Is this what passes for journalism in America?
Is this what passes for journalism in America?
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hillary is too friendly with putin zomgggg
Thats the only way Queen Hillary will allow the press to ask her questions now.
She's now communicating via handwritten messages due to her illness?
hillary literally kills anyone who talks to her without a script
WTF I hate Putin now
At least we have journalism
You fuckers still use Abo stick signals and nothing worth reporting.
wtf i love oranges now
Is this some sort of Magic 8 Ball shit?
Her white blood cell count is too low for her to be touched by people. Even having them breathe on her is bad enough.
I doubt she can muster the strength to roll that fruit back to the reporters.
should have rolled her a cucumber, that bitch's a vegetable
Why the fuck did they ask it on an orange?
But I though Putin was an evil dictator that hacked her emails
Russian plant to overthrow free elections confirmed
It's a press bus tradition, by the way.
How old are these people?
Do we have literal middle schoolers running our press now?
commonly available fruit with a large surface area
They rolled her a question on an orange? This is like some high school theatre "omg so random xD" shit. Fuck i hate these people. Someone please kill them all
hmmm, i better roll an orange with this question on it
thank you for correcting the record
I'm disappointed that didn't become a shock image.
That's not shilling for someone. It's having watched TV before.
Orange you glad she's answering the tough questions?
Find out at 11 who she's taking to Homecoming.
>hmmm, i better roll an orange with this question on it
Is anyone else losing their sides about rolling an orange with a question on it?
Gonna need a source for """research""" purposes
couldnt have passed a note or an envelope, nope a fuckin orange
user is right.
This reminds me of The Original Snub...
Whoa. Dems fightin words.
>lol so randumb! XD
I hate the leftist media
Is a fruit a press conference?
yes my friend
fucking rare
im special
Me too, this seems like a worthy dissertation topic
Hey while you where all paying attention to what an Orange?
um, sauce?
so now hillary is using driverless cars to assassinate people.
no Patrick fruit is not a press conference
>tfw trying nofa por a week for that sperm+testosterone boost
>just started last night
>this image
I've got 6 days to go and I'm being tortured with this seminal stimulator
goodnight Sup Forums
Yes. We do. Journalism recently beat out "lumberjack" as the worst job in America. There have been no raises (even for cost of living increases) in more than a decade, and every job is up for elimination.
Who sticks around at jobs like those? The young, those without responsibilities and those who come from families who are paying their way.
Most of Gawker's editors were about two years out of college. For some reason the public still grasps on to the idea that this job is "respectable" just by its title but it can't even support a man, much less a family.
she will be fine
>their plane will definently land 100% safe garunteed.
This pathetic act of sophomoric nonsense is better/superior journalism than anything that has appeared on American television or print since the DNC ended.
Two can play this game
Well it's true.
Fuck posted the one that makes sense
who's sig is that?
yes Patrick?
I thought for sure a dong was going to pop out
Small talk on a plane is not a press conference either.
Pete rose
Ah yes, the Jessica Rabbit technique. Never gets old.
underrated post
she's actually good friends with trump though.
wrong. this is a lie.
Fuck that is such a weak question. Regardless of how it was asked.
Waiting for the penis
she belongs on a cross that's for sure
Fug I was just about to post this.
Funny Videos * Best Funny Fail
video of guy dying in horrible head on collision.
fucking love the internet.
Worse, its a tradition.
do grenades roll
That is alright Hillary will be flushed soon enough.
Saw that like 12 hours ago. Keep up the pace Aussie
plane's going down by the way, crash into a barn filled with pigs but the pigs will be ok in the end.
Washington press corps. needs a purging.
>Press rolled orange to HRC asking if she'd rather dine w Trump or Putin.
The good news is, it's so blatant of late that people are noticing.
This is Jeb tier
>Americans call lemons oranges
sometimes oranges are yellow. i dont know why. maybe they just picked them too early.
and lemons are way smaller too
same, this is why we can't have nice things anymore
Why are oranges coloured yellow in America?
Every day it's a fucking new thing with you guys.
I think I'd take the dinner with Trump honestly. Could pitch a business idea, and the food would probably be better than with Putin.
That's what he should be auctioning off, not a meal with his daughter/wife.
fuck you we get our oranges from you, learn to grow some oranges you faggot fucking leaf
We have Somalians piss on all our exports. Enjoy :)
Nope, the oranges come from california, everyone knows that. And I hope Trump wins so you have to pay a fair price for oranges you hoser.
assume it originated with an actual president who wouldn't answer a question (not obongo, rolling something at a nigger is racist...probably regan)
She's calling her plane "hill force one" and the jews are following suit in media.
tldr; it's a dumb tradition for a real president I assume the 25 yr old girls are trying to emulate.
Now we know who the Putin plant is!
Envelopes don't roll. Can't throw them either. Pretty much the worst way to convey messages.
>not a nice thing
What are you, gay?
who's nick merril?
Yes we all know you have (((journalism))).
No ones believes this isn't staged in a worthless attempt to make this worthless cunt look human.
The oranges are actually artificially colored with a carcinogenic dye called Citrus Red 2.
mfw I see people shaving off the peel of an orange for "zest"
Well, whatever, I don't eat fruit anyway. Never lasts long enough. I stockpile food. I'm going on a month without going to the grocery store and I will probably hold out for another month. Although, I'm sort of getting bored of eating the same thing every day. But I don't know what else I could make.
I've got a lot of frozen hamburger meat and dry pasta, and that's pretty much what I have every day. I dump it all in a pot and let it stew for an hour because it's easy to make. I also dump frozen vegetables in there.
My first thought if some autist rolled a lemon would be grenade.
>be american
>unironically think people will roll grenades at him
Is this a paranoid user joke or an american militarization joke?
This actually happens in the U.S.
Fucking hate it when it happens, get dirt and shit all over the place.