal responsibility. It's a white enough state that even our nigs have some kind of societal role model and don't always chimp.
Le 80~% white state not going red for Trump.
This isn't Cool black guy vs Mormon bore, fucking shills.
There are so many fucking closet Trumpers here, it's insane. Even people who talk shit about him are voting for him secretly.
Actual daily reminder
Nevada is not going red.
NC is not either.
Or FL.
Or PA.
Or NH.
Or District 2 of Maine.
Trump will lose in a landslide. I'm not voting in this election but the left will scare-tactic the fuck out of everyone to win, and they've essentially already guaranteed the votes of all three economic classes. Only appeal Trump has at this point is with bigots, because that's all normies are getting out of him.
Actually they are
yes they are, deal with it ;^)
Still doesn't win regardless.
I hate that you are right. Hoping Assange has something big planned
I'm from Ohio but I only let 2 of my friends and close family know I like Trump.
My entire family on both sides is voting Trump, partially because of me.
You mean this hype of nothing happening?
You mean like in 08 and 12?
>le pa going red meme
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
>Hillary Clinton The Racist
Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."
Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.
Hillary promises military intervention in Iran, citing that she will "put the lid on it." What will end up happening in this scenario is more body bags from the Middle East, and another Afghanistan. Vote against this woman before she ships your kids on another middle eastern death march
No shot of PA ever going red.
PA will definitely be red this November.
that's what so great about my map
even if I'm wrong about PA (not likely), Trump still wins
Heres you a reply bud.
reminder :^)
Ah whats the matter? I thought SC and GA were supposed to be Blue? You faggots were spamming that shit map all of fucking August and now WAPO is trying to convince people that TEXAS will be blue. Bullshit.
Literally the only person I know in my immediate family voting for Trump is my grandmother. She firmly believes Hillary was the cause of the dotcom bubble in the 90s.
No shot.
Except Trump loses NC.
damn republicans actually thought mccain/palin would win
That one was worse
If it were actually Bernie vs. Bush, that would have been the result. But everything went out the right-field with Trump. Of course, Sanders never stood a chance from the beginning cause the Jews need someone who can live long enough to take the fall for potentially 8 years. And of course, she's done so much cocksucking over the years, this is how they reward her. With the shittiest job on the fucking planet.
Damn, too close for my liking.
Another $2700 to various campaigns and SuperPACs to make sure Hillary curbstomps Der Donald....
>this idiot thinks the BLUE WALL doesn't exist!!
Everyone point and laugh!!!
>Common sense
Where's your Israeli flag kike? Too embarrassed to show it?
You're wrong about NC. It has been steadily going red and it will more than likely go red this cycle too. You're more or less right about the others though.
damn, the dnc really fucked up
Literally the only person I know in my immediate family voting for Clinton is my mother, and it's because she thinks Trump is mean.
Consider your votes equalized.
You forget the millennials that are moving there in droves.
Well you got the Oreo vote...
>things niggers believe
Not soon enough. It's a slow move and republicans are much more up in arms and mobilized this cycle. I work in the Charlotte area which is a liberal paradise compared to the rest of the state and I see this.
Trump is so fucked. The only hope he has now is a major terrorist attack.
Yup. It will definitely be red this time.
>damn republicans actually thought mccain/palin would win
The fucking idiots who crawled out of the woodwork come election time thought that, and thought that boosting the ticket with their spam would push it over the top. And then they groused when he lost and blamed everybody but themselves.
Just like the Trumpfags will.
I hate sharing a political wing with stupid yahoos that wears their ignorant bigotry on their sleeves like its a badge of honor.
No, he'll be just fine. He's going to win by a surprisingly wide margin.
And soon after he's sworn in, something will happen to Hillary Clinton. Either a massive stroke or something worse. The whole country will breathe a sigh of relief knowing we all dodged a bullet by not electing her president.
That's impressive fantasy narrative you've written for yourself.
>I hate sharing a political wing with stupid yahoos that wears their ignorant bigotry on their sleeves like its a badge of honor.
Funny thing is this is exactly how I feel about fanatical liberals and most Democrats.
You are uniformed, hateful, reactionary cattle that are a tremendous detriment to the democratic process.
IS is losing men to Turkey, no shot of an attack any time soon.
Live here in Raleigh. 2.5 million people, a good 2 million of those votes will go to Hillary.
Keep living in fantasyland!
I'm going to feast on your fucking blood on election night.
Its okay you can always morally posture on social media.
Not a reply.
Also, Clinton is dying.
come on lad
>Keep living in fantasyland!
>Basically like saying "la la la I am not listening!"
No argumentative skills what so ever.
First day on Sup Forums?
>utah, oklahoma, midwest blue
>maryland, illinois, hawaii red
Let her have her fantasy for now. November is going to be very hard on her.
Nice numbers there, but I don't see how that changes the result. The state will go red because a black candidate isn't running.
My map is based on actual polls.
Uh huh. Sure they are.
daily reminder that Clinton will PA FL AND OH ?
cmon op
Just because the top of the ticket is a train wreck shouldn't keep you from voting.
I don't do that much. Schatenfreudia gets me nothing.
I can't believe you couldn't even photoshop a line properly.
This is the definition of a strawman. Are you even trying?
good thing polls never change
>This is the definition of a strawman
No it's not. You clearly don't know the meaning of that word. Thank you for trying.
FL and OH are up in the air, but it'll be a cold day in hell before PA goes red.
And they won't change in your favor.
And he can't win without PA or MI.
what did he mean by this
>And he can't win without PA or MI.
Yes he can.
Even HuffPo, a liberal rag, has admitted defeat.
Trump will win in November and PA will go red.
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."
OP puts forth that Clinton will win the election. Your chart is unfavorability numbers which have nothing to do with the raw data. This is by definition a strawman as it hold no water against OP's argument.
>You actually had to look up the meaning and you still used it wrong
i don't know what your motives are but you seem pretty stubborn about the fact your predictions and opinions are completely factual when the debates haven't even started yet
trump has been gaining big recently, it's essentially neck and neck. the first debate is going to determine a lot and quite frankly i think you're full of shit
>i don't know what your motives are
Hillary is dying and they all know it. She is physically unfit to be president, which is the most stressful and taxing job in the world.
So all they have left is shit posting and spam. They're all really afraid at this point. Even the worst liberal rags are admitting that Trump is going to win. It's Brexit all over again.
we'll just see about that buddy :^)
>shows up at USF today
>walked over cause I was bored
>hardly anybody there
made me kek pretty hard
I any republican can reach out to PA or MI it is probably Trump. He is the only republican candidate who has pushed for more middle class recovery. Most mention it but never promise anything for it.. Not saying it's guaranteed but for liberals to assume its got a guarantee in those states is just dumb.
lad his map is based off of polls on who people will vote for
your response was favourability polls for Hillary
>based on polls
Based on fantasy, limey cunt.
regardless you still used a straw man
>haha I have polls saying x
>haha my polls about a different thing say something different
if you wanted to respond you should have asked him for his polls, and either shown bias or shown trends supporting Trump (both are fairly easy to do)
You're just shit at arguing.
>I like Trump.
Eat a lot of paint chips as a child?
Florida will not be blue 100%
Nice fake flags, Putin.
Glad I didn't go desu
Hillary is literally going to win because she's a women.
that's it.
she'll get a very large percentage of the vote from women who just want her because of muh first women president.
Its the same reason why Obama won except because of black people.
not saying all blacks voted obama or that all women will vote hillary but a larger portion will.
>that's it.
And for the fact that the Republicans nominated a wrecking ball to their own coalition.
But sure, just focus on the identity politics like the left wants from everybody.