WOW signal recieved one again, Russia hides it for a year

netgeo article (because fuck you if you start a thread linking directly to the mediajew)

Russians detected a 2.7 cm wavelength signal (11GHz) from a system 97 light years away.

We don't even have the technology to produce such stupidly powerful signals. Russia thought it was interesting enough to keep it a secret for an entire year, afterwards they asked SETI for help.

Googling the event shows up nothing but shilling on how "unimportant and fake" this is.

Other urls found in this thread:

If I ever encounter an ayy lmao I would beat the shit out of him

Wow, this is really breaking news.


What are you hiding Ivan?

>people on the internet say something you disagree with
>must be payed shilling
Can we stop this pls.

I'd put him in my closet like ET and cum on him sometimes

>internet mainstream media
>not created exclusively to shill

I'd steal his spaceship.

I would show all my friends my little cum buddy crying. He'd be speaking gobbily gook and we would piss and shit on it too.

Why can't I have an ET?

because this can't be produced by stars or black holes or pulsars or other celestial bodies which we have very little understanding of

no it has to be ayylmaos

>edit: "terrestrial origin"

a signal at that wavelength absolutely can be produced by celestial bodies, where did you get that nonsense from?

it may be

but this particular signal shares traits with the old WOW! signal, which stood out because it behaved completely different to other signals we've recieved

sorry, misread, you're being sarcastic, didn't even bother to read the second half of your post the first time through lol


I must be stupid and I see conspiracies in everything.

I'd bend xher's aylium alienpussy over and fuck mixed species babies into it so that I could get a green card and get away from this shitty planet

here's the thing though... for a civilization to create a signal of a magnitude that could be received 97 light years away, they'd have to harness an ENORMOUS amount of energy, like the full output of their host star or something stupid, if they were broadcasting that in all directions simultaneously, or if they pointed the signal RIGHT at us (a crazy, crazy coincidence), they'd still have to use more energy that our entire planet has produced in the last 100 years or something along those lines. It would have to be an incredibly advanced civilization, and at that point I dunno if they'd be spending mass amounts of energy beaming 11 GHz signals into random directions

i seriously doubt such a signal would be aimed at civilizations like ours

we just happened to find it

or it WAS a star.

this is just like when people thought the "bloop" HAD to be some giant underwater monster when it was actually tectonic plates shifting

well yeah, that's what I'm saying. it's probably not some alien civilization. probably just a wobbly pulsar that happens to beam on us every now and then.

just listened to an interesting coast to coast on this last night

You can't be this stupid. Even a simple radio wave from Earth could reach a planet 98 million light years away (in 98 million years). This "civilization" has most certainly died out by now if that's even what this is. My point is radio waves don't dissipate over any distance in space. You don't need enormous energy to get your signal that far

This is probably fake and unimportant.

The faggots running these facilities regularly interpret normal terrestrial signals as having come from space. Hams regularly communicate at such high wavelengths by reflecting their signals off planes, meteors, or even raindrops.

Fucking scientists are playing with gadgets they barely understand and calling the bloops and bleeps "magic."

Sage and hide.

Waves spread out over distance. Even a laser beam diverges.

If you throw a rock in a lake, it makes a big ripple nearby but the ripple gets very tiny far away.

There isn't enough energy in the entire planet to create such a signal.

For 11 gigahertz, you sure fucking do need a lot of energy

They're assuming it came from 98 light years away.

If it came from much closer the transmitter could be very small.

I thought russians were subhumans?
How is it that they have this technology?


It's not true.

you are really rather incorrect.

If the signal OP was talking about is from ayys, they probably haven't died out. It would be just under 100 years old, which isn't that long.

>2.7 cm at 11GHz
Sounds like the lunchroom microwave probably malfunctioned.

its probably just swamp gas

We are already scanning for Goldilocks planets, whose to say the did not send signals to likely targets not just random ones?

Im pretty sure your supreme court legalized that. If not, just claim its your dog.

read this:

"Now note that we can work backwards from the strength of the received signal to calculate how powerful an alien transmitter anywhere near HD 164595 would have to be. There are two interesting cases:

(1) They decide to broadcast in all directions. Then the required power is 1020 watts, or 100 billion billion watts. That’s hundreds of times more energy than all the sunlight falling on Earth, and would obviously require power sources far beyond any we have.

(2) They aim their transmission at us. This will reduce the power requirement, but even if they are using an antenna the size of the 1000-foot Arecibo instrument, they would still need to wield more than a trillion watts, which is comparable to the total energy consumption of all humankind.

Both scenarios require an effort far, far beyond what we ourselves could do, and it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to target our solar system with a strong signal. This star system is so far away they won’t have yet picked up any TV or radar that would tell them that we’re here."

even if it was targeted, it would still have required more than a trillion watts of energy to emit.

They are checking on their children's progress.

The jews

Its funny how pessimistic Sup Forumslacks are. I'm all for preserving the white race but I'd be escstatic to hear of some signal from an Alien race.
Chances are it really is a signal from Earth military as they originally said it was but its really only a matter of time before we either find Earth 2.0 or some kind of ET intelligence.
There are literally billions upon billions of stars out there with at least one planet orbiting them each of them. Not that my opinion means anything but within the next 50 uears theres a decent chance we'll find another 90%+ habitable for Humans as well as a signal that originated from some intelligence.
Communication with said intelligence is another thing altogether

So they fired a warning shot with their deathstar then. Cool

97 lightyears ain't shit, that's practically in our neighborhood. For a signal to travel 97 lightyears, you'd need the same energy we were using to broadcast radio in the 1930's. And it takes 97 years for a radio signal to travel 97 lightyears, so the signal is less than a century old.

We've sent signals to nearby stars for decades, and now that we're discovering planets that are potentially Earth-like and could harbor life, we're specifically targeting them with our signals. Who's to say that aliens aren't doing the same thing in hopes of finding other intelligent life?

How cool would it be to find aliens on roughly the same technological level as us, both of us making contact with other life for the first time? We could total bros and explore the galaxy together.

Of course, we have to assume that any aliens we encounter are potentially hostile until proven otherwise, and take measures accordingly. We don't need to find ET and assume he's cool, only to discover that he's a total dick and wants to conquer Earth.

Uh, radio waves DO spread out and dissipate with distance, that's why you need more power to transmit further. And a weak signal, even if it reached its destination, would be lost in all the static and interference that stars, planets, black holes, pulsars, etc. produce.

And, again, this signal came from 97 lightyears away, which means it took less than a century for the signal to get from there to here. I don't know why people think it took millions of years for something to travel what is basically down the street from us in terms of interstellar distance.

Just for reference, the galaxy is about 100,000 lightyears across and the star nearest us is about 4.5 lightyears away. If sent a spaceship to our closest neighbor at 10% the speed of light (which is doable with modern technology, using something like NERVA and/or Project Orion), it would take about 50 years to get there.

or trust your intimate and extensive knowledge of optical physics over the SETI astronomers, your perogative

>we can work backwards from the strength of the received signal to calculate how powerful an alien transmitter anywhere near HD 164595 would have to be

But if the signal is just a reflection of a much closer transmission it doesn't have to be nearly this powerful.

>A random dipshit on the internet thinks he knows more than actual scientists do about how their equipment works and what their jobs are
>He read a National Geographic article once and spent the night at a Holiday Inn, which makes him more qualified to make pronouncements about science than people whose damn jobs are that exact science

You gonna tell Stephen Hawking he's a dumbass and can't do math right?

11 ghz is a radio band, not the power used to transmit the signal.

But yes, it's highly unlikely this is an alien civilization trying to contact us. Which is exactly what all the scientists are saying; it's the media spazzing out over how it could be aliens.

>"(Update, 5:50 p.m. ET: In a translation of a statement posted online on August 30, the Russian Academy of Science notes that, based on their analysis, the signal is most likely of terrestrial origin.)"

Fucking Mexican intellectuals I swear

Neither of those posts contradicts the other, dumbass.

Whats going on in this thread?

It's the fact that It supposedly reached us at that wavelength what makes it stand out.

just like I fucking said

Putin got a message from M Night Shyamalan that confirms both that Die Hard sees dead people and that Hillary was the Neon Demon all along

Thats fucking close. Quick, nuke them before we get probed

This guy knows his shit guys you should listen to him.

get a load of this shill

We are in no condition to meet aliens.

They would kill us because they'd probably have the ability to do 3d printing on an atomical scale and do whatever they want, but they'd be laughing at us for thinking all races are equal.

Daily reminder that Earth is the Detroit of the galaxy

ok? what was in the signal? any repeating patterns or basically just random space noise shit?

Greys aren't extra-terrestrial beings. They are supernatural. They are the fuckers who lift your dog by the hind legs while you're out in the woods picking shrooms and then fucks it in the ass yo. Then they proceed to follow you home and cause trouble. If you try to bribe them with porridge they spill it out on the porch and break the plate.

fuck yes

>what was in the signal?

It's a bounced back signal from Earth, (according to the Russians themselves, not COINTELPRO damage control)

I think using the word "signal", though not incorrect, throws a lot of people off. Basically they picked up a powerful enough burst of energy that could either be

A) Random space happenings (black holes etc)
B) Something of Earth Origin
C) Ayylmao's

It's something worth investigating because "just in case" and that's where we are now.

There is just too much space and time to discover an alien species that uses technology of any kind, it is the very definition of mathematically impossible. If we did stumble across a technology-using alien species that is near enough to us to exist in the same time frame, it would be pretty much proof of a creator God.

ayy lmao

this is wrong. iirc arecibo scale tech is sufficient for intra galaxy comm ly

>I think using the word "signal", though not incorrect, throws a lot of people off.

I didn't really think about it too much before posting, but it would be incorrect if it didn't contain a message or have a purpose.

My leaning was towards A which is why I asked.


> America, plz help.

Fucking Russians...

>being this retarded

It'd be interesting if it was intentionaly aimed at our direction but wasn't aimed at us.

I'm not holding my breath over this though. Contrary to OP, the media loves to jump on these stories. Remember the Dyson Sphere?

All I remember is that we never did find out what that was

A-user, the Dyson Sphere story has done nothing but intensify.

The model they came up with to explain that it wasn't a Dysonesque structure doesn't match the readings they've been getting since then at all.

I think people forget that just because there may be aliens 1000's of years more advanced, that doesn't necessarily mean they're using technology that isn't "compatible" with ours. The wheel was invented approx 5500 years ago (maybe more), and that hasn't really changed much, it's still the best way to get around on land. I'm not saying with 100% certainty they're still using radio waves etc, but I think it would be silly to discount it also. For all we know, radio waves are advanced as fuck and humans happened to discover it earlier than most. You never know.

>The jews
Whites actually. Every blue eyed human can be traced back to one person, an anomaly.

Ayy lmaos shitposting using Aussie proxies

>intelligent life
>only 97 light years away

The odds of it being so close would lead one to believe that it would have to be just about everywhere. Seems unlikely.

Fuck off, space niggers, we're full. You can crash on the moon if you want though.

11giggaa waatts

>calculating odds in an infinite expanding universe
>Who is Drake?

But just because we haven't ruled out that it is a dyson sphere doesn't mean that this in any way implies it is one.

On top of that it's, iirc, 1500 light years away. That means that even if we had proof that it was a dyson sphere we wouldn't even know if they were still around.

And to make things even worse, we would never make contact in our lifetime.

I've never bought that theory, and can't logically acknowledge the Fermi paradox at all.

There's no reason to assume that hypothetical intelligent ayys would use any form of communication or signal projection that's detectable by our present instruments.

Radio signals were only developed as a practical means of communication here because of our atmospheric composition and how humans interact with audio and how we interpret its visual representation.

If an ayy species is different enough biologically from us, or technologically disparate enough from us (the relative age of the galaxy and the universe suggests both scenarios would be the hypothetical norm rather than the exception,) the application of human means of communication to theirs is like comparing MSNBC adjustments of CNN presidential polls as representative of reality.

>Who is Drake
A guy who came up with a famous and stupid fallacy.

Finding intelligent life this close by, that is communicating with us is quite something. It would be like putting 2 Hellen Kellers in opposite ends of the state of Kansas, leaving them to their own devices completely unassisted, then finding them signing to one another a few yards apart without ever actually coming into contact.
Its unlikely.

The Fermi paradox is a bit weak imo

I always found Fermi Paradox kinda meme. It's like a bunch of jungle tribe people asking "where all da white women at?"

Fermi paradox assumes that the aliens want to come here.

> My point is radio waves don't dissipate over any distance in space.

Inverse square law and signal to noise ratio will wipe out signals.

The fucking ignorance in this thread is astonishing.

11GHz is not a big deal. Hams like me transmit all kinds of shit on microwaves. So do you - most wireless technologies use SHF between 3 and 30 GHz. The big deal is the strength of the signal. A 1000 watt transmitter trumps QRP low wattage rigs completely. This is the basic idea behind "jamming". Its been going on in LA for decades, trolls take their car rigs up to the W2NUT transmitter and jam 147.435 because their signal is far stronger.

The signal strength is no doubt due to gravitational lensing. This is why anyone who isnt a fucking moron writes off these mysterious SHF signals. An 11GHz signal dissipates over time and things like metal or even water molecules can weaken the signal.

>There's no reason to assume that hypothetical intelligent ayys would use any form of communication or signal projection that's detectable by our present instruments.
But surely there is, life as we know it has largely evolved to have a few fairly common senses.

You're 100% right. I'm not Hugh Munn employed by the AyyIDF, I'm just letting user know that we still know laughably little about the probably natural workings of the universe and that science needs to be held accountable lest the MsM corrupts it to the extent that they have politics.

>We're not quite sure what's going on, a solar body displaying this activity is unprecedented


>W-we haven't ruled that out but...


>W-well actually, we've just been running the standard observation procedures and recording whatever we can, the data doesn't resemble any phenomenon we've found so fa..


you're fucking stupid, the waves don't dissipate in space

Implying empty space has the same effect on waves as water.

Murrican education at its best.

>Be Grok'terak'fhtagn
>Be sulfur based lifeform
>High pressure atmosphere
>Audio signals can't travel efficiently
>Evolve vibration/sonar sense for stimuli
>Carbon-niggers send radio signals
>Mistake it for edgy boy-band music
>Continue transmitting photon signals

All EM radiation dissipates by the inverse square of the distance.

That's why fire gets hotter the closer you are to it.

Life as we know it has not largely sulfur based, why would I assume the Grok'terak'fhtagn are?

I fucking love this board.

Signal strength does weaken over distance. Why dont you tune into a radio station, get on the highway, and drive for awhile. Youll notice that eventually, that station will fade away to static or be interfered with by a competing signal.

11GHz is a much higher frequency than FM Radio and is only useful for directional beam/point to point transmissions. It is easily reflected, hence why SHF was used in RADAR. Any obstructions at all, including magnetic or gravitational forces would weaken the signal if not block it.

only if you put peanut butter on your dick for him to lick off

Radio waves ARE photon signals senpai

We know jack shit about the universe, it's great. All we know for certain is that we're out in the boonies of our galaxy so our species may never make contact with intelligent life, if it's out there.

>we're out in the boonies
makes me think tbqh

maybe there are huge clusters of different ayys all living a planet over from eachother and we're an outlier

The signal was discarded once because it's from earth, and it will be discarded again.

Because our understanding of life is based 99% on our understanding of Earth life you Abo Emufucker.

We have literally never had the opportunity to study a complex lifeform outside of a terrestrial biome

>inb4 muh Pine Gap
>inb4 muh men in #BLACK'D

Russia is such an asshat of a country. There is no benefit in hiding contact signals from the rest of the world governments. It weakens our defenses and or tampers with our welcome response preparations.

Either option harms humanity as a whole.

Looks like someone didn't learn from: